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Giants Win!!!

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    Originally posted by WCB View Post
    I can't believe the Pats were already in the tunnel as the last second ticked off the clock... Bad sportsmanship in my book...
    You're not alone in that opinion.


      If you say that was one of the "best Super bowl games played" you must have been watching a different game than I did.

      Lousy offensive play and play calling on both sides of the ball. The only "team" that showed up to play was the 11 defensive players of the Giants.

      oh my goodness, if the patriots would have maintained defensive responsibilites, they would be 19-0. But breakdown on too many 3rd and long and not to mention the 4 missed tackles on the play of the game --4th and long and circus catch on the 25..

      but that is why you play the game....It's a shame New England never got into the game mentally


        This game was all about the Giants defense putting serious pressure on Brady. Manning played a good game, and a good postseason, but he's going to have to string together a few good entire seasons before I personally am convinced that he has turned a big corner.

        Great game, enjoyed it even though I wasn't rooting for either side.



          On more than one occasion this year, Bill Belichick and the Patriots have run up the score on an overmatched opponent, and forced an opposing coach to sit there and watch his beaten team go through the motions while their heineys were being handed to them.
          That's unsportsmanlike at best, disrespectful at least, and at worst, it makes him a big sissy.
          Good article, David.

          I'd been on the fence on this one, trying to see it from his (I already shook hands) perspective...but when you consider this first comment, it was kinda cs.


            Tale of the Tape

            Jerry Rice vs. Wes Welker

            In 1995 Jerry Rice had 122 regular season catches, 11 postseason catches and 133 total

            In 2007 Wes Welker had 112 regular season catches, 27 postseason catches and 139 total

            Wes Welker is officially better than Jerry Rice!


              Joey, in my opinion, a coach walking off the field and leaving his players to finish a loss is like the captain of a sinking ship taking the last row boat and leaving crew members on board. Whether it is poor sportsmanship or not, at the very least it is poor leadership.


                If the players had to stay on the sidelines for the last second to be run off then the least their coach can do is be there with them.


                  Originally posted by SPUD View Post
                  If you say that was one of the "best Super bowl games played" you must have been watching a different game than I did.

                  Lousy offensive play and play calling on both sides of the ball. The only "team" that showed up to play was the 11 defensive players of the Giants.

                  oh my goodness, if the patriots would have maintained defensive responsibilites, they would be 19-0. But breakdown on too many 3rd and long and not to mention the 4 missed tackles on the play of the game --4th and long and circus catch on the 25..

                  but that is why you play the game....It's a shame New England never got into the game mentally
                  If you honeslty believe that you don't know much about football. The Giants heart is what won this game. As big a Cowboy fan as I am and as much as I would have liked to see them play in the SB I know they couldn't have beaten New England. I enjoyed this game as much if not a little more than any Cowboy SB from the 90's. I don't know if it was that I really wasn't pulling for any team and could just enjoy the action from both sides.

