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Skunk Scent Removal From Dogs. Ever used Scentaway Detergent???

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    Skunk Scent Removal From Dogs. Ever used Scentaway Detergent???

    6:30 this morning I let the dog out. Do my normal routine and come back about 15 minutes later to let him back in.

    Then I'm overwhelmed by stink and realized he just got sprayed again!!!

    The trap is going out tonight!

    So I get my bottle of skunkoff and soak him down. Sitting their fixing to vomit the smell finally subsides by about half. But still stinks like heck! So I give him a good washing with the skunkoff and some lavender shampoo(anythings gotta make him smell better right)!

    He smells a little better but he's holed up in his pen stinkin away.

    Has anyone ever tried some scent detergent???

    Tomato's dont work and the skunkoff does a fair job but it is expensive as heck! 10 bucks for 4oz. I guess they figure you need it so you'll pay for it!

    Let me know your tricks for defunking animals, yourself or whatever else you have had sprayed!

    Mix distilled water baking powder and peroxcide in a spray bottle. Works good but it mite lighten your dogs coat.I use it on my lab when she get sprayed.


      I've tried everything...............I mean everything and the only thing the works is TIME. Some of those solutions MAY lessen the stench slightly but you'll still get a nose full for another 3-4 weeks. My Goldens have been sprayed 3 times in the last 4 years and the best thing is to keep them as far away from the house as possible!


        Tomato juice works.....I just let my labs wear it off...hoping one day they quit mess'n with them....


          Ask Huntress She knows all about getting rid of THE STANK!!!


            i can still smell the funk in my nose! YUK


              This is similar to one I have used in the past. It works

              1 quart of hydrogen peroxide
              ¼ cup of baking soda
              1 teaspoon of dish soap

              Combine the ingredients at the time of use. This solution works to remove skunk odor because of a chemical reaction initiated immediately upon combining the ingredients. If it sits for too long, it will become ineffective.

              Apply the mixture to the affected areas, let it set for about five minutes and rinse. If you need to repeat the process, you must create a new solution, as the chemical reaction quickly expires. Avoid getting it into your pet’s eyes, nose and mouth.


                Poor Cooper.

                Bones told me about fabric softner stuff. Works ok. Wash the heck out of him with it. I think is what works best. The fabric stuff justs covers the smell up for the most part, but atleast you dont have to smell skunk.


                  I hit with another round of skunkoff and am letting it set this time like the directions said. So far he doesnt stink but we'll see when I get home tonight!


                    Our sheltie got skunked last week, our daughter shows him through 4H and the groomer in their 4 h group says she uses, get this: Summers Eve female hygeine products (******) for us more slang folks, anyway it worked, go figure.


                      When our dog got sprayed we used the old tomato juice deal and then out of desperation I grabbed a spray bottle of Fabreeze at the grocery and it worked! I don't know the possible dangers it may have, but he survived and it really worked well. We did get the surprise weeks later when we gave him a regular bath for mud and stuff and the stink returned like it just happened, but we fabreezed him one more time and all was good.

                      Good luck!


                        I filled a bath tub about 3 inches deep in water and dumped about a half a quart of vinegar in there and just kept pouring it all over him. It worked great and was not as messy as tomato juice.



                          Originally posted by Aggiebow88 View Post
                          This is similar to one I have used in the past. It works

                          1 quart of hydrogen peroxide
                          ¼ cup of baking soda
                          1 teaspoon of dish soap

                          Combine the ingredients at the time of use. This solution works to remove skunk odor because of a chemical reaction initiated immediately upon combining the ingredients. If it sits for too long, it will become ineffective.

                          Apply the mixture to the affected areas, let it set for about five minutes and rinse. If you need to repeat the process, you must create a new solution, as the chemical reaction quickly expires. Avoid getting it into your pet’s eyes, nose and mouth.
                          This is THE BEST way to remove skunk odor! I've had to use it several times and it definately removes the odor completely. Anything else just covers it up temporarily.


                            The skunkoff worked unbelievably well. Now I have a permanent bottle in the cabinet. Skunk scent gone completely.


                              Travis,,you could always get some of Bowjunterhelms fish in a barrel and dunk the dog in it

