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"Why do we need assault weapons?"

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    Originally posted by Tuffbroadhead View Post
    While you are discussing this..

    The Brady Campaign posted this..

    "Brian Dzyak - It's high-time to declare the NRA a Terrorist Organization. We can offer a 24 hour amnesty for members to quit. After that, everyone on the membership roles will be considered a potential threat to national security and dealt with appropriately.
    about an hour ago ยท
    not exactly.....

    Brian Dzyak is a cameraman, liberal, idiot. But he isn't the representative of the Brady Campaign. He may be their ideal member, but the Brady Campaign didn't post it....

    here's the link....
    IT DOESN'T GET MORE CLEAR THAN THIS: Democratic Underground illustrates how the NRA's ruthless agenda aided and abetted the Aurora gunman. We must wake up from the gun lobby's nightmare vision of...

    To be fair, the Brady Campaign did delete a bunch of posts, and chose to leave this nonsense up.

    He's also got a petition going to enforce the "entire" 2nd amendment. It's got a grand total of 19 signatures


      I guess we need single shot nail guns now too. It could be rigged up with a backpack cylinder and modification to the plunger to fire that high capacity magazine of nails.


        Originally posted by crittergitter View Post
        sounds like you need new fb friends. That is one way to get deleted off my page.....


          Originally posted by junkmanhunter View Post
          "why would you need an assault rifle"?

          Answer: because it is my right given to me by the 2nd amendment.


            It has started!


              I don't need an assault gun, but I need even less for the government to tell me I can't have one. I want one and the 2nd amendment gives me the right to own one.


                An assualt weapon reguardless of form must have something not avialable on sporting weapons. That is select fire if you cannot fire more that one round at a time with one trigger squeese it is not an assault weapon. If you can select a burst out full auto mode then it is an assualt weapon. Unless you pay a $200 Tax then you can own one, if and only if it was regestered before 1986. Any made after 1986 cannot be owned by civilians. Some one may have mentioned this earlier.


                  I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said it best, Guns kill people like spoons made
                  Rosie O'Donnell fat!


                    There are many good reasons why they should remain available to the general public but the one I like the most is ....because we want them ...and as Americans with a constitution for protection( debatable these days) we can have them


                      Originally posted by shane View Post
                      because the framers of the constitution were wise enough to recognize that citizens need to be able to do more than hunt and/or shoot recreationally. We need to be able to do more than defend ourselves against criminals, thieves, and attackers. We need to be able to defend ourselves against an oppressive and over-reaching government.....

                      a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
                      spot on!


                        Assault is not a weapon..Its an action!


                          In it's day the M1903 was considered an "assault rifle" although it was never called that. It had a shorter barrel, 5 round internal magazine, and a trained soldier could get off 30 aimed shots in a minute.

                          Following World War 1 many went on sale as surplus and hunters and shooters began buying them up. People argued why would you need a 5 round magazine to hunt? Until then most had only hunted or shot with breech loaders or even muzzle loaders.

                          Same argument different times.


                            Originally posted by Tejas Wildlife View Post
                            Why not ban any vehicle that is faster than the speed limit?

                            Why not ban long butcher knives?

                            Why not ban the ability to "Supersize" your fast food order?

                            These all make just as much sense as banning large capacity magazines.

                            So it's acceptable to just kill ONE person at a time using a singleshot but not if you are using an AR????


                            Help me remember, HOW MANY FIREARMS did the 9/11 attackers use?

                            As I recall..............NONE!!!! And those MUSLIM *********x'ers killed over 3,000 PEOPLE!!!!! Don't fall into the "Lets just ban this ugly gun because it looks bad" trap.
                            Very well said.

                            Originally posted by Habanarrow View Post
                            Tell ur friend I can put about 300 push pin in a sock with a hole and swing the heck out of it. That would fit the style of injuring many people at one time. Is he planning on banning socks and tacks????
                            Oh yeah, that's an assault weapon, in terms of pins!
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                            Tell you "friend" ... if you outlaw "assault weapons", only outlaws will own them.
                            No matter what laws are passed, the criminals will still get what they want. Only the law abiding citizens, that wouldn't shoot anyone anyway, would be affected.


                              ah, the old "Wants vs Needs" argument, this is such a one sided argument IMO that is not even funny. I don't own an assault rifle...or do I? who's going to be doing the classifying, chances are I do, but then this argument isn't really about the weapon as much as it is about our right to own a firearm.....any firearm. If you give them an inch they'll take a mile.

                              Ask you friend how fast his car / pickup will run, then ask him why on earth would he
                              even need a vehicle that would go faster than the legal posted speed limit.


                                I talked to a long time close friend of mine last night who is a LEO in San Diego, Cali. He was telling me that the made a bust on Friday night where the found 147 full auto Mac11, 83 full auto AK47, 30 Uzies and 20 lbs of C-4. All of this came in through Baja illegally and headed to gangs.
                                That's a WHOLE LOT of fire power going into the hand of people with full intentions of doing harm to anyone and everyone.

                                The media isn't even reporting anything about this. The media needs to be asking the government why can't they worry about doing something about the illegal weapons in our mist.

                                I don't own any assault weapons, only hunting and protection weapons

