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Lab Lovers - Let's see yours!

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    My wife and I are picking up our new pup this coming Saturday. His name is Shiner. I'm ready to get him trained up.

    Last edited by SFAbowhunter; 12-06-2015, 08:26 PM.


      Great looking pup. We love our Silver. His name is Stan


        Here is Jake - my 6 year old. Once upon a time he would retrieve, although since my kids came along he's been pressed into family dog service. My 2 year old daughter climbs all over him and he loves it.


          Recent Hunt with My Maxer!
          Attached Files


            Can't take this guy any where haha at a friend house for the first time and took him 2mins to find him in some water !!!
            His first teal and dove hunt
            Attached Files


              I wish I had my camera ready this morning. My wife and I were getting dressed for work in the bedroom, and the door to the hallway was closed. I thought I heard the dogs on the other side of the door.

              When I opened it, Sage the lab had found her camo leash on the shelf in the hutch, and had it all wrapped up into a tight bundle in her mouth, tail wagging and butt wiggling ready to go for a walk.


                Finally picked our boy up today! I think he's going to be a heck of a bird dog. He definitely loves his sleep!


                  Sage after a long day duck hunting yesterday. The princess was all business when we got to the pond.


                    We're a baseball family and Boomer loves it too!

                    Last edited by TxsBuda; 12-16-2015, 03:02 PM. Reason: To add text


                      My lab/ retriever I rescued a few days before Christmas two years ago. She has fit right in with the family perfect.




                          Santa brought her at 8 weeks, now 12ish weeks. Piranha puppy phase !!!! So cute but torturous on the hands and feet.


                            Here is my new little girl. Quite a mess!
                            Attached Files


                              I was really hard-*** about our lab never having tennis balls when she was younger and being trained for hunting. It was a bumper or nothing. Or she'd find a stick to run like a nutcase with.

                              Now, she gets a tennis ball to play with. She knows it's for play, and when I take the bumper out to throw, she knows that's serious.

                              I joke she's like an addict when she sees the ball and goes crazy. Our daughter took her for a hike, she would not take the ball out of her mouth the whole time.

                              She'll be 3 in the spring, her neck is starting to be like a bull as is her father's neck.


                                This is our 3.5 year old Case. And my daughter calls him her "Casey boy".

