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Good news for kidnapped Mexico Hunters

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    Will DBrasco be the first person I add to my ignore list?

    Mary and Ragin' you hit the nail on the head. I for one hope some day the whole and real story will come out...most of all I hope that the legit mexican government rains down fire and brimstone on whoever is responsible. To me it seems the hardest part is telling the good guys from the bad.


      Yep and that's it. The Legit Government. There are good people in Mexico. Hopefully one day they will run that country. But until that day, if ever, this is what we have to deal with unfortunantly...Too bad, there is some fine hunting and some even finer folks down there...

      And Brasco, enuff with the PM's already. I did read the last one about how very proud you said you were about what you said. Once again, it takes a fine person to say these things. Now, can anyone tell me if there is a block on my PM space to block this moron...


        Glad to hear the good news.

        Ragin', how bout a brew?
        Don't waste your breath bro. Some just wont ever get it...


          I know. WCB were you stayin at these days ??? Ain't you in N.E. Texas...


            ragin- you are not the only one getting pm'ed. I hope he just leaves it alone. Like WCB said some people will just never get it.


              Well when you get another one just act like you heard a big Missouri Red Mule fart, that's pretty much the equivalent of what's in the PM. Personally, I would much more enjoy the Mule Fart...


                Now, can anyone tell me if there is a block on my PM space to block this moron...
                I'll bet if you put him on your ignore list, he won't be able to harass you anymore and you won't have to read anymore of his chit.


                  Hey, TT, cut me some slack, I can be computer stupid at times...I mean, you are talkin to RR...

                  Looks like are coming right along with BOA. I remember running across the websight back when ya'll were getting it going years ago. I always wanted to make it hunting with ya'll, but you know time constraints. ... Ya'll got any Trophy sorta European Strain Boars ???
                  Last edited by JW; 12-19-2006, 10:16 PM.


                    Originally posted by Texastrophy View Post
                    I'll bet if you put him on your ignore list, he won't be able to harass you anymore and you won't have to read anymore of his chit.
                    actually reading what dbrasco says makes me feel better about myself!

                    Ragin, i think you said you knew the Pina's...if so welcome them back for me and for pete's sake buy them a beer and send me the bill. Wont be many people "one uping" the story the have to tell!


                      That is some great news. Too bad someone is being a Purple Richard Cranium about it.


                        Gotcha Jeff. My paw in law is headed back to Lerado in the am. I'll tell em......Aironeout, that's better than the Mule Fart...


                          Man...I tried to catch-up on page I gotta go read the end of page 1!

                          Glad they're home.
                          Last edited by tinman; 12-19-2006, 11:04 PM.


                            The father has been released as well. I was down in Laredo Monday and Tuesday on business. I was at the city council meeting Monday night and the Mayor annouced that they both had been released and were in relatively good health. The son was released over the weekend and the father was released sometime Monday in Monterrey.

                            Now word form the Laredo PD on how much they had to pay because they don't want it getting out that a Laredo business man is worth X amount of money.

                            Great news! Their prayers were answered!


                              That;s what I was sayin UNC...


                                Very good to hear they are all safe and back home -

