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Hog processing.

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    Hog processing.

    What do you all do with a hog? Do you process your own or do you send it to a processor? I have a chance to help rid some land of hogs and I would rather process it myself, but I really have no idea how. Is there any websites that explain the process? Is it about the same as a deer, or should I just take it somewhere and be done with it?

    jsut the same as deer, except you can use the whole body....ribs ect.


      Same as deer, but a lot of the processors will only take a hog that has been skinned and quartered. Believe the law changed governing wild hogs and deer being in the same commercial cooler..


        You'll get a lot of different ideas on this but I quit gutting hogs a long time ago - even though that means you don't get to take the ribs home. I just take the backstraps, shoulders and hams. Every once in a while I'll gut and skin a tiny pig to smoke whole, but on a big one it's not worth the mess in my lazy-*** opinion.


          go check out
          Insights on Texas wild boar behavior, optimal hunting seasons, and the role of technology in hunting, alongside the environmental impact of wild boar on local ecosystems.

          i think they have some info to help you out....Brian


            Keep the straps and grind everything else and make sausage, but I like sausage!!


              I do the same as deer but instead of taking the backstraps off I leave the entire backbone. freeze the backbone with straps on and then take a saws all with an agressive wood blade and cross cut for bone in chops. I grind alot for sausage.


                I was told by the neat market that I use to process my deer that they can not prcess hog by law. Is this so or did I missunderstand them?


                  Hog ribs on the grill= yummmmy!

                  A little slab off a 75lb boar:


                    lbbf- we process all of our own hogs and it's really no different than a deer other than they're tougher to skin, especially the older boars. Here's a link to an article I wrote many years ago that goes into greater detail on how to quarter and process the meat yourself:

                    I don't field dress animals unless we're far enough from home that I need to cool the animal down quickly, but I usually skin them without guttin them. I process all of my animals with them hanging head-down which helps me remove the inside loins and with caping. While the animal is hanging, I make a small cut into the abdominal wall and just push the intestines and other organs down toward the chest to expose the inside loins then just peel them out. Once you cut the distal end (near the hindquarters) you can peel the loins right out with your fingers.

                    Roscoe- you're making me hungry!



                      Thanks for the replies. Since they are simular to deer I should be ok. I may still check with the local processor just to keep my options open. Roscoe thanks now I have to go get lunch!


                        What JERP said.


                          I 3rd Jerp's method. I use a utility knife & cut the skin in 3 strips, pull them off, cut out the backstrap, the hams, & use the carcass for coyote bait. If it is a bigger hog I take the shoulders. Wash it all season it & put it on the smoker. Mmmmmmm!


                            there is link on how to process in the "dyi" section


                              Well I struck out again. The field was torn up, but tonight they had better places to be. I had to leave pretty early as well. One of these days I'll poke a hole in something other than paper.

