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Hamas supporters at U T. Lol!

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    Remember it’s cocks not glocks at UT


      Load those asshats up and send’’em to the Gaza Strip!


        It’s not shot down- I have talked to about 6 of my former co-workers and they are still letting them be idiots


          Originally posted by flywise View Post
          Not enough good parents out there these days whipping the **** out of their kids when they're young. They let their kids grow up thinking that their stupid opinions are actually worth something.
          As I heard it described by a high school teacher--"gentle parenting" 😡🤬


            Originally posted by jdg13 View Post
            Bunch of idiots. As soon as the popo show up everyone pulls out phones hoping someone gets their "rights" violated so they can cry foul, all the while supporting terrorists who wouldn't think twice about chopping their heads off. Send them all to gaza since they love it so much.


              They better be glad the clock tower guy got dusted years ago. That might have triggered him.


                The only thing that will stop this nonsense is after a warning,expel them from school and revoke scholarships if they clearly violate policy. These priveledged twerps will take being handcuffed as a badge of honor. If they have to sorry about losing their shot at an “elite degree” I bet their commitment t to the cause will fizzle


                  Originally posted by jerp View Post
                  The only thing that will stop this nonsense is after a warning,expel them from school and revoke scholarships if they clearly violate policy. These priveledged twerps will take being handcuffed as a badge of honor. If they have to sorry about losing their shot at an “elite degree” I bet their commitment t to the cause will fizzle
                  I am betting that these are paid protesters that don’t even attend the university.

                  Call in the DPS and clean the campus of these professional terrorist!


                    Send them to Gitmo not Gaza


                      Anyone ever listen to Fear and Loathing in New Jerusalem on the Martyr Made Podcast? It’s done by a Jew, but he’s fairly unbiased and presents a pretty solid insight to how this thing started & how it got to this point. Just the first half hour is a great history lesson that I learned a lot from. These aren’t ancient histories, all this took shape in the Ottoman Empire in the early 1900’s when a group of Jews negotiated with Turkey to settle in Palestine (modern day Israel) with the agreement to not establish statehood. Now, they’ve got statehood and are committing genocide against the people they pushed out. It’s not so different than what early Americans did here, but manifest destiny was not done during the internet era, so things are different. Palestine sets up a defense force against a hostile occupier and we label that faction terrorists, call them ragheads, etc. I even read that they would cut off the heads of these kids protesting and I wonder if who wrote that knows what the Talmudic Zionists in Israel would do to them and you (the Goyum or Goy). Not here to ruffle feathers, and realize this is about dumb longwhorn kids protesting, but the basis for protest may not be so black & white as it’s being painted here.

                      I’m a conservative straight ballot Republican, but I’ll also say that Greg Abbott is a political windsock and will march to the orders of his puppet masters like the rest of them. He’ll put on a pretty political theatre for everyone but he is equally as culpable for the border crisis as Joe Biden. He was told to ship the illegals to sanctuary cities and while some were applauding, thinking he was doing it to stick it to the dems, what was really happening was he was helping grow the populations of deep blue states. The census counts everyone, illegal or not, and population is what dictates House of Representative seats, so while it looks nice from the outside, he essentially ruined Republicans chances of ever having the House majority ever again. ICE will have hell deporting from those areas and the optics of mass deportation is awful for our party, as the race card will definitely be played hard.

                      Im an OIF/OEF vet and have seen the atrocities of terrorism, but I’ve learned to take a look in the mirror before pointing fingers too hard lately. Link to podcast mentioned above:

                      Listen to this episode from The Martyr Made Podcast on Spotify. The conflict between Israel and Palestine can often seem like a permanent feature of the global order. The wars, intifadas, refugees camps, suicide vests, UN resolutions, and peace talks have been painfully burned into our collective consciousness. But how could this have happened? Was it always this way? That’s what we’ll seek to find out in this three-part series on the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.In Episode #1, nations are rallying to throw off the yoke of the Great Powers, and demanding the sovereign right to rule their homelands. A group calling themselves Zionists puts out a call to awaken the oppressed Jews of Europe from their thousand-year slumber. The time had come, after two thousand years of homeless wandering, to return to Palestine, the land longed for in so many psalms and lamentations. But there was a problem. While the Jews were in exile, another people had moved into the land, and they had been living there for 1300 years.Thanks for listening. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section or via e-mail. Part Two of this series will be along shortly, and I encourage you to subscribe so you’ll be the first to know. Enjoy!


                        I don’t get it. I don’t remember pro this and that when I was in my 20’s. College is such a scam for most people who go for their 1 or 2 semesters before they dropout.


                          I’m going to stick with Gods explanation of the Jewish nation and the Biblical boundaries He set for the Jewish homeland.


                            Originally posted by gekko man View Post

                            I am betting that these are paid protesters that don’t even attend the university.

                            Call in the DPS and clean the campus of these professional terrorist!


                              Originally posted by Southbound 85 View Post
                              Anyone ever listen to Fear and Loathing in New Jerusalem on the Martyr Made Podcast? It’s done by a Jew, but he’s fairly unbiased and presents a pretty solid insight to how this thing started & how it got to this point. Just the first half hour is a great history lesson that I learned a lot from. These aren’t ancient histories, all this took shape in the Ottoman Empire in the early 1900’s when a group of Jews negotiated with Turkey to settle in Palestine (modern day Israel) with the agreement to not establish statehood. Now, they’ve got statehood and are committing genocide against the people they pushed out. It’s not so different than what early Americans did here, but manifest destiny was not done during the internet era, so things are different. Palestine sets up a defense force against a hostile occupier and we label that faction terrorists, call them ragheads, etc. I even read that they would cut off the heads of these kids protesting and I wonder if who wrote that knows what the Talmudic Zionists in Israel would do to them and you (the Goyum or Goy). Not here to ruffle feathers, and realize this is about dumb longwhorn kids protesting, but the basis for protest may not be so black & white as it’s being painted here.

                              I’m a conservative straight ballot Republican, but I’ll also say that Greg Abbott is a political windsock and will march to the orders of his puppet masters like the rest of them. He’ll put on a pretty political theatre for everyone but he is equally as culpable for the border crisis as Joe Biden. He was told to ship the illegals to sanctuary cities and while some were applauding, thinking he was doing it to stick it to the dems, what was really happening was he was helping grow the populations of deep blue states. The census counts everyone, illegal or not, and population is what dictates House of Representative seats, so while it looks nice from the outside, he essentially ruined Republicans chances of ever having the House majority ever again. ICE will have hell deporting from those areas and the optics of mass deportation is awful for our party, as the race card will definitely be played hard.

                              Im an OIF/OEF vet and have seen the atrocities of terrorism, but I’ve learned to take a look in the mirror before pointing fingers too hard lately. Link to podcast mentioned above:

                              My understanding is the Ottoman Empire chose the wrong side in WW1 and things were divided up after they lost. This is pretty standard, you fight a war and lose, you lose power and territory. League of Nations made the rules and for the most part Britian ruled them Now the Jewish people were there, WW2 happened and the state of Isreal was created.

                              The idea of victimhood just doesnt seem to fit. Repeatedly choosing the wrong side, then losing seems to be the synopsis. In my quick research, I see nowhere that they chose the side of good, or right, and the world has punished them for it.


                                Maybe ThisLadyHunts will throw a dead squirrel into the crowd and they’ll disperse.

