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? For the Paint Guys

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    ? For the Paint Guys

    I'm needing to paint a new concrete wall. Any body have any insight in how to do it and make it last?

    Probably just need to google a good concrete sealer. No idea what that might be.


      I need to change the color. You think I should seal it and then paint?


        I think that snowflake killer does concrete floors. He should be able to point you in the right direction.


          I might could help you out. Fill free to give me a buzz tomorrow. 281 615-4023 Pat


            I have no experience painting concrete walls but I am familiar with the challenges painting plaster walls (plaster over rock or other masonry).

            The biggest issue has to do with moisture. Natural walls tend to absorb, retain, and even wick moisture. Moisture will make a buckled, peeling mess of the interior paint in very short order. Add to this an interior that is cooled with modern cooling system juxtaposed to the outside temps during a hot Texas summer then you’ve got a trifecta.

            As for sealing the walls…yes, they definitely need to be sealed. Finding a sealant that’s hardy enough to stand up to our environmental conditions and sturdy enough to do for a respectable length of time…well, that’s a challenge as well.

            A concrete wall does, however, accept a stain. Are you in a position to stain it instead?


              Damm it guirl you go


                Originally posted by Snowflake Killa View Post
                Damm it guirl you go
                I know I’m not the sharpest blade in the chandelier, but I know a thing or two because I’ve seen a thing or two.


                  This is on a concrete storm shelter that sticks out of the ground about 3' and Sweetie says it's ugly.


                    Brick up around it?


                      Ah, now I have a clearer picture.

                      First, Sweetie’s right. It’s hideous.

                      Painting it, however, might be an application that’s a bit too harsh without some other offsetting color and/or texture (think of wood casements around the windows of a painted brick house).

                      I’ll reiterate my suggestion to stain it. In fact, I have a concrete retaining wall in back of my house (for erosion control) that I plan to stain as soon as 1) I can get my husband to agree that it will look good or 2) he is in a lengthy coma. Either one is fine with me.

                      One other suggestion I’ll make—and this is something we considered, too—is to plant fig ivy at the base of your structure. Fig ivy is a small-leaved, dense, fast growing “vine” the adheres to walls, climbs up and completely covers them. Think English Cottage or French Provençal Maison. Fig Ivy is fairly universal


                        Originally posted by Snowflake Killa View Post
                        Damm it guirl you go
                        I think she stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.

