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Guest Mistake Stories...

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    Ttt. Hunting season is coming up. Let’s hear those stories.

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      Originally posted by Fishinag22 View Post
      I have two stories...

      #1: I was probably 13 years old and we hunted on 2200 acres in Rocksprings that my grandfathers best friend owned. He owned his own business and occasionally brought out some clients to hunt, which was not a big deal because he did not charge us for the lease. One weekend we were all there and he had brought clients, First morning hunt he puts one of them in a stand with a huge opening. A little after day break, we hear seven shots from him, turns out he had shot this small buck with the first shot and since he started running he continued to empty his lever action .30-30 into this deer. He gets the deer back to camp and once he tells the owner his shot it seven times, his hunt is over. If I remember correctly the man and his group were made to leave that day.

      #2: Working for a company about 10 years ago I was invited to hunt on a vendors personal family ranch the second weekend of the season. This family had the land high fenced, all native deer were removed so they could bring in "Big" genetics, bucks and does many years before I was invited. The evening before the hunt we are told what we were allowed to shoot, I was given the green light on a Trophy and another hunter had brought his son to shoot his first deer, be it a doe or cull buck. The first morning I hear a shot early and then about 30 minutes later the buck in my avatar steps out and I shoot him. I get down go get my buck and the guy with his son pull up. Now remember these are not native texas genetics and the guy lets his son shoot his first buck which was probably 1.5 year old 8 point that had tall tines and a decent spread. You could tell the buck had some great potential. We get back to camp, the owner congratulates me on my buck, we take some pictures and the other guys asks the owner what he thought about the buck his son shot and the turns to him and tells him "I think its too F-ing late" turns around and walks off. Now the guy did not have to pay for anything or leave but they did have a discussion to let him know he was ****** and his son could have shot a doe or cull buck for his fist deer.

      Kinda an ******* move by the owner, and quick way to ruin that kids first deer. He should’ve had a guide sitting with the father and son if he didn’t want them shooting the wrong deer.


        Or, maybe the guest should have followed the rules set by the owner.




            Due to our no guest policy, glad to say I got nuthin'.


              Originally posted by smokeless View Post
              Or, maybe the guest should have followed the rules set by the owner.
              He did think he was following the rules that is the problem. One persons interpretation is different from the next. Depends on experience and lots of other factors.
              That’s why you always set with new guests if you don’t want a screw up!!


                Originally posted by 686 View Post
                Ok, this one is a little different,
                So you’ll have to bear with me a little.

                About ten years ago, I was wanting to go on an African safari, and I spent a lot of time doing my research over several years. I usually go to a fundraiser auction where a safari or two are offered, so I knew there might be an opportunity for a decent deal there, but wanted to know what I was doing. Well the fundraiser comes around and I decide I’m ready if things are right, and what do you know, everything breaks my way and I buy a great first trip for up to 4 hunters. My dad was with me at the auction and was all-in and supportive, and wanted to come along; great.

                So I get with the outfitter and set the date of the trip, about 9 months out, and invite two other friends to go. They are stoked; and the outfitter has an easy to understand website where you can pick your target species and figure your budget. I even make up a spreadsheet to figure freight and taxidermy work and send it to my dad and other guests to help them figure things out. I was providing the 7 day hunt, and all they needed to do was pay trophy fees and tips.

                Well, fast forward a couple months, and I talk with our outfitter, and he’s going to be at the DSC convention. Sweet, I get my dad and another buddy and we hit the show, talk a lot with our outfitter, talk with other outfitters and have a great time. Lots of great info.

                Fast forward another 6 months, and we’re a few weeks from leaving on the trip. I’ve done all the leg work for rifle permits, flight planning, packing lists, etc. Last thing is more shooting practice. I’ve been shooting a new 375 Weatherby I bought for this hunt a lot and am very solid with it at this point, but my dad still hasn’t picked up a rifle since pulling the trigger twice last deer season. I finally have to get a little rough with him and tell him that he has to come practice with me or we’re going to have a problem. Anyways, I get him to pull the trigger a half dozen times, results are just ok, not great. There’s not much time to do anything about it at that point anyway. More troubling is, he hasn’t decided what species he wants to hunt. I tell him he needs to figure it out.

                Well fast forward to our third day of the safari, he still hasn’t decided what to hunt. I mean, how can you have known about this trip for 9 months and still not have figured out what to do. He hates spending money, which is part of the problem, although he’s got plenty of it.

                We hunt a different ranch on the third day that is just gorgeous, animals everywhere, basically paradise. I have an awesome morning and have an impala, zebra, and Blesbok all in the bakkie; and we’re still stalking. We come across another good blesbok and the PH tells my dad, here’s a good one you should take it. So my dad gets his rifle on the sticks and can’t find the animal in the scope. I mean it’s right there, but he’s struggling. He’s tightening up, feeling some pressure, and then the farts hit. Bad. The PH and Rancher are standing right behind him as well as the gas just keeps coming. It’s so bad he has to recompose himself and get off the rifle. The blesbok decides to move about 20 yards away, and the PH and the rancher reset my dad for another shot attempt. Well, here come the farts again. The PH and the rancher have been great during all this, I’ve been trying my hardest not to start cracking up, I’m like biting my lip with tears in my eyes. Finally I hear the PH say, “wait, don’t shoot now”, followed of course by: boom! The blesbok was turning to walk away again and my dad shot it in the right ham. Luckily caught the spine and paralyzed it so they could move up and finish it.

                Then, that night we go out for a night hunt where I’m looking for a jackal. We see some eyes and I get my rifle up. The PH and I are glassing trying to identify what we’re looking at and, BOOM! My dad has a negligent discharge of his rifle, thank god pointing up and away, but the muzzle was maybe 2’ from our ears. He didn’t hunt the rest of the trip. He didn’t even want to have his Blesbok shipped back. Also kinda made an *** of himself at camp trying to force the PHs to drink some wine he brought along, when they told him 100 times it’s against their outfitters policy for them to drink with hunters in camp.

                My other two guests and I have a great trip and luckily my dad’s shenanigans don’t get too much in the way. The funny part now is my dad wants to come public land DIY elk hunting with me. It’s like, “you almost literally crapped your pants on a hunt that was served up on a platter by pros and now you think you can hunt where you have to work your butt off and figure everything out yourself at high elevation?”

                I would pay $1000 to have a video of him uncontrollably farting with the rifle on the sticks. Funniest thing I’ve ever seen hunting.
                I would have told the PHs, He's not my dad...he's my mom's husband.

                Team Little Debbie Pro Staff


                  Originally posted by Chew View Post
                  I would have told the PHs, He's not my dad...he's my mom's husband.

                  Team Little Debbie Pro Staff

                  The PH and I hunted together all the next day and were laughing our butts off. He was like that was literally “sh*t happens”! Haha. I shot a nice gemsbok after a tough hunt and a great warthog later that day just me and the PH, so it all worked out.



                    What THE hahaha that is one of the funniest stories I have ever heard. I was mentally picturing the whole thing. Thanks for posting.


                      Anything happen this month?


                        It is not always the hunter that screws up. I took my cousin on a bow elk hunt in Colorado a few years ago on a private ranch. For his birthday I bought 2 tags for guided management bulls. Supposed to less than 260”. We get there and they assign us guides , do a proficiency test with our bows, and off we go. I come back to camp that first evening after seeing a few elk but no shooters to find my cousin with a giant 6x6 bull. I was like WT?. So the stories start. His guide was very experienced but hunting for the first time that year. They spotted several bulls, put on a stalk , only one was left when they got there, the guide gave him the green light, my cousin said “are you sure”, the guide did some more figuring and said smoke him! My cousin moved in and got a shot and bagged the bull. When they got it back to camp and the sheet hit the fan. Boss man starts screaming at the guide and telling my cousin he should have known better. Guide starts making excuses that he could not see it real well and the hunter was not sure either, Cuz reminds him this is his first trip and he relied on the guide just like boss man told us to do. That’s about when I showed up so I caught some of it also. Me and the rest of the guides were kinda thinking it was funny but the boss man was hot. He comes to me and ask what I was going to do about it and I said pack it up and carry it home as the contract says it guides choice. Lots of noise and tension that evening. They scored it at 346”. Yes he missed it by 7 feet of bone. I ended up shooting mine on the last afternoon and we packed ‘‘em up and headed home. Not sure what happened to his guide. My cuz was very happy with his elk.


                          When I have people at work ask why I don’t take them hunting (most of em city boys that have never hunted or only hunted a few times) I point em to this thread!


                            Originally posted by HappyM View Post
                            It is not always the hunter that screws up. I took my cousin on a bow elk hunt in Colorado a few years ago on a private ranch. For his birthday I bought 2 tags for guided management bulls. Supposed to less than 260”. We get there and they assign us guides , do a proficiency test with our bows, and off we go. I come back to camp that first evening after seeing a few elk but no shooters to find my cousin with a giant 6x6 bull. I was like WT?. So the stories start. His guide was very experienced but hunting for the first time that year. They spotted several bulls, put on a stalk , only one was left when they got there, the guide gave him the green light, my cousin said “are you sure”, the guide did some more figuring and said smoke him! My cousin moved in and got a shot and bagged the bull. When they got it back to camp and the sheet hit the fan. Boss man starts screaming at the guide and telling my cousin he should have known better. Guide starts making excuses that he could not see it real well and the hunter was not sure either, Cuz reminds him this is his first trip and he relied on the guide just like boss man told us to do. That’s about when I showed up so I caught some of it also. Me and the rest of the guides were kinda thinking it was funny but the boss man was hot. He comes to me and ask what I was going to do about it and I said pack it up and carry it home as the contract says it guides choice. Lots of noise and tension that evening. They scored it at 346”. Yes he missed it by 7 feet of bone. I ended up shooting mine on the last afternoon and we packed ‘‘em up and headed home. Not sure what happened to his guide. My cuz was very happy with his elk.
                            Wow! I am guessing the guide probably wasn't far behind ya'll heading out the gate. Your cousin got a hell of a deal!


                              I was on a heavily managed trophy lease in East Texas and one of the members brought a guest from work to hunt. The very first morning he shot and couldn’t find the deer. The lease manager came down to help look and asked the guy how old he thought he was? He answered “I have no idea I didn’t see a birth certificate.” He then asked how big was he? And the guy answered “not very big I don’t eat horns!”. You could have heard a pin drop lol !!!! That was the last guest allowed to hunt on the lease.


                                Originally posted by sharpshooter1 View Post
                                When I have people at work ask why I don’t take them hunting (most of em city boys that have never hunted or only hunted a few times) I point em to this thread!

                                I’m not a city boy, and I’ve hunted a couple more times than a few.

                                Keep ‘‘em coming.

