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Firing an Employee - Struggle

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    I can empathize with your struggle here... If it were me, I would tell him that you've made a decision to move in another direction, but that you appreciate the time he's given your company and then give him three or four months of severance pay, or as much as you can.

    Good luck, tough situation to be in!


      Tell him to start working right or he will be terminated. If you already have gave him fair warning, then he did it to himself.


        I hate when I have to fire an employee. But like others have said, business is business.

        You've summed everything up in your OP. Explain to him why all of those things are unacceptable and let him go. Would you want to put your family in a financial bind or burden over keeping him out of one? He's had ample time to get his act together.


          It sounds like he is costing you more than you are making off of him. I know it's tough, but you need to look at it as a business decision, and let the guy go, as soon as possible.
          As far as being a burden for him with no income, you could offer a severance, to help him get a chance to find something else.


            Originally posted by JSquaredDaddy View Post
            As has been said, you need to get rid of him. One question though? Have you documented and discussed and documented what he has done wrong? Texas being a "right to work" state means less then the paper it was written on. Make sure your ducks are in a row beforehand and you won't be paying him to sit at home, unemployment.

            When I terminate someone they usually know it's coming. We have had conversations and after each meeting I document what we discussed.

            My terminations usually last about 1 minute. I let them know they are being let go and why then I tell them I am going to escort them out. If they don't have a car I will have a cab waiting.

            Sounds callous, but it's just business's. I give them every opportunity to succeed.


              I understand and have walked on that path in corporate and with my own business.

              If you're mind/soul leads to do so, and you feel it's the "right thing to do"...

              Let him go tomorrow morning so he can start his search right now instead of later and give him a severance. Do what you know is right.



                I would have no problem with this. He's hurting you and himself and he should be worried about his family not you. If he learns from it you did good and if he doesn't you did better.

                From the sound of it I would bet be goes on to collect unemployment for awhile. I would make it suck so bad he quit but that's just me and I get called all kinds of names haha
                Last edited by bphillips; 07-14-2014, 07:34 PM.


                  My wife faces this situation at times. It's always tough to hear her speak of this. She finds it emotionally exhausting. All I can say is document everything. The last thing you want is a claim against you for wrongful termination. Good luck!


                    As stated, business is business. This man through the actions you have outlined is taking money out of your pocket. You need to do what is best for you and your business.


                      #1. He is doing it to himself. Dont beat yourself up over doing whats right.

                      #2. Documentation! Do you have any of his behavior documented? Warnings, Write ups, or disciplinary actions? I'm new to TX, but I'm thinking he can come back with "He fired me out of the blue and I dont know what I did wrong" Now he can sit at home and still get paid.....


                        Strange as it may sound, maybe he's tired of the job and wants to be fired? I was a lot like that at my last job, just kinda going through the motions. But I was miserable and needed a change. I ended up leaving on my own accord, opened my own business and never looked back. Sometimes a fresh start is the best thing for everyone.
                        Last edited by Etxbuckman; 07-14-2014, 07:36 PM.


                          Be honest with him and write down your talking points... be empathetic and respectful but let him know that you have made your decision and it is final... it's not easy, but you will be doing both you and him a favor in the long run.


                            I'm not a boss but deal with employees daily who can't or won't do what needs to be done to keep a job. I'm a union steward and have to deal with people who live around the corner and can't make it on time and always have an excuse.
                            I have a drive in rush hour traffic and usually make it in 30 min ahead of time. It's not that hard, just need a need. Like a roof, food, hunting and all them dang guns I keep buying...
                            Time for a wake up call if you've already discussed with him.


                              Would have already been gone. Asking for side jobs????
                              He is taking advantage of your kindness. It's not ur fault that he is irresponsible, unless you are enabling him to be. And you are.


                                Originally posted by doghouse View Post
                                Document every thing! Missed calls etc.
                                This is so important!

