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Daily Sportsmen's Devotional 1-31-2008 Thursday

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    Daily Sportsmen's Devotional 1-31-2008 Thursday

    Bible Study Verse
    Proverbs 25:28
    A man who does not control his temper is like a city whose wall is broken down.

    For a couple years in a row, my family and I had searched an area for an old military fort. It was located where there was a good population of quail and javelina; and whenever we were hunting around there, we would always take time to look for it. I think each of us had conjured up in our mind's eye great images of all the treasure the fort might hold. So, it was rather surprising when we finally located it; but all that remained were some crumbled old rock walls and much debris. You could see that at one point it had been a large establishment that housed two companies of the 14th Infantry. Now it is nothing but a few ruins. (BrettM)

    Action Point
    These walls were constructed in the late 1800's to protect the military from Indians, most presumably Tonto Apaches. However, without constant attention, they now have fallen into decline and are no longer able to fulfill their mission.

    King Solomon tells us in the book of Proverbs that a life without self-control will not be able to complete its mission. If we do not establish and maintain spiritual boundaries in our life, we leave ourselves open to attack from the enemy. Our personal boundaries, walls of self-control, need constant maintenance. Seek that maintenance by reading God's Word, praying, and through other committed Christians.

    Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
    Do a little research of the area you are going to be hunting. Many remote areas conceal historic sites known only by a few. Searching for them can provide enjoyment during breaks in hunting or when the hunt is completed.

    Have a great day!

    God is my Mighty Fortress!!


      Good stuff, Thanks!


        He is our hedge of protect. Don't take yourself out of that hedge. I wish I could go back and change some of my bad decisions.

        Have a blessed day.



          Originally posted by alien77721 View Post
          God is my Mighty Fortress!!
          Dead on brother!


            Thank you.


              Again thank you and keep it coming


                Originally posted by WoJo View Post
                He is our hedge of protect. Don't take yourself out of that hedge. I wish I could go back and change some of my bad decisions.

                Have a blessed day.

                Don't we all!


                  Good one. That one hits home.



