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Who introduced you to hunting, and why did you continue?

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    Who introduced you to hunting, and why did you continue?

    i have heard many different ways people got involved and its interesting. i am curious as to how some of you got in the sport and what got you hooked enough to keep on doin it?

    my dad got me into it. i loved bein "one of the guys" and watchin everything come alive at first light. it was 8 years from my first hunt to the day i decided i found a buck worthy of killin. i wanted mine to be a good one. i was just determined and didnt really know why. then when i killed that deer i found the thing known as buck fever and what it really was like to get out and out smart the game. killed him on a spot and stalk hunt with my dad by my side and i still cant get enough. many deer killed since then but i will never forget it.

    now its yall turn i wanna hear some of these

    My grandfather was taking me hunting when I was very young. I started my children when they were very young. I hope I am still alive & healthy enough to take their children when they are young. I continue to hunt to get away from the world. I love sitting around a camp fire with people that enjoy & understand what I love so much.


      I was introduced to hunting quite by accident. Some buddies and I were chasing a large herd of wooley mammoths just for fun and accidentally chased them over a cliff. And the rest is history!



        A little testimony

        I was raised by a mom that worked alot and wasn't around much. Dad wasn't around, so God gave me kind of an alternate family. I call them my "God Family". So, my "God Father" was/is a hunter and he introduced me to hunting. I can't tell you how many hunts I RUINED for him, but I finally got the hang of it! In debt to him!! Now it's my turn to teach a youngen! Good thread!


          My father has been the single most influential person in my hunting career. He has been my mentor since I was old enough to walk behind him. I take pride in being able to provide meals for my family that doesn’t come from some store or out of a box. It makes every bow harvest that much sweeter due to the fact I have taken my skills to a point my mentor has not yet traveled. Thanks for all the life lessons Dad!


            I started out... well as a self starter at age 5. Lived in the backwoods of Mobile Ala. I just wanted to be outside. Had creeks and ponds and woods full of critters. My brother would babysit me in the summer. He'd see me twice a day. Once when I left and once when I came home. It was great, we'd make sassafrass tea and catch snakes and such...

            I pretty much had to learn the way of the school of hard knots. As a teenager(in the 70's) I bought a bow when other kids were getting shotguns.

            I have progressed pretty well and one of my younger sons bowhunts(when he is not grounded). I took my youngest out today. Bunch of hogs scared him

            Bottom line is ... I had rather be outside than inside anyday. My kids are glad we live out in the country as apposed to in the city.



              My mom and dad got divorced when I was 5, and my father was never around. One of my older cousins took me when I was 12, and I've been hooked ever since. Now I spend every minute I can with my kids in the woods, and they love it. I wonder sometimes if I'm trying to make up for time I never had with my father. My wife thinks I'm crazy, and I should just realize what I have, and what my father missed.


                My Dad and my stepfather both took me and my brother hunting when we were young and living here in Texas. My Stepfather took both of us when we lived in California and I enjoyed the occasional deer hunting that we got to go on but I think it was the dove hunting and rabbit hunting that kept my interest the most.

                Then, after moving back to Texas I got back into deer hunting on my own and finally took a small 7 point while out hunting by myself and I was hooked for life. About 3 years later I picked up a bow and since then I have truly been hooked and I have gotten everyone around me hooked on the bow as well


                  BTW: now it is my turn and I am able to take my stepson out hunting and I have gotten him addicted as well


                    my dad got me into hunting and i evolved into bowhunting.Ijust loved being in the woods and being one of the guys.nothing better in the whole world.


                      Trailboss, that was funny. Are you trying to say you are older than dirty??? Thanks for the laugh.



                        trailboos' is by far the most interesting

                        and yea i actually need hunting at times. or at least the ranch. bein 18 sucks sometimes with all the alcohol and drugs livin in odessa. and i have had my fair share of trouble with them but i learned from mistakes and i go hunting to get away from it all. when times are hard at school and work and everything just seems to be going against you. i can always count on the ranch and watchin all the deer to make all my worries go away, and its even better when i am there with family and freinds. i got one of my good freinds into bowhunting and guided him on his first bow hunt he scored in the first 30 minutes the look on his face was worth every second it took for me to get him on a deer.

                        keep em comin boys


                          like alot of others, my parents divorced when i was 3 and my father was never around. moved to the same town in ok that my grandparents lived in when i was 10. my pawpaw took me fishing, hunting and worked my butt off on his little place. lots of fence building, name it, we did it. i love being in the woods and fishing. now i have a son, some of our best moments have been on the water or in the woods. Hopefully the good lord will keep me in good health for more trips with the kiddo. Sure do miss pawpaw though.


                            My parents divorced when I was about 2. Mom had polio before I was born, but that never stopped her from raising me and my 2 older sisters. It did keep her from trying to take me fishing or hunting though.
                            I lived in Dallas near Bachman lake by Love Field Airport so Mom bought me a fishing pole. Almost single-handedly wiped out the brim, perch and catfish population...
                            As a young teen I was reading Outdoor Life and Field and Stream mags and fell in love with the hunting stories. At about 14 or 15 Mom bought me a Win model 94 30-30. My BIL at the time took me deer hunting. Before sunup he sat me in a platform stand and said "if you see a deer shoot"!! I had no idea what I was doing and didn't see anything but I knew then I was hooked.
                            Started dove hunting with friends and had to wait several years before I ever got the chance to deer hunt again but it was worth the wait. Been hunting with gun or bow ever since...
                            I would say I was self taught, but I guess I've learned from all I hunted with, and I'm still learning from my TBH friends.


                              Well trophy8 you have started something and it is nice. It has caused me to stop and reflect on my past. Something we don’t get to do much of these days in this hectic world we live in. This could be a book!
                              I started around 5 when I received my first Daisy BB gun. I went from birds to squirrels, to rabbits to hogs to deer. I was fortunate to have grandparents with a lot of land, in our estate close to over 600 acres. 72 left to date for me to hunt on in Milam Co. 11 miles out of Caldwell north on 36. My Grandpa was a coon hunter with many coon dogs so I was exposed early to hunting. Dad was a sometimes hunter that hunted Deer on our place along with one of my uncle’s we did mostly stalk and hunt along with drives. They defiantly were not eaten up with it like I am. I have done my best to pass on to my son all I know. I am currently working on passing on the knowledge to 3 of my nephews and look forward to the day I get to introduce my grandson who is about to turn 9 months old to this thing I call an addiction (HUNTING).

                              Thanks for asking

