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    We had the same issue Jared. Try 2 runs in your back yard with lots treats. By our 3rd time she smelled the liver smoothie in the air and when she seen the tracking collar and leash she got that look on her face like I know what's going on...


      Originally posted by Dirtymike View Post
      We had the same issue Jared. Try 2 runs in your back yard with lots treats. By our 3rd time she smelled the liver smoothie in the air and when she seen the tracking collar and leash she got that look on her face like I know what's going on...

      Also if the bikers are making him growl get him use to people on bikes. Jenna did the same thing till she got used to them


        Originally posted by Dirtymike View Post
        Also if the bikers are making him growl get him use to people on bikes. Jenna did the same thing till she got used to them
        He doesn't usually have a problem with people when we walk the neighborhood. I think it was the combination of the cars, bicycles and not really being in the mood. Or it could have been because this was the first time he has been on a trail that wasn't fresh. And by fresh, I mean just laid down. It was about 1 old, maybe 1 1/2 hours.

        I bought a new bottle of the Dog Bone Blood Scent to use on my hide drag. Who knows, that may have been it, but I've used it before and it seemed to work fine. I've still got some pork blood that I'm gonna use next trip. Need to rebuild his confidence a little.
        Last edited by jared_bays; 08-23-2014, 07:22 PM.


          Try the blended up liver and pour a trail? Not telling you what to do. Just what my pup did. Reg blood she sniffed showed interest , but blended beef liver drives her nuts. Out of liver mix so going to try reg blood since she is keying in on the command and relating the tracking collar


            Gettin closer to bow season!


              Here's my Jagd gyp. If anyone needs help finding a critter near Denton County, we can help. Keep me in mind.


                Originally posted by Dirtymike View Post
                Try the blended up liver and pour a trail? Not telling you what to do. Just what my pup did. Reg blood she sniffed showed interest , but blended beef liver drives her nuts. Out of liver mix so going to try reg blood since she is keying in on the command and relating the tracking collar

                The firsy couple of trails we did were a blended beef liver/ pork blood. But I switched to the blood scent from Dog Bone because the frozen blood was a pain in the butt to thaw beforehand.

                Honestly, I think the biggest issue is lack if time training. Its so dang hot outside, the last thing I feel like doing when I get off work is spending more time outside. I think I'm really going to start working him more though.


                  I took Jesse (5 months) on her first mock trail in the woods. The other couple of trails were straight lines and on grass. We stepped it up a couple of notches this time.

                  First, I bought a special "tracking collar" with a bell so she associates working when it goes on.

                  Then we used some deer heart (thanks Jim) and gave her a taste before laying the trail. She was FIRED up by the time we got close to where I started the trail. I think her "light" went off.

                  Now I laid the blood down steady and dragged a piece of deer hide but she stayed on it pretty well considering the sandy soil we went down a hill, up again, down in a creek and over water. Maybe not the easiest track for a new puppy but she did great.

                  The "treat" was a hunk of heart and the piece of hide. She LOVES to play with the hide so much i probably don't need even need the meat.

                  The "treat" is at the end of the trail is across the water.

                  Puppy POV.



                    Originally posted by ShockValue View Post
                    I took Jesse (5 months) on her first mock trail in the woods. The other couple of trails were straight lines and on grass. We stepped it up a couple of notches this time.

                    First, I bought a special "tracking collar" with a bell so she associates working when it goes on.

                    Then we used some deer heart (thanks Jim) and gave her a taste before laying the trail. She was FIRED up by the time we got close to where I started the trail. I think her "light" went off.

                    Now I laid the blood down steady and dragged a piece of deer hide but she stayed on it pretty well considering the sandy soil we went down a hill, up again, down in a creek and over water. Maybe not the easiest track for a new puppy but she did great.

                    The "treat" was a hunk of heart and the piece of hide. She LOVES to play with the hide so much i probably don't need even need the meat.

                    The "treat" is at the end of the trail is across the water.

                    Puppy POV.


                    Thats awesome stuff SV!!

                    I tried to get my JRT, Mickey, interested in playing with the hide at the end but he didnt like it. I think Im gonna give it another shot.


                      Originally posted by jared_bays View Post
                      Thats awesome stuff SV!!

                      I tried to get my JRT, Mickey, interested in playing with the hide at the end but he didnt like it. I think Im gonna give it another shot.
                      Again, giving my buddy Jim (keep) credit here, but when Jesse was still little, he had me cut a piece of hide maybe 4 or 5 inches square. We tied it onto a length of string...maybe 6 or 8 foot.

                      I teased her with it a little bit to get her interested and then gave it to the kids and said RUN!!! That really got her going with that fur ball hopping across the ground. We'd let her catch it every once in a while and chew on it.

                      We tried that again today after the track, but she is too fast now. There's not much we can do to keep that ball of hide away from her!

                      We're going to the lease Labor Day Weekend and hope to either have a real pig to track or lay a mock track and let Jesse trail with Jim's dog Rein.


                        Haha that's awesome puppy POV


                          As the dogs progress don't forget to lay the track in the evening and work it in the morning. That's typically how the calls come in for us anyway. Shot in the evening, hunters look and don't find it, then they start to get worried. they then call well after dark so we generally go early in the am. Prep your dog for that

                          caller- Hey you have a tracking dog right?

                          me- yup

                          caller- I made the perfect shot on a deer and it never bled. It had to be a BH failure, could you come put the dog on it?

                          me- I can probably get there in the morning, I live near fort worth, where are you hunting?

                          caller- close to el paso, why can't you come tonight? You dog guys just sit by the phone and wait for these calls right?

                          me- I'll be there in the morning, just tell me more about the shot.

                          caller- again, it was perfect. Standing 1/4 to at 63yds and only slightly aware I was there. I got little penetration and I don't understand. I'm shooting 424fps and have a 212gr arrow so it shoots flat, piece of crap BH.
                          We looked for hours but didn't mess the area up. We wanted to make sure we didn't screw up the scent so I only had my camp and the two camps from the next property looking for the deer, well under 20 people. Not to mention we found great blood, easily a full table spoon over the 200 sq yds we covered. So what time can you get here.

                          me- crap, I forgot, I have a root canal scheduled tomorrow. Here's Rod's number he'd be great for this track
                          Last edited by keep; 08-24-2014, 07:08 AM.


                            Keep, that's about accurate. Years ago I had some great dogs and found deer for folks all the time. The most common thing when they showed me exactly where the deer was standing and which way he went, my dog would start pulling before we got there and head the other direction. One of the most memorable was a guy that shot a big 11pt and had stomped for hours in the direction he saw the buck run.

                            My dog immediately headed the opposite direction and that guy started yelling at my dog. I told him to let the dog work and he said the dog was backtrailing. Ten minutes later and almost out of hearing I heard his signature bark. He always did it when he found a dead deer. I told him, "Theres your deer". Fellow says, " He probably has a possum treed". We headed that direction. YEp, the best deer of that fellows life with my dog smiling over him 400yds the opposite direction from where he was looking and center paunch shot.


                              I just ran Jesse on the same trail we ran last night...14 hours later. She blazed through it, nose on the ground the entire time.


                                Originally posted by ShockValue View Post
                                I just ran Jesse on the same trail we ran last night...14 hours later. She blazed through it, nose on the ground the entire time.
                                Told you, they get it more than we think. Much like kids I feel. They are way more capable than we give them credit for and much more able to learn at a young age than what we expect. (i.e. female Chinese gymnasts different but the same) Our grown, preconceived closed minds can't fathom dogs picking up this stuff this quick, my mind was changed watching reins puppies remarkable interest in blood at 4-5 weeks

