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A Game Of Thrones

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    Originally posted by txwhitetail View Post
    Dany have green eyes ?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Violet in the books.


      Originally posted by Leddy View Post
      Is it certain that Cersei is dead? I am not sure.
      I’m really not convinced either


        A Game Of Thrones

        Writers/directors said she and Jamie came into this world together and they left this world together in the directors’ interviews after the show.

        She gone....


          The dragon standing behind Daenerys about to kill Varys scene was really good.
          I thought he was going to get eaten.

          Followed up with 45 minutes of crazy woman, dragon fire, curb stomp.

          Thank you, that episode was great.


            Originally posted by Smart View Post
            Writers/directors said she and Jamie came into this world together and they left this world together in the directors’ interviews after the show.

            She gone....

            At best she does survive no one else on team cersie did so... one is such a lonely number.

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


              Cersi’s death sucked. Cersi’s maeser’s death sucked.

              The guy that comes up with trick after trick gets brain smashed by the zombie mountain for yelling at him?

              Greyjoys death was at least fitting somewhat.


                Arya... gonna kill nekkid blonde dragon chick but first gonna kill her a dragon and take its face....because........ she probably could.

                No way cersi dead... no way.

                Jon snow just got himself a new enemy in **** less soldier leader guy.. for retreating... might die ...again.

                Red and the 4 wheeling crow ...gonna rule.


                  Originally posted by AgBass01 View Post
                  Dang...scorched earth is the only thing that comes to mind. Her switch flipped and she is the mad queen for sure.

                  Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
                  Ive seen that exact look.


                    Originally posted by kyle1974 View Post
                    Cersi’s death sucked. Cersi’s maeser’s death sucked.

                    The guy that comes up with trick after trick gets brain smashed by the zombie mountain for yelling at him?

                    Greyjoys death was at least fitting somewhat.

                    I thought Qyborns death was one of the better ones. He was a braniac.....not a warrior. The yard bully smashing little nerds head in for getting a little mouthy was fitting for that worm.. ..


                      Originally posted by Smart View Post
                      I thought Qyborns death was one of the better ones. He was a braniac.....not a warrior. The yard bully smashing little nerds head in for getting a little mouthy was fitting for that worm.. ..

                      I agree as well!

                      Sierracharlie out…


                        writing is weak as hell.....

                        Jamie takes 3 sword shot to the back, kidneys, lungs but he can still climb to the top of the castle...ok
                        Cersi death was weak, but she went out as a blubbering coward that she was...
                        Greyworm and Jon are gonna battle...

                        Clegane bowl was worth everything it was hyped up for, and fitting that The Hound died by fire in the end....

                        Arya = Revelations with that horse...I agree with Smart on that one


                          On IMDB the show has 1.5 million reviews with a average rating of 9.5 making it the third highest rated show ever only behind planet earth (its a 9.5 also and only has 65k reviews so not sure how that works out) and band of brothers.

                          It’s only had 1 episode below 8.5 the last 7 seasons.

                          Last weeks episode is rated 6.3 and this weeks is currently at a 7.1 and trending down. Nothing over 8.5 so far this season.

                          My morning “on the pot” anaylisis.


                            Originally posted by Smart View Post
                            I thought Qyborns death was one of the better ones. He was a braniac.....not a warrior. The yard bully smashing little nerds head in for getting a little mouthy was fitting for that worm.. ..

                            Maybe with Qyborn. Maybe there’s something to the insignificance of being witty when it’s time to fight.

                            When it came to cersi’s I was expecting more of a pinned under the iron throne then being ripped apart by the dragon while Jamie watched from the corner, scene. But oh well. I’ll just go watch the entire Lost series and remember what real disappointment was.


                              Originally posted by kyle1974 View Post
                              When it came to cersi’s I was expecting more of a pinned under the iron throne then being ripped apart by the dragon while Jamie watched from the corner, scene. .

                              Was hoping for the same....


                                Seems like theres a consensus that the writers are phone it in...
                                I dont think that at all.
                                Errbody talking **** when the scenes do exactly what they expected to happen based on their hollywood conditioning.. calling them all predictable.... then when they dont do what they expected or wanted..the writing is weak.. lol.

                                For the record if Arya dont wear one more face to slice a juggular of someone.. im cancelling hbo.

