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      Sharks around the ROV I pilot in the Gulf of Mexico

      Last fall, about 100 ft below the floating rig in 6,000 ft of total depth. Now I understand why the divers said "Heck NO!" when asked to work under this rig. The top of the ROV is showing in the bottom of the photo. This shot isn't anywhere close to the quality other folks have posted but it is unique!
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          Reminds me of a steel hulled, 90ft shrimpboat we found drifting in the open Caribbean Sea one fall. Between Puerto Rico and Columbia, drifting east to west in 10,000 - 14,000 ft of water....the boat was surrounded by flying fish, Mahi Mahi and massive sharks. Hundreds of massive sharks with many well over the 15ft mark some edging 20ft. We sailed over to board this derelict (a perfectly well maintained steel hulled shrimpboat) and each of us were absolutely nervous about making that transition from small boat to shrimp boat deck. No one onboard the shrimpboat to help us as we jumped over the rail. Darn sharks were circling and rose up tighter when we made our boarding - eyeballing our every move.

          There is no freaking way I would ever feel comfortable drifting freely in the Gulf and or Caribbean Sea on a small boat or raft. It's a magnet for sharks....BIG FREAKING SHARKS! Quiet structure brings them in and they stay there, circling as the other fish of the sea gather. It's an odd deal, so many species move in on floating objects - cover is cover and expansive miles of open ocean with nothing, an object afloat is a prime attractant!

          Full respect of Mother Ocean! Cool pic!

          It's amazing how many sharks, swim the sea, hundreds of miles from the nearest land point. The reaches of the Ocean were bottom sea mounts rise up, like mountain peaks below, huge diverse schools of fish swim, even if these bottom mounts are still several hundred feet below the surface. They gather in these areas, the top edges of massive underwater canyons.
          Last edited by AtTheWall; 04-17-2014, 02:32 PM.


            Another Time




                Don't normally shoot plants around the house but two years after planting it finally bloomed.


                  Pics i have taken around town
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                    Originally posted by Tejas Wildlife View Post
                    Last fall, about 100 ft below the floating rig in 6,000 ft of total depth. Now I understand why the divers said "Heck NO!" when asked to work under this rig. The top of the ROV is showing in the bottom of the photo. This shot isn't anywhere close to the quality other folks have posted but it is unique!
                    Well,it may not be of the quality,but I have zoomed in..Thought about it,and re visited this pic more than any other on this thread...Thanks for posting.


                      Thanks Hart8

                      Originally posted by Hart8 View Post
                      Well,it may not be of the quality,but I have zoomed in..Thought about it,and re visited this pic more than any other on this thread...Thanks for posting.
                      and glad you liked it. I have been blessed to work on ROV's offshore for over 7 years now & have seen some amazing things. Unfortunately most of them are on video that is the property of our clients and can't be released without their written permisson.

                      I am constantly amazed at the awesome photos that Rob (AT THE WALL) puts on here. I go back & look at his regularly.


                        Fresh shed

                        Thanks TejasWildlife!



                            1955 GMC


                              Last edited by Arrowslinger1; 04-20-2014, 08:02 AM.



