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    Chew that's awesome. Easy trails are what we need right now it's all about the confidence in our dogs with every find they just get better.

    Congrats again


      great write up Chew! Its awesome to have a good dog and a good friend as well.. sounds like you have both!


        Did anyone else feel their pups way more excited and dragging you? I will be wearing gloves next year when Jenna is bigger and stronger. When she was on the right track totally diff animal, head down body low and moving fast dragging me.


          Oddly no? My dog used to be crazy on the way to trails and went nuts when he found an animal(hogs this summer) but lately hes been very nonchalant about it. He tracks well and finds the animal, but he doesnt go berzerk when he finds it anymore, he just waits til I get there. What do you think that means? Personally I'd rather see him going bonkers so it bothers me


            Yea red also he tracked at a good pace but not at the sprint as usual. It's like he was taking his time inspecting the trail. It was good since he was off lead and I was crawling after him lol. I believe it's because it was the sent of a hog and he knew some how


              Maybe! Hes very much focused on the trail, just when he gets to the end of it, instead of being all excited its like he looks at me and says,"well, here it is, now what?" I mean no complaints because hes finding my animal, I just worry about his prey drive.


                Maybe experience? Yea yea, this too easy, that dead animal is over here. Smelled where it was at before you even put this collar on me.


                  What a great write-up Chew! There's just something about watching that switch flip in them that makes your heart swell with pride. Congratulations on the deer and the recovery. That's awesome work!


                    Great story Bobby!

                    Congrats again.


                      On the board for another doe. Neighbor met Jenna recently and knew we were working on trails. He had a perfectly good shot. She was pilled up in some thick brush out of his sight from the blind. Doe ran almost a fig 8 and ended pretty much next to where she got hit. Neighbor followed the blood trail and came back to square one. Walked the grid with no luck and gave up asked me for help. Jenna started following the obvious blood trail then stopped, went to her right. Neighbor was sure we needed to go to the left cause there was blood he found earlier. I followed ol girl who was nose in the air and walked right to the dead doe to her right. She got that spunky teenager " I told you so" look an attitude.

                      follow the mutts, you can't argue with their nose.


                        My concern is she is following the scent in the air more than the blood trail. First tracking dog so should I be keeping her on the blood trail making her work the length, or just let her do her thing. She is confident when she is on it. Blowing her nose and snorting real hard, not to mention dragging me. On the mocks she follows the trail. Real deer seems she does it all by air scenting.


                          Dirty mike let her work things out on her own. As long as she is producing deer it shouldn't matter how she found it.
                          If you have a GPS for her let her work and sit back and enjoy yourself.


                            Dirty mike if the wind is in her face it's gunna happen. Good job !


                              Will a jack russel/australian Shepard mix be able to blood trail?


