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Should they pay?

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    Originally posted by DTala View Post
    I don't think they should pay to ride on public roads...

    they should be banned from riding on public roads, and if caught doing so, beat and jailed.

    carry on....
    What next, you'll have to drive your car across the street to get your mail or visit a neighbor?

    There are a lot of places that I refuse to ride my bike, but even in our small neighborhood I have drivers pull out in front of me and I have to avoid them, but I have the same problem when in my RED Supercrew. People in vehicles need to learn to watch for kids, pets, motorcycles,bikes and trees. Maybe if some of them would put down their phones for a minute, they would see what is around them.


      Absoloutley they should.


        No tax to ride a bicycle but certain roads and streets should be designated as motor vehicle only depending on vehicle count.

        People that ride bicycles should stick to the less traveled streets and have enough common sense to stay off of any street that has a speed limit above 30 mph imo. They are putting their own safety at risk by venturing onto the main roads.


          I am sorry for the two cyclist killed by someone driving in unsafe conditions. If you cant see what is in front of you on the road, you are the one being reckless. I am always amazed that these threads last as long as the do on here.


            If you walk in between railroad've increased your chances of getting hit by a train by 100%.
            If you ride a bicycle with a corrected average top speed (with an exceptional rider) of maybe 20mph on a roadway with vehicles wieghing 1000X to 20000X more than you, traveling between 20-85 mph (+- 20) - you've increased your chances of getting hit by a motor vehicle by 100%

            Which scenario is more likely going to happen?
            In conclusion, Riding a bicycle on a street is dumber than walking on train tracks.


              I believe they should pay something as areas around Austin are revamping road ways and street side parking due to bikes. Heck even some smaller roads here on the outskirts of Austin have put in bike lanes. Which basically is sucking down the regular lanes and adding another stripe for the bikes. What's worse is they don't even stay in the lane that was provided. Why is it they can't ride in the line provided and feel the need to peddle 5 deep spilling all the way in to the lane of traffic. As for farm equipment I can tell you that the majority of the times when there is a tractor or combine on the move they will find a safe place to pull over and let the traffic that pile up behind them through. Never seen a group of bikes do that.


                Originally posted by 60 Deluxe View Post
                No tax to ride a bicycle but certain roads and streets should be designated as motor vehicle only depending on vehicle count.

                People that ride bicycles should stick to the less traveled streets and have enough common sense to stay off of any street that has a speed limit above 30 mph imo. They are putting their own safety at risk by venturing onto the main roads.
                As I stated earlier in this thread, I agree that certain roads should become "No Biking". But 30 mph?? I don't think restricting road cycling to residential areas is the answer. Lots of driveways/traffic/blindspots. At least on the open road you should be able to see in front of you.


                  No, they should not have to register their bicycles! We do NOT need more government intrusion or oversight!

                  Originally posted by c14smalls View Post
                  Should the Bicyclist pay road taxes since they use the roads we vehicle owners already pay for, we pay to inspect and register our vehicle yearly, should they?

                  My dad hit and killed two bikers while I was in High School. They where riding on the service road of I-30 late in the evening. One of the riders killed was an instructor that taught to never ride in the mornings or evenings. My sister and I were in the truck with my dad when the accident happened. We were driving into the evening sun and all of a sudden we heard an explosion. Next thing I know there's a body on the hood and a body about 30 yard behind the truck. I grab my sister from the back seat, shielding her from seeing any of the images I still see today. She doesn't remember much about the accident, luckily. My father, who is the greatest man I have ever known, almost didn't make it through this. He spent months, if not a year, in the sanctuary of their church praying on his knees for forgiveness; though he had done nothing wrong. Today he has accepted what happened with the help of the Lord all mighty.

                  Still today I struggle with this. Should they have to pay? Who am I to say but seeing all my father went through, and still does every time he sees bikers, I think they should. If they want to use the roads our motor vehicle registration and tax dollars pay for then they should pay.

                  This time of year always brings up these thoughts. Thinking of the families of those killed riding on public roadways. I would gladly pay a little more to subsidize a bike only lane on every roadway in America to keep myself and my father from going through what we had too.

                  Please watch out for the bike riders while driving.

                  Sorry for the "Debby downer" message but it has been on my mind this holiday season.

                  How would paying to register a bicycle change what your father went through or keep the roads any safer?


                    The fat yuppies from Beaumont buy a bike, because their friend told them it was a good diet plan, and then proceed to try to make a 40 mile round trip down 105 (one of the most deadliest roads in Texas) where cars are going 75mph. Their favorite time of the day is first thing at morning and right after work on a road that runs east to west. These guys couldn't be living more recklessly. You don't have to be an impaired driver (drunk, texting, distracted) to get closer to them that you care to & beyond that you may see them but the person behind you, who is ****** off your driving so slow, has no clue this herd of bicyclists is in front of you. Then as their trip wears on, some figure out they were not cut out to take a 40 mile trip the first time out. They break from the group and start pedaling slower and shakedly-- (have you ever drove home after a tough workout? Imagine having to pedal home. Not a safe condition.) Now you have 1 inexperienced person by themselves out on a road that is not friendly for drivers much less pedalists.
                    I just want this stupid fad to be over. If you want to "get fit", do it in a way that couldn't possibly kill yourself and ruin someone elses life because they didn't see you trying to get fit.

                    Forget the tax, stay off roads that are over the speed you actually travel. Period!


                      Should they pay?

                      [ame=""]smoking bikers - YouTube[/ame]

                      For those of you who hate bikers


                        Originally posted by Swampa View Post
                        smoking bikers - YouTube

                        For those of you who hate bikers



                          Lets face the facts:

                          The biggest danger to bike riders are dodge ghost mirrors.


                            They should be banned on roads with speed limits over 35 mph.
                            They should also have to be equipped with lights just like a vehicle, headlight, turn signal lights, and rear red lights.


                              I don't think that they should be on main roads period, especially in the same lanes as vehicles. A couple months ago, I was sitting at a red light and saw a guy come through an intersection on a bicycle and completely broad sided an SUV! He is lucky that he did not end up in front! It is not a matter of disrespect for them, but when you come around a corner going 40-50mph and their is a bicyclist going 15-20 in your lane, makes for a bad day for everyone around and can easily cause an accident trying to avoid an accident.


                                if your going to restrict cyclist to roads under 35 mph or whatever, your going to have to do something about the farmers, Sunday drivers, new drivers, slow drivers, etc. etc.

                                I grew up in a farming community and lived out in the country and still live in the general area. I cant speak for every where, but in the area I live, some farmers can be inconsiderate as well, same as cyclist. Yea, they will pull over, when they get where they need to go with 30 cars stacked up behind them. Just sayin'.

