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Hey Oilfield Guys!!

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    Saudi is not cutting production only to have another Opec members overproduction take up what they cut . Hard to be business partners when all your fellow partners lie and under cut you.

    Iran's production and stored oil is going to have a big impact over next few months. Supposed to have over 45M bbl in storage plus increase in production of .5-1M bbl/day.


      Originally posted by texansfan View Post
      HERO went belly up and I got creamed
      I'm sticking to the big boys who can weather this storm
      Originally posted by rjet View Post
      Those hero warrants might be worth a your great great grandkids.
      I got creamed on that one also, so you are not alone.
      I got the axe from HERO as well. What rig/department where y'all in? Still stay in touch pretty close with a few buddies still there. Some pretty huge changes have taken place recently.


        I am a crude operator for Enterprise here in Midland. We posted a job opening for an operator today and they have posted a few other opening around the state for pipeline technicians and other jobs.


          Originally posted by doublearrow View Post
          I am a crude operator for Enterprise here in Midland. We posted a job opening for an operator today and they have posted a few other opening around the state for pipeline technicians and other jobs.

          Do you know where in the State the other pipeline tech positions are?


            Originally posted by Ragin' View Post
            Do you know where in the State the other pipeline tech positions are?
            Pipeline techs in granbury, mont belvieu, Kennedy, Jones creek, houston
            There's various other positions listed. Website is look under careers and field jobs.
            Last edited by doublearrow; 12-08-2015, 12:32 AM.


              Originally posted by doublearrow View Post
              Pipeline techs in granbury, mont belvieu, Kennedy, Jones creek, houston

              There's various other positions listed. Website is look under careers and field jobs.

              Ten four. Thanks bud.


                Just like the bumper stickers from the early 90's " O Lord just one more boom and I promise to waste this one off"
                Last edited by bfree; 12-08-2015, 06:11 AM. Reason: wrong word


                  Originally posted by KR-oldmexico View Post
                  Iran oil hasn't even hit the market yet!!
                  I thought I read, or overheard in a conversation, that the Iranian stockpiles were already figured into this mess.

                  I sure hope so.

                  Our piping design department has gone from 30 to 9 ... and we'll possibly loose a few more in the next week. We're almost down to what they consider our "core".


                    Keep your heads up gentlemen...



                      Originally posted by antonlsu View Post
                      If oil shoots back up quickly that will cause another set of problems. All the companies are so lean right now they'll go on a hiring binge. Oil companies will never learn. Over hire...over fire...


                        Originally posted by gingib View Post
                        Something isn't right in the company if another company can charge the same thing and make it

                        Bet yall find a way to make that new price work
                        If you have the cash or business to offer the lower price for longer than the competitor can stay in business, you can put them in a spiral. They could lose raw material supply and price advantage due to insufficient volume. I will have the advantage on raw materials and finished goods. Once you are no longer a threat, I can raise prices on my finished goods and put pressure on my material supplier if I am a big enough client. This scenario depends on a lot of things going right but it happens.

                        I work for a company that doesn't engage in price wars. They take the position of "we produce premium product at a fair price along with years of experience to provide more than product. We provide solutions to our clients problems." It has worked so far, never had a layoff in specialty chemicals.


                          Originally posted by schmalzy View Post
                          I got the axe from HERO as well. What rig/department where y'all in? Still stay in touch pretty close with a few buddies still there. Some pretty huge changes have taken place recently.
                          Sorry to hear about your loss of job. I didnt work there, i am just an idiot that threw some money in that company (luckily not too much).
                          Good luck on job search, sure hope for yall that this turns around soon.


                            Originally posted by TexasBuzzard View Post
                            If you have the cash or business to offer the lower price for longer than the competitor can stay in business, you can put them in a spiral. They could lose raw material supply and price advantage due to insufficient volume. I will have the advantage on raw materials and finished goods. Once you are no longer a threat, I can raise prices on my finished goods and put pressure on my material supplier if I am a big enough client. This scenario depends on a lot of things going right but it happens.

                            I work for a company that doesn't engage in price wars. They take the position of "we produce premium product at a fair price along with years of experience to provide more than product. We provide solutions to our clients problems." It has worked so far, never had a layoff in specialty chemicals.

                            This is the same business model we follow in a different industry, nothing is ever certain and I could get my walking papers tomorrow when I come thru the door but up to this point we are still "ok".
                            Its obvious that many of our competitors are dumping inventory for cash flow, eventually they will run out though. When it comes back around we will be a great position.


                              Originally posted by schmalzy View Post
                              I got the axe from HERO as well. What rig/department where y'all in? Still stay in touch pretty close with a few buddies still there. Some pretty huge changes have taken place recently.
                              Same as the other guy
                              I'm not in o+g and don't work for HERO
                              I just had about 20,000 shares that went in the crahpper
                              Some got converted to the new company but most I got warrants for

                              I wish you luck in finding a new position


                                Originally posted by texansfan View Post
                                At this point I'm guessing it'll go below $30 so I'll wait until then and POUNCE because the Sauds can't endure this for TOO long (longer than another 12-18 months) then it'll shoot back up to the $80-$100 range

                                a high percentage of citizens in the UAE, Saudi, Oman receive healthy payments off the government owned oil. At this point, I'd like nothing more than to see prices crash for a while, and subsequently watch their backlog of cash dwindle, and cause public revolt.

                                If it's going to fall, I'm ready for something along those lines.... let it absolutely crater for 3 or 4 months, and it won't take long for prices to recover to sustainable levels. This last year has been like pulling a bandaid off slowly.
                                Last edited by kyle1974; 12-08-2015, 11:44 AM.

