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Funniest/Worst Pranks To Pull on Hunting Buddies

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    Funniest/Worst Pranks To Pull on Hunting Buddies

    terry told me there used to be a thread on this topic. since the old threads are gone lets do it again.

    hunting buddy A is deathly afraid of snakes and everyone on our lease knew this. a few years ago on a new lease hunting buddy b left a rubber snake in the wooden box blind knowing that hunting buddy A was planning on hunting it in the afternoon.
    it was the beginning of gun season. not 10 minutes after getting situated in my stand i get a phone call from hunting buddy A. so i jump in the jeep and head over his direction. terrified, hunting buddy A tells me, "the biggest #$%^&* snake he's ever seen is sitting in the stand. as soon as i opened it up he struck at the wood." so i pull out my 30.30 ready to put a 180 gr. bullet through its head. i slowly open the blind with my gun barrell, staire at the snack and start laughing my head off.
    i realized that what hunting buddy B did. he put loose rocks on the window sill so that when the door as opened the rocks would drop.
    hunting buddy A tells me to shoot a hole in his blind. i didn't.... heh, heh, heh..

    I have never pulled a prank on some one at a hunting lease. And no one has ever pulled one on me. I think they were afraid I would kill them.

    But here's a real one for you. I was sitting on a rock, over looking the Brazos river on my Grandfathers old land. It was so dark you could not see your hand in front of you.This was early Oct. Not cold at all. As the sun came up, my eyes tried to shut. I sit there for a moment with my eyes closed. All the sudden I realized that some thing was on my foot. I looked down and there was a big rattle snake crawling across my boots. I'm sure my heart rate climbed a little ,But I have never been scared of snakes so I did nothing. He was heading back to his deen for the day. It was just below where I was sitting. I let him crawl off with out makeing a move...

    I am glad he didn't try to crawl up my legs. There might have been a different out come to this story....


      We had a guy come on a hunting trip with us that did not get to hunt a great deal but was known for pulling pranks on people all the time and we decided to get ack at him. For three weeks before the hunt we kept telling him about this nice 8pt managemtn deer that frequented the blind he was going to be in and got him all excited. The night before the hunt we took a glendale buck and put it in the brush about 130 yards from his blind (gun Hunter). We had the head sticking up above the brush and cleverly placed it so tha there was a clear shot at the vitals.

      Just as the sun was starting to make the sky turn pink enough to see the next morning we here three different shots ring out from his bline and had a hard time not falling out of our blinds knowing what had just happened.

      He got back to the camp before we did and when we all got back he told us of this big buck he killed and had hanging in the cooler. We3 were all shocked until we got to the cooler and found a glendale in it, then the cussing started. He was not too happy with us, but he had nailed that buck in the vitals three times.


        Birddog you should have killed the rattle snake and placed him in the brush next to the gate after you tied him off with about 5' of slack to the bottom of the gate using fishing line. Then video your hunting buddy opening the gate. If gate jumping was in the Olympics you'd have the video proof of a gold medal winner..


          Here's 3. One I read about, one I heard about and one I had a part in. The first was in the Texas hunting guide a few years back. Seems this guy liked to get to his blind way before light then nap until sunrise. Some of his buddies covered the windows of his blind with black plastic the night before and he slept until 11:00 am opening morning.

          The second I heard about. Seems there was a practical joker on a lease. Opening morning just as it was getting light an alarm clock went off under his chair. 15 minutes later one went off on top of his stand. 15 minutes later on went off in the tree next to his stand. All his hunting buddies had spent all year collecting alarm clocks and one went off around his stand every 15 minutes all morning.

          This one I was a part of. Several years ago I was on a lease west of Burnet. My dad and one of the other hunters were neighbors and socialized in the off season. One year Lee killed a very nice buck (my dad still says it was all luck) and spent the rest of the year giving dad heck about it. The next opening weekend one of the other hunters came up with a very large mounted deer head. Just beore dark on the Friday evening before opening day Dad, Freddy and I nailed the mounted deer head to a tree about a hundred yards from Lees stand. I looked like this buck was standing behind the trees with just its neck and head exposed. The next day Lee saw the buck an tried a neck shot but the buck just stood there. It stood there while Lee fired every bullet he had with him. Something like 12 of 14 shots. But here's the best part. The barrage of shots didn't happen until opening afternoon when we went back out for the evening hunt. That morning, before it got light enough to see the mounted deer head 100 yards away, an 8 point walked under the tree Lee was in. He shot it, climbed down, gutted it and walked back to camp without ever seeing the mounted head. I guess this was a double joke.
          Last edited by Keith; 10-21-2006, 03:01 PM.


            FFH, We did the same using a turkey decoy to a Harris Co deputy. Riding back to camp when we crossed a sendero you could see the decoy placed out about 130 yards. His name was/is Dale Alvarez and he was the only one in the jeep who didn't know it was a decoy. Dale bailed off the jeep loading his AR15, after firing three rounds and all of us falling off the jeep laughing he knew something was up. He was a good sport about it and got a good laugh out of it as well. But the last laugh was on us, off hand with open sights Dale had three rounds center mass that you could cover with a quarter.


              I know a guy that own's an oil company and has a huge lease in S TX. He had a buddy down to hunt that played a prank on him before, so he was waiting on the opportunity to pay him back. One morning he took his "bud" to his blind before daylight, dropped him off, and about 7:30 the "victim" noticed a helicopter approaching from the south. The heli kept coming towards him until it was directly above him. Suddenly the heli attached a wire loop to a hook welded to the frame of the blind and lifted him and the blind off the ground. He rode in the stand all the way back to camp at 100+ft until the heli put him down in the courtyard! When he landed, everyone was there laughing histerically and welcoming him to camp!



                That's the best one yet!


                  I had an old Halloween front door decoration - a witch head that lets out a blood-curdling scream whenever it is bumped or moved. We had a guy on the lease that was especially jumpy so he was the victim. On one side of the narrow trail that led to his stand we hung the witch, and then rigged a trip-wire across the trail with fishing line. He did not think it was funny, mostly due to the fact that when she let out her scream, he bolted into the woods in the dark, stepped in a hole and turned his ankle pretty bad. We all got a good laugh out of it, but we probably should have thought about the potential for injury - could have been worse - glad he didn't drop his gun and shoot himself!


                    I have a buddy that had a full body mount auodad that was in bad shape. He wanted to get rid of it so I came up with the idea to set it on a hill side on his place. He works on a hunting ranch so needless to say several people fell victim to the $200 29" aoudad. The best one was a guy who wanted his girlfriend to shoot it and when she did and it didn't fall over he jerked the gun from her hand, shot and got the same result. Her shot was perfectly placed, his was in the guts. Lots of fun with that aoudad!!


                      Years ago we used to bowhunt or rifle hunt out of really nice wooden box blinds and we kept them locked for a couple of reasons. One to keep critters out and to keep the landowner a little more honest. The stands had a short ladder and a trap door in the floor so they were pretty easy to enter.

                      Well me and my dad hunted the furthest away from camp so we alwasy left before everyone else. On the way to our stand one morning we stopped at my Godfathers stand ans swapped locks. HE was furious and actually so furious that he could not get it open that he rammed the door until he broke the hinge off!

                      Of course we laughed histerically and he eventually got over it.


                        Those who go to the Texas Shootout know John Michael. The guys that run the hunt have played every trick in the book on him, from takeing his keys, hunting boots, to hideing his 4 wheeler in the corn trailor for three days.There are these two guys that go every year and John blames all these pranks on them. Now these are really nice guys that would never mess with someone on a hunt. After being blamed for everything that ever happened to John these two nice guys decided if they were going to be blamed anyway they might as well get involved, so about 2 in the morning on Sat. night these really nice guys sneak into the staffs area and find Johns truck which he had locked and chained his 4 wheeler to.[he doesn't trust anyone] They took 2 rolls of shrink wrap and spent the next hour and a half wrapping his truck to his 4 wheeler. There was not a place you could see paint on the truck or the 4 wheeler.
                        Wish I could of seen Johns face the next morning when he found it but I over slept, hunting really wears you out.
                        A bunch of the staff took pictures of it and I bet someone could post it.


                          Several years ago, while hunting on our lease in Montell, Tx, a good friend of mine that has hunted with me for years, did not like the fact that illegals would come through our property. He had never seen them, but the land owner would tell us about them coming through & camping out. He didn't like the idea of them being around at all. So one day several of us arrived the day before he was coming up and went to his stand and put old blankets(that we actually found from the illegals), open cans of food, & trash that we had found from one of there camping sites, into his stand. When he got there he went to that stand for the evening hunt. 20 min later, we heard his 4-wheeler crank up and head to his other stand. When we arrived back at camp, we asked him what happened, and he said someone was living in his stand and he got freaked out and went to go hunt his other stand. Needless to say, everytime we went out there, we put stuff in his stand until he put a padlock on it and shut down our fun.

                          This one, unfortunately, I was on the other end of it. Some 10 years ago, I was dove hunting with some friends & family in Coleman county. We were up late drinking a few hundered beers & several bottles of whiskey & playing the guitar & singing & carring on. They had an old couch in camp(outside) that we were sitting on & apperently I passed out on. The next morning I woke up on the couch in a cow pasture & it took me a while to fiqure out where I was & what I was doing there. Not only did they pick up the couch I was on & move it, but they did not even wake me up to hunt(not that I should have been allowed to have a gun).
                          Last edited by Leoncountyhunter; 10-21-2006, 01:20 PM.


                            Similar to Leoncountyhunter. We had a guy that was on a lease in Uvalde that was terrified by the idea of illegals coming through the ranch. We put some wire in the deadbolt and left it unlocked to look like they had picked the lock. Then put some old worn out shoes and socks under his bed. We also put lots of lint in his sleeping bag with open cans of beans with a plastic fork in it right by his bed. He was so scared he was trying to talk the others into getting a hotel instead of staying on the lease.

                            He still doesn't know a thing and is still terrified by the illegals.


                              some one pick me up off the floor im dying. keep em coming folks, these are great!

