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    I know it might be hard to see, but here in Bavaria there are hunting blinds everywhere. A lot like Texas, most of these are handmade out of plywood and they are everywhere.
    Also found a nice stag shed horn during an exercise.
    It seems as though it rains almost all the time when it is not snowing.
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    Last edited by munchie; 05-22-2024, 04:40 AM.

    We were in Germany and Austria in October. I have an acquaintance that lives in Austria and he explained the process to get a license to hunt in Austria. It’s easier for me than it is for him to get a hunting license.

    We rode the train from Munich to Vienna and the number of box blinds in pristine fields was awesome.

    Congrats on the antler find and thank you for your service!


      Cool find. Wife and I are leaving in a week for munich for 2 nights and then renting a car to see the country side.


        Yup. They call them "high seats." We've previously lived in Germany for right at five years and really enjoyed it. It's not home by any stretch, but still awesome. We've always known Bavaria as the Texas of Germany. My experience says that's true.

        Stay safe, Soldier.



          Looks like a great place to be stationed
          Thanks for your service


            I plan on visiting one day and would like to watch a Verbands-Gebrauchs-Prüfung​ (VGP) or the adult ability test for versatile dogs and drink a authentic Bavarian beer


              After the "wall" came down between West and East Germany, it was amazing to see how many new "high seats" went up on the former East German side! My main principal that I had when I worked for a living was in Germany... The owner lost his company during the wall period post-war... When the wall came down, he got his company back... It was fascinating to go visit over the years when the wall was still up as he had rebuilt the company in Zorge on he West side near the wall... To go now to Nordhausen (formerly on the east side where the factory stood, built in 1923), there is absolutely no evidence that wall was ever there!! The Germans made that sucker go away quick, fast and in a hurry!! I was lucky enough though to get pieces of fence panels from the wall... The company owners are big hunters there... They have some beautiful rifles, but are not allowed to keep them at their homes!! The president took me to the gubment facility to see his collection... No tellin' what it's worth!! It is most definitely a sport for the wealthy... much more so than here, if you can believe that!!


                We were on the machine gun range today and had to call a cease fire twice due to red deer crossing the range. I have had pigs do that back home at Fort Hood never thought I would see two deer in the middle of the day here.


                  How Cool! love that part, would love to go back in Aug and do the October fest again. We went all the way down to Garmisch-Partenkirchen. From the Forest to the Alps and with all the snow run off, the rivers/creeks were crystal clear. Seen a lot of sheep and cows but no red deer.


                    What a neat experience and a very cool thread. Following along.


                      I was there the late '70s and bowhunting was all I did. Couldn't get a license to bowhunt -- 😖


                        We have a fox that has been hanging around, or maybe we have a bunch of them I am not sure. I caught this guy on the trail while out for a run and he had a bird in his mouth. The other photo is on the machine gun range where we saw two red deer run across. I know you can't really see it in the photo but it was a cool sight to see..
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                          I was in 2nd Cav in early 80s one of the border units on the Czec border, used to see quite a few stag along the border, but Graff was loaded with hogs


                            I have heard about the hogs but have not seen any yet.

