Seek the Light
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105
Back before we had GPS-enabled maps on our phones and in our cars, people navigated on road trips using paper maps. This was challenging enough during the day, but at least there was light. But at night, road maps were doubly challenging since the interior lights in cars were rarely bright enough to make map reading easy.
Light is a critical ingredient when navigating on the road or through life. When we encounter dead-ends, roadblocks, detours, or other challenges when traveling through life, we need the brightest light possible: Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, and His Word. When seeking the guidance and direction we need, we should go first to God in prayer—and then to His Word. The psalmist declared God’s Word to be a lamp to his feet and a light to his path. In that day, tiny oil lamps would only illuminate a path for a short distance. We must trust God to illuminate our next steps, not the entire journey at once.
Trust the God who is Light and His Word if you are in need of direction (2 Timothy 3:16).
No darkness we have who in Jesus abide; the light of the world is Jesus!
P. P. Bliss
Turning Point Ministries
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105
Back before we had GPS-enabled maps on our phones and in our cars, people navigated on road trips using paper maps. This was challenging enough during the day, but at least there was light. But at night, road maps were doubly challenging since the interior lights in cars were rarely bright enough to make map reading easy.
Light is a critical ingredient when navigating on the road or through life. When we encounter dead-ends, roadblocks, detours, or other challenges when traveling through life, we need the brightest light possible: Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, and His Word. When seeking the guidance and direction we need, we should go first to God in prayer—and then to His Word. The psalmist declared God’s Word to be a lamp to his feet and a light to his path. In that day, tiny oil lamps would only illuminate a path for a short distance. We must trust God to illuminate our next steps, not the entire journey at once.
Trust the God who is Light and His Word if you are in need of direction (2 Timothy 3:16).
No darkness we have who in Jesus abide; the light of the world is Jesus!
P. P. Bliss
Turning Point Ministries