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My dad is "Gone Fishing" forever...

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    My dad is "Gone Fishing" forever...

    Well amigos, the day I dreaded all my life came yesterday evening around 7:15pm. Cancer took my hero away from us at the age of 79. My old man gave one heck of a fight after knowing he had severe cancer in his lungs. He did the chemo and all just for us.

    He was hospitalized last Thursday and it was a roller coaster ride till this past Thursday. He would worsen one day and the next day he'd make a turn for the best. The doc finally said that it would take a miracle for him to come out of his complications. We decided as a family to give him the option of going back to his home since he hated hospitals with a passion. I also told my family that I strongly felt that was the only reason he was still fighting. He wanted to go home. He even told us a couple times through out the week. So we all asked him if he would like to go home and before we could finish talking he was saying "Yes yes yes". It was crazy. He even started resting cause we told him he needed to rest if he wanted to be released.

    Well Friday afternoon the hospital released him around 6:00pm. The hospice people got him all set up and comfortable in his home bedroom around 7:00pm. We talked and he listened for a while. He would also say a few words to us. Mainly asking for ice water. Well mom said he finally got some rest and slept like a rock. Yesterday all day he seem to worsen but was still fighting and somewhat responsive. Around 4:00pm I got the call that he was asking for me. I was there by his side in a heart beat. I asked him if he was tired and he nodded "yes". I asked him if he was ready to go with the lord and he nodded "yes". I knew then the time was nearing. Shortly after he went to a non responsive mode. Around 7:15pm he took his last breath with all his loved ones by his side. It was something I can only thank the lord for letting me be a part of. Simply amazing watching my dad be taking in to his real home.

    My dad taught me everything I know about fishing, life and most importantly being a man. He was very strict and always kept my arse in check. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. He was one heck of a husband, dad, grandpa and fisherman to us. He will be missed but not forgotten.

    Thing about my dad that once you saw or heard you wouldnt forget. His chops, loud tone and his knowledge towards DBOB fishing.

    Here is a few pics of him in action.

    His last catch. The week he started chemo.

    The wife and I bringing in the 2014 new year with dad in his room.

    Love you dad and may you RIP.

    Your son,

    Last edited by Poco; 03-30-2014, 07:07 AM.

    I'm so sorry for your loss, but I'm glad you were able to be with your dad in his last moments.
    Prayers for you and your family.


      Sorry for your temporary separation.
      Prayers for comfort for your family.


        Sorry to hear Ray. Sounds like you had a great Dad.


          So sorry for your loss. Prayers of comfort up for your family.


            So sorry for your loss


              Prayers up for your family. May your dad RIP.


                Sorry for ur loss. Prayers sent for ur family.


                  Man brother so sorry for your loss. Prayers sent.

                  On a more positive note we need to wet a line soon. Give me a shout.


                    Sorry to hear this my brother. Looks like he lived a great life with some great people. Prayers for all of you. GOD bless!


                      Rip dad...


                        Prayers sent for you and your family.


                          God bless your father. May he rest in peace. Your story brought tears to my eyes.


                            Sounds like one heck of a man. Prayers sent to you and your family.


                              Sorry for your loss.

                              Looks like you two shared alot of great times together.

