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Older terrorist suspect and FBI.

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    When the FBI gave the ok to reaveal the photos in the media, they stated the photos were excellent quality and would be instrumental in catching the guys, however, they made us believe at the time that theses guys were unknown to them. Why did they feel the need to willfully withold all of this info until after they killed/captured them.


      Originally posted by TomB View Post
      Question: neither one of the brothers had a job. Where do they get the funds to subsist on, buy bomb making stuff, and fly to Russia and live for 6 months? Follow the money.
      Don't know, but won't surprise me if they weren't living off of Federal grants or Federal student loans.....


        Originally posted by TimH View Post
        When the FBI gave the ok to reaveal the photos in the media, they stated the photos were excellent quality and would be instrumental in catching the guys, however, they made us believe at the time that theses guys were unknown to them. Why did they feel the need to willfully withold all of this info until after they killed/captured them.
        Because the Admin wanted to distance themselves from their prior contact and knowledge of these individuals.


          It is sad we will never know why the FBI failed our country in this situation. But then again any and all government employees in the end are controlled by politicians. We know all to well what that means.

          Bottom line the FBI failed and it cost our COUNTRY BIG TIME.......

          Funny how most all other counties lock up Americans even remotely suspected of something....

          Using the power of Deportation is something much more important to our country than controlling legal citizens right to bear arms by universal background checks and making certain types of guns illegal for law abiding citizens. Another thing we know all to well, the criminal don't give a rats a*& it is illegal to have a certain gun or shoot someone with it.
          Last edited by dbaio1; 04-21-2013, 11:20 AM.


            Originally posted by dustoffer View Post
            Think about it folks--the FBI is in the business of solving crimes, meaning they get involved after it happens. They aren't a preventive agency other than their record for catching crooks which is somewhat of a deterrent.

            If we want freedom from fear of terrorists, then we have to be willing to give up a few freedoms, and accept "them" looking at all of us more closely in order to pick up the bad ones before they commit an act.

            Not true...............


              Why didn't they tell us?

              Do you have required clearance and a need-to-know?

              If not, you don't get the story.


                Originally posted by Bill in San Jose View Post
                Why didn't they tell us?

                Do you have required clearance and a need-to-know?

                If not, you don't get the story.
                I don't need to know but I would like to know


                  Originally posted by bowhuntntxn View Post
                  What premise could they have to monitor or make this guy come in for check ups, without him committing any crime? Part of freedom means you can walk the streets and do pretty much anything you want as long as it is legal.

                  Any person out there could be gathering materials to commit the exact crime this person did, and would go totally un noticed until the crime has been committed. You want to monitor this one person on a suspicion, but don't want anyone to monitor the amount of bullets or gun powder you have bought in the last year, because you are not a criminal. Neither was he before Monday.

                  Freedom is a fickle beast.
                  Well said.

                  Until the FBI develops the "never wrong-always right crystal ball of truth & justice" I guess we will have to continue to be vigilant.


                    Originally posted by Booner Sooner View Post
                    Well said.

                    Until the FBI develops the "never wrong-always right crystal ball of truth & justice" I guess we will have to continue to be vigilant.
                    They catch people all the time before they commit crimes and they also get tips and look into folks. They looked into this guy and didn't see him as a threat and where dead wrong. People's are going to make mistakes I understand that unfortunately this one cost a lot of folks.


                      Originally posted by tvc184 View Post
                      I am always interested in which side of the fence people fall on any given day.

                      Some people complain about the Patriot Act and spying without probable cause (and rightfully so). They complain that the law enforcement at any level should not even be able to speak to you unless they have probable cause that you have done something wrong.

                      They often use a version of the Benjamin Franklin statement, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety". I agree, it is a great statement and thought.

                      Then something like this happens and many of the same people want to know why law enforcement didn't do more. They got a tip, checked the guy out and found nothing that they could act on. It doesn't mean that the guy will not later commit a crime. It means that at that time, there is nothing else they can lawfully do.

                      Then those same people that complained about the Patriot Act, law enforcement stretching their authority beyond the Constitution and like to quote Franklin, want law enforcement to do exactly what they were complaining about.

                      ....... as long as it is the "other guy".
                      Spot On!!!


                        Originally posted by tvc184 View Post
                        Was he a "known terrorist", a "suspected terrorist" or a person that someone has "accused of being a terrorist"?

                        As a police supervisor I am often get calls complaining on officers. What are they doing wrong? They aren't doing "enough". I get calls like, "I have called you six times and told you that Joe Blow is dealing dope out of his house and y'all won't do anything about it".

                        Well the cops did a knock and talk (knowing how much those are frowned on in these forums) but were refused entry. We haven't found anyone that can buy for us out of that house and no citizen is willing to come and sign a statement that says they saw dope in the home in the last 24 hours with their own eyes. In other words, we have not found a legal reason to get a warrant to go in the home because someone is a "suspect".

                        Again, where do you want it to end? I have seen many times where people in this forum like to talk of the slippery slope on issues but if it is certain crimes, it might be okay?

                        I am with you on immigration. If you are here illegally you need to leave and if you are here legally you need to be squeaky clean. That is a completely different issue from search and seizure though.

                        Thank you and well said! People just dont understand. A lot of monday morning QBs in the world. I would much rather focus on what a great job all the LEOs did in this investigation. Meanwhile putting their own life at risk in order to do so. I know thats what we sign up for but a little appreciation is in order here. Did the investigation go flawlessly, no. They never do but they did what they thought was best for the citizens and everyone else involved. For that, they deserve credit. Bless those guys and the officer (and his family) who lost his life.


                          Just saw the news and it seems Like a lot of politicians are wanting to know more about the FBI interview. What I just heard was Russia wanted us to question him and we wanted more info or more specific info which Russia never gave us. I agree with the one senator who asked why wasn't this guy flagged after six months when he came back into the country.


                            Originally posted by TomB View Post
                            Question: neither one of the brothers had a job. Where do they get the funds to subsist on, buy bomb making stuff, and fly to Russia and live for 6 months? Follow the money.

                            Their country had been ravaged by war and terrorists attacks before they immigrated to the US as refugees. They lived on welfare entitlements and school grants. I'm suprised the 26 yr old was allowed back into the country. Remember the archery instructor that couldn't back into the US after going into Mexico to eat dinner.


                              Great thoughts !!


                                Originally posted by Black Ice View Post
                                Just saw the news and it seems Like a lot of politicians are wanting to know more about the FBI interview. What I just heard was Russia wanted us to question him and we wanted more info or more specific info which Russia never gave us. I agree with the one senator who asked why wasn't this guy flagged after six months when he came back into the country.
                                I'm wondering how they missed identifying the 26yr old from file photos?

