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Daily Sportsmen's Devotional 1-30-2008 Wednesday

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    Daily Sportsmen's Devotional 1-30-2008 Wednesday

    Bible Study Verse
    2 Timothy 1:7
    For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

    Bears fishing for salmon will try the same fishing technique for hours on end, even though they may never catch a fish. Sometimes it takes them a long time to figure out that what they are doing isn't working and that they need to change their method. It is said that a sign of mental illness is when a person repeatedly does the same thing but expects a different outcome. Could this pertain to man when he lusts after a woman? Let's see.

    This guy you know is married, but claims that his wife doesn't understand him. This reasoning gives him the idea that his lust is justified. The guy hides the facts and makes out that he's interested in the other woman as a friend--just someone with whom he drinks coffee, who understands what he is going through, and someone to sympathize with him. They become close friends; and of course, he eventually ends up sleeping with her. And of course, he is going to leave his wife and marry her. But his conscience kicks in; he remembers he is a Christian, and that the Lord would not approve of any of this. He finds the nerve to break it off with her, even though he is deeply in love (in lust) with her. He goes back to his wife, and, naturally, his wife doesn't understand him. So...
    There is this other woman at work with whom he drinks coffee--just a friend who can sympathize with him.

    HEY! Someone help this guy get a clue! Satan relies on the fact that he has a mental illness, and he uses it to wreck this guy's life, the life of the other woman who understands and sympathizes with him, and the lives of his wife and his children. It is so easy, and it works so well. (DH)

    Action Point
    Now if this describes you or someone you know, why would you let Satan win? He uses the same tricks over and over because they work. If you or someone you know are subject to this or any of the other mental mindsets that Satan uses to ensnare us, it is imperative that someone is found to whom one can be accountable. Make sure this person is a solid, mature brother (for a male) or sister (for a female) in the Lord. Make sure they specifically ask you or your friend how you are doing in your area of temptation. Be real and completely honest with that person. Admit your struggles, and both of you pray about them right then and there.
    Remember: "If two of you agree concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven" (Matthew 18:19 NKJV). Don't use this person as a source of sympathy and one who gives you license to fall back into your weakness and temptation; but someone strong who will faithfully encourage you to be strong--illustrating, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (PhIlippians 4:13 NKJV). Memorizing God's Word about your area of temptation brings about successful battle stragedy. Listen to David: "Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You" (Psalm 119:11 NKJV).

    Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
    Love WD 40! Use it to put a protective coating on any metal surface that you want to protect. Spray your paddocks with it to keep them functioning smoothly. Keep a little spray bottle in your tackle box or toolbox so that it is handy when you need it.

    Have a great day!

    I Really needed that today thank you very much.






          Thank ya sir!


            thats a good one


              Tim, thanks again.

              After I read it, I went back to try to find the "thread" connecting Satan, lust, and WD40


                Originally posted by Bill in San Jose View Post
                Tim, thanks again.

                After I read it, I went back to try to find the "thread" connecting Satan, lust, and WD40
                Probably goes something like this.
                Satan tells you that you are bullet proof and the women really go for you. The WD-40 ties in with your dumb self thinking your "slick" and you got it all together.


                  Well said! Thanks for sharing.We all could use a reminder like that.


                    You quoted the verse I live by now, 2 Timothy 1:7. Thanks again.


                      Matt 18;19, one of my favorites.


                        Thanks man! Praise God for you

