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NASA Discovers Bigger, Older Cousin to Earth

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    Better hope they find a new earth and a way to get to it. As fast as we are over filling land fills, polluting our fresh and salt water and growing in population we are going to destroy this earth in short order.


      Originally posted by Landrover View Post
      LOL.......we are LIVING in the most technically significant period in recorded history. People live longer in every generation, 90%+ of the world has electricity, communication is nearly instant globally, many of our parents or grandparents can remember when someone got a car or most families have multiples of both. Heck, having a radio to listen a ballgame (Braves in Atlanta or Astros in Texas) was HUGE for my grandparents on a plantation in south Louisiana! I don't want to hypothesize what is 'OUT THERE' but lets not fool ourselves and sincerely believe their is absolutely nothing!
      Anyone who says with certainty that we are the only intelligent life in the universe is most likely not intelligent enough to try and have a conversation with
      That is unless that conversation involves some made for tv reality show


        Originally posted by DRT View Post
        Better hope they find a new earth and a way to get to it. As fast as we are over filling land fills, polluting our fresh and salt water and growing in population we are going to destroy this earth in short order.
        I hear this line of thought often DRT. "Short order" has been said for two generations or more at this point. I think the planet is much more resilient than folks give her credit for. Honestly, as technology catches up to a "need" someone will come up with the solution........humans always do and always have! If there is money in that solution an entrepreneur will solve the concern in short order. Can u imagine improving life and making money doing it.............ahh the American Way alive and well in the 21st Century.


          Originally posted by DRT View Post
          Better hope they find a new earth and a way to get to it. As fast as we are over filling land fills, polluting our fresh and salt water and growing in population we are going to destroy this earth in short order.
          Not a chance
          I agree pollution is terrible but man could not destroy this earth if we intended to.
          overpopulation........well that is about as likely as the north and south poles being ice free. It is not ever going to least at the hands of humans


            Originally posted by flywise View Post
            Anyone who says with certainty that we are the only intelligent life in the universe is most likely not intelligent enough to try and have a conversation with
            That is unless that conversation involves some made for tv reality show
            I'd argue the opposite is more likely.


              Originally posted by Landrover View Post
              LOL.......we are LIVING in the most technically significant period in recorded history. People live longer in every generation, 90%+ of the world has electricity, communication is nearly instant globally, many of our parents or grandparents can remember when someone got a car or most families have multiples of both. Heck, having a radio to listen a ballgame (Braves in Atlanta or Astros in Texas) was HUGE for my grandparents on a plantation in south Louisiana! I don't want to hypothesize what is 'OUT THERE' but lets not fool ourselves and sincerely believe their is absolutely nothing!
              We found the Kardashions!!!!😄💥
              There is something.


                Originally posted by Landrover View Post
                LOL.......we are LIVING in the most technically significant period in recorded history. People live longer in every generation, 90%+ of the world has electricity, communication is nearly instant globally, many of our parents or grandparents can remember when someone got a car or most families have multiples of both. Heck, having a radio to listen a ballgame (Braves in Atlanta or Astros in Texas) was HUGE for my grandparents on a plantation in south Louisiana! I don't want to hypothesize what is 'OUT THERE' but lets not fool ourselves and sincerely believe their is absolutely nothing!


                  Originally posted by flywise View Post
                  Not a chance
                  I agree pollution is terrible but man could not destroy this earth if we intended to.
                  overpopulation........well that is about as likely as the north and south poles being ice free. It is not ever going to least at the hands of humans
                  I agree 100 percent. We will die off before we destroy the earth with pollution . It is really efficient at protecting itself. CO2 gets to high? We die. Water gets too polluted? We die. When we're gone it will heal itself. Being conscientious about protecting the environment shouldn't be about anything namby pamby like saving the earth. The earth will be just fine. We're ****ed if we pollute it to much. But the earth will fix itself over time when we're gone.


                    Originally posted by snappertapper View Post
                    I'd argue the opposite is more likely.

                    the Hubble Space Telescope site estimates there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe. A recent German super-computer simulation estimates that the number may be as high as 500 billion, with many older than the Milky Way. Common obervational wisdom among astronomers is that there are 17 billion Earth-sized planets in our galaxy. They don't yet know how many of these worlds are in habitable zones, but the implications of this discovery are astounding. Simply put: If there are 17 billion Earth-sized worlds in our galaxy alone, it's clear that the Universe has the potential to be teeming with life.
                    There are probably at least 100 billion planets in the Milky Way.[30][31]


                      Originally posted by Rotney View Post
                      Maybe we can name it Libtarduxy. Then all the libs can move there and perfect their world. Let's see who last longer.

                      Agreed!!! Like the way you're thinking Rotney!


                        Originally posted by flywise View Post
                        the Hubble Space Telescope site estimates there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe. A recent German super-computer simulation estimates that the number may be as high as 500 billion, with many older than the Milky Way. Common obervational wisdom among astronomers is that there are 17 billion Earth-sized planets in our galaxy. They don't yet know how many of these worlds are in habitable zones, but the implications of this discovery are astounding. Simply put: If there are 17 billion Earth-sized worlds in our galaxy alone, it's clear that the Universe has the potential to be teeming with life.
                        There are probably at least 100 billion planets in the Milky Way.[30][31]
                        Life, sure. Intelligent life, much less probable. Intelligent life visiting earth to help build ancient societys? Extremely far fetched.


                          I'm curious how people with stone and copper tools were able to cut these stones? And how would they move stones that weigh in excess of 1,600 tons?
                          Attached Files


                            Like i mentioned in an earlier post. Every civilization in the distant past wrote of star people, painted star people on the cave walls, made sculptures and figurines of star people. Even our own native indian tribes mention visitors from the stars.
                            Why would peoples from every corner of the planet all mention the same things and visitors?


                              Originally posted by Smell the Glove View Post
                              Originally posted by snappertapper View Post
                              Life, sure. Intelligent life, much less probable. Intelligent life visiting earth to help build ancient societys? Extremely far fetched.
                     for me!
                              Once that river is crossed the search will continue based on what is learned from a single amoeba, cell, hydrogen atom.......all work for me.


                                Originally posted by flywise View Post
                                I'm curious how people with stone and copper tools were able to cut these stones? And how would they move stones that weigh in excess of 1,600 tons?
                                History channel called, they want an expert interview on ancient aliens.

