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pilots license

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    I have multi engine instrument ATP with type ratings in Lear's, WestWind, and Sabre Liner. Been too long since I started to be helpful with pricing.

    My strongest advice is that if you are going to learn to fly be prepared to fly REGULARLY. Especially when you first start. Weekly.

    Secondly do not stop till you have an instrument rating and are competent under instrument conditions. You may not think you need it, may not plan that type flying, but it very well could save your butt someday.

    Airplanes and flying ...great stuff!


      If you decide to get a Cessna 150 or 152 in the hot part of summer you will have to watch your take off weight. I don't know how much you weigh but max take off decreases in the heat and also with the altitude. So your weigh plus the weigh of the instructor and only 1/2 tanks of fuel probably in summer months but can be done. But with that said if you have a stiff head wind you can fly a 150/152 backwards for fun.


        I believe there is still a school at the Conroe airport. Check with them. My son took some lessons there a few years ago.


          Originally posted by Sticks&Strings View Post
          Who has one?
          What does it cost to get one/ no instrument rated?
          How much does it cost to rent a small 4 seater single engine plane per hour?
          ~$8-$10K for PPL, ~$5-7K for SP.
          $100-$200+ per hour


            As an aircraft mechanic with an airframer's license, the down side to owning an aircraft as opposed to renting one, is upkeep. Maintenance, inspections, and repairs can be very costly. If you rent, the owner of the plane is responsible for all that. I've torn into all kinds of airplanes, big and small, and have inspected and repaired all kinds of damages. Mostly corrosion and cracks. A lot of times it will require part replacement. If I can legally build the part or repair the part In Accordance With the AC 43.13-2B I will to make it cheaper, but if you have to buy the certified part from the manufacture it is expensive. Now with all that said. If it was me and my money, and I could actually afford an airplane, I'd probably buy one.


              Aviation is the best headache you'll ever have


                Originally posted by gunnut 99 View Post
                If you decide to get a Cessna 150 or 152 in the hot part of summer you will have to watch your take off weight. I don't know how much you weigh but max take off decreases in the heat and also with the altitude. So your weigh plus the weigh of the instructor and only 1/2 tanks of fuel probably in summer months but can be done. But with that said if you have a stiff head wind you can fly a 150/152 backwards for fun.
                When I got my pilot license in 1983, my check ride was with an instructor at a near by airport. I was flying a Cessna 152, the instructor informed me of his weight, which was somewhere close to 300 pounds. With me weighing around 175, him pushing 300, no luggage or anything else, I could only have my fuel tanks 1/2 full.

                At the time, my dad was 1 of 4 partners in a Piper Cherokee 180. I had planned to fly his plane and build up my hours and fly as cheep as possible. However, his insurance would not allow me to fly until I had 200 hours without a MAJOR price increase. As a teenager in high school I spent every dime I had to get my license, I couldn't afford to rent a plane all the time. I got my license with exactly 40 hours, and only got another 10 hours over the next 3-4 years. I haven't flown since around 1986. There's a reason most of the private pilots are doctors, lawyers and self employed. It is VERY expensive to fly. If you buy an airplane, the maintenance can get very expensive too. The FAA requires annual inspection by a mechanic, they also require an engine overhaul at specified hours (2000?), even if it's running fine, it still must be overhauled.

                All that being said, I LOVE TO FLY. I still wish to this day that I had not been talked out of it as a career. I should have joined the Air Force to learn to fly jets, then hired on with a major airline.


                  Welcome to the end of ANY disposable cash you have. You thought hunting and fishing was bad? haha!

                  Seriously though, I couldn't live without flying.


                    pm sent


                      Originally posted by Keith View Post
                      When I got my pilot license in 1983, my check ride was with an instructor at a near by airport. I was flying a Cessna 152, the instructor informed me of his weight, which was somewhere close to 300 pounds. With me weighing around 175, him pushing 300, no luggage or anything else, I could only have my fuel tanks 1/2 full.

                      At the time, my dad was 1 of 4 partners in a Piper Cherokee 180. I had planned to fly his plane and build up my hours and fly as cheep as possible. However, his insurance would not allow me to fly until I had 200 hours without a MAJOR price increase. As a teenager in high school I spent every dime I had to get my license, I couldn't afford to rent a plane all the time. I got my license with exactly 40 hours, and only got another 10 hours over the next 3-4 years. I haven't flown since around 1986. There's a reason most of the private pilots are doctors, lawyers and self employed. It is VERY expensive to fly. If you buy an airplane, the maintenance can get very expensive too. The FAA requires annual inspection by a mechanic, they also require an engine overhaul at specified hours (2000?), even if it's running fine, it still must be overhauled.
                      All that being said, I LOVE TO FLY. I still wish to this day that I had not been talked out of it as a career. I should have joined the Air Force to learn to fly jets, then hired on with a major airline.
                      That part is not correct, unless your using the plane for commercial application.
                      A private owner can fly the plane long after the TBO. many people fly their planes and pass inspections with 1k or more past the TBO


                        Originally posted by TexasAggieB View Post
                        Welcome to the end of ANY disposable cash you have. You thought hunting and fishing was bad? haha!

                        Seriously though, I couldn't live without flying.
                        ^^^ This. However, worth it!


                          Figure on about ten grand in todays cost for a private license. Plan on getting your instrument after that though if you're serious about it. If you have questions, PM me. I don't do it for a living anymore but I used to be an airline pilot for a little bit and am still a current CFI.


                            Cheaper to buy a cheapo cessna 150 and then sell it later. Renting is pretty high these days.


                              It is a pretty expensive hobby. However if I was not a commercial pilot, I would be trying to learn. The statements above are in the ball park as for as money is concerned. I am not in the business any longer and only have a Super Cub for pleasure flying at the present time. I probably should sell it and get a four seat plane. The Super Cub is in the shop at the present time getting an annual. There is probably no other plane out there that is as safe as the ole Super Cub, and I love it. I would part with it though if I could fine a four seater to my likeing.


                                Super Cub


