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LEO/Fire/EMS (funny things you've learned that you didn't think you would)

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      Originally posted by Kitterman411 View Post
      I've learned that even though we bust each other's balls on a constant basis. Cops need the firemen and we need the cops. No matter what we are on the same team.


        Originally posted by UltraMaxNCV View Post
        I've learned that loose cowboy hats fly off during a foot pursuit, but somehow stayed on my head during a ground fight.
        for some reason this tickled me.... I get this picture of a guy in full mma ground and pound mode with a hat on then losing it as soon as he stands up to jog.... the physics are inexplicable

        ps too all the leos/fire in this thread, big thanks


          What you see isn't always what you see.
          One night I was patrolling a County Road about a mile South of the local prison. In the middle of the road is an orange item (I was thinking a orange flag for wide or large loads). I walked up to it and find what looks like a prison jump suit. Ohhhhhhh Crap an escape! Who to call? Well I take a little closer look first going to turn the jump suit over with my boot to see if there are any markings id card anything. Moved it with my boot and out pops a strap on dildo. Apparently there was a bachelloret (SP?) party on the road. I'm glad I didn't call out everyone for that one.


            God Bless You All.


              Originally posted by icecoldtexan View Post
              I have learned that cops will not be there when you need them. You have to take care of yourself. Cops will arrive later to write report.

              Learning how to deal with comments like this and be professional and courteous even though we just left a call involving a deceased child and deep down inside it's tearing us up...

              I've learned that this world is nuts and it takes some people with nuts to be an LEO/FIRE FIGHTER/PARAMEDIC/SOLDIER!

              Plus job security, we will always be needed no matter what most folks say. Good job to all who serve.


                Originally posted by icecoldtexan View Post
                I have learned that cops will not be there when you need them. You have to take care of yourself. Cops will arrive later to write report.
                Be sure to send your address to the local PD, maybe they will send you a stack of blue forms and statement forms. Then you can write your own

                Originally posted by Fireman44 View Post

                Those arent cops, they're park rangers, see the hats


                  Nursing homes definition of a code isn't even close to our definition of a code. It is amazing how many "full codes" I have been dispatched to at the nursing home that the patient was the one that gave me their history and allergies. I've learned you can't fix stupid but you can sedate and intubate it.


                    Thank you for your service! I can only imagine the stories.


                      21 years in and there is no end to the stupidty of the general public. If it was caveman days, we would be eating these people.

                      " I can't breaf " My response was " if you are talking, you are Breafin ".

                      Man and woman in car wreck. We get a call for a rescue. I walk up, tell them to unlock the door. They can't because the car has no power. I tell them over and over to manually lift the lock, they keep saying there is no power. I say hold on and get a halligan and shatter the window and reach in an lift the lock. Rescue complete.

                      While driving code 3 to the er with a family member in the front, they can't figure out why no one will get out of the way for us.

                      DPS hates being passed on the tollway headed to childrens like they are in reverse.

                      All we do is play dominoes and cops just eat donuts (power rings)

                      Always get the question, why are there so many of you here? I say, saftey in numbers.

                      A tree on fire in a down pour is not going anywhere.

                      True story, we get called for a suicide. Dispatch says there is a gun involved and for us to stage for police. We sit there for a few minutes waiting and see the sqaud pass the street, then turn around and pull in behind us. We have to wave him around so he will go to the address. On scene we tell him your the one with the gun, we were waiting on you. He was new, ha ha ha.


                        Originally posted by medic151 View Post
                        21 years in and there is no end to the stupidty of the general public. If it was caveman days, we would be eating these people.
                        Yep, there is no telling how far advanced our society would be if all the really smart people didn't decide to be cops and firefighters. I don't mean to call ya out brother but people don't call you when they are having a "smart day".

                        Oh... and you spelled stupidity wrong.


                          Originally posted by Quackerbox View Post
                          Be sure to send your address to the local PD, maybe they will send you a stack of blue forms and statement forms. Then you can write your own

                          Those arent cops, they're park rangers, see the hats
                          Easy now! Us Park Rangers wear a round badge like every other State LEO!! In Texas anyway.
                          Last edited by mrddye; 11-12-2014, 10:36 AM.


                            Originally posted by mrddye View Post
                            Easy now! Us Park Rangers wear a round badge like every other State LEO!! In Texas anyway.
                            Badges are one thing. Smokey the bear mount me hats are for north of the mason dixon


                              Originally posted by Daniel75 View Post
                              I've learned that Murphy's Law was specifically meant for police and deer hunters. If something can go wrong, it will go wrong, and at the worst possible time.

                              I've learned that a crappy call is MUCH better to hear as long as it didn't happen on MY shift.

                              I have seen some hilarious stuff while inventorying a vehicle....we had a new guy who was doing a consent search on a female's vehicle. She was sitting on the curb right by the trunk watching the officer. He says, "Hey Sarge, I found a glass pipe." The Sgt looked at what he had in his hands and was like , Sgt said, "Well put your mouth on it and see if you can push air through it...." As the rook lifted it up, the female shouted, "NO!!!!! That's NOT a pipe!!!!"

                              It was a glass female pleasuring device. Lol

                              Had this same thing happen on a search warrant......except my partner came out of a room holding it (with gloves on) in hand. He also had a set of what he thought was "mardigras bead" around his neck. after a little more inspection it was NOT mardgras beads it was know beads for a different region of the body. LMAO


                                Originally posted by Chew View Post
                                I granted a divorce one night to a crackhead couple that kept fighting. On the third call out to their house I pulled out my penal code from the trunk and "by the powers vested in me by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Education and the governor of the state of Texas, I now pronounce you divorced". The man came up and shook and my hand and the lady looked at me and cried. Never got a call back there.
                                Hahaha night I married two drunks like that. They waved me down asking if there was a midnight chapel around. I told them hey I can do it right now if you want. After I "married," them they walked off happily in to the night lol. My rookie asked me later, can we do that? I looked at him and said, I just did didn't I. Hahahahaha

