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How many divorced

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    Been married for 20yrs and plan on many more.


      Married to the Devil's sister for 16yr., then married the best woman in the state of ND, moved her back to Texas , and been together for 32 yr. come August. Life is good !


        This describes the current state of my marriage. Together 21 married for 19.
        Not sure what to did anymore...


          Will be married 12 years in November. Both of our parents are divorced. We refuse to put out kids through that. We both love The Lord more than each other. We both understand we do t have a marriage contract. We have a "COVENANT" with God. We can't just "get out" if we want to or if something isn't going our way. That's good for me though because I out kicked my coverage on the first try. She's an awesome woman, wife, mother and sexy to boot. I couldn't have picked a better one. We've had some serious knock down drag outs but we choose to love one another irregardless. Love is an action, not a feeling. I've learned that if I'm the man God has called me to be, I don't have to do anything special to get her to love me. It just comes natural. I'm just glad she still chooses to love me even when I'm not being the man God called me to be. It's hard for me because I'm a selfish twit and I want what I want and I want it now no matter what. Thankfully she loves me in spite of my faults and I love her enough to keep trying to be the man she deserves. Is it easy? Nope, but there's nothing in life worth having that doesn't involve some sort of sacrifice and risk.


            Happily married for 2 years! The other 16 years were pure misery!! Never again!!


              Originally posted by Lip View Post
              Married 34 years to the love of my life. Widowed last October. Sux.

              Very similar situation here. Married for 10 years to the love of my life Widowed Oct 2013. And I concur SUX.


                As of April 21st we will be married for 36 years.


                  26 years next month. Too much invested to give it up.


                    I am on my 1st and only marriage. Will be 20 years this June, it has been a tough go but worth every minute of it.


                      1st time married 7 yrs. Currently will be 19 yrs on 29-Jul-2014. I've never been happier


                        Married 4 years the 1st time and the best and only thing from that marriage was my 2 boys. Married again 8-9-10 ( 4 years later)to my best friend and we are going strong. I truly believe that I have found the one person that I was to be with the rest of my life. She is my ying and I am her yang.


                          Been Married to my first wife and Best friend for 16 years. Couldn't imagine it any other way.


                            Originally posted by trophy8 View Post
                            Yes sir.

                            I've only been married 2.5 years. I can be an ***. I can be selfish. And I need a reality check on occasion. She is my best freind and idk what I'd do without her. Well, I'd hunt more. But that's beside the point
                            I'm in the same boat. I still hunt a bunch, but it costs twice as much now!


                              We were both 19 when we got married, very young and had a lot of growing up to do, went through some bad times but worked through it with God's help and the 27th of this month will be 23 years. We have three daughters together 22, 16, and 10 and I love spending time with my family! I'm glad we are still together and I don't ever plan on getting divorced! Several of my friends have been through several divorces and so far none of them have been good experiences. May God bless each and every one of you and your relationships and marriages!


                                I was married once for about 18 years. Had a couple of great kids. Been single now for about 8 years and I think I'm better at this than I was that, lol.

