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PSA…Carbon monoxide detectors work

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    PSA…Carbon monoxide detectors work

    Coworker has been complaining of headaches in the morning. I asked if he had a carbon monoxide detector. He did not. He went and bought one at lunch. He gets home and sets it up. It goes off immediately. Fire department shows up and detects high levels in the house.

    I do believe we avoided a tragedy.

    Good on you, he owes you a beer, or more…..


      or more!!!!


        Good thing you did. Where was the CO coming from?


          Gas furnace


            Good Save.

            I put one in our deer lease cabin last year due to one of the old timers breaking out a propane heater I think came over on the Mayflower.
            Surprisingly enough, it appears to burn clean.
            We now (after another lease member objected to its overnight use) only run it right before bed in the evening to knock the cold down and when getting dressed in the morning.


              He’s lucky and glad you suggested the monitor. Now if remembers to change the batteries in a year.


                Great call. I run two in my camper when remote camping. Can't be too safe when it comes to CO.


                  Originally posted by HubCityThumper View Post
                  Coworker has been complaining of headaches in the morning. I asked if he had a carbon monoxide detector. He did not. He went and bought one at lunch. He gets home and sets it up. It goes off immediately. Fire department shows up and detects high levels in the house.

                  I do believe we avoided a tragedy.

                  Yes you probably did.

                  My dad tells a story that his dad told him. It was about 4 doctors on a mule deer hunting trip in west Texas back in the 60's. They all died in a a camper one night from carbon monoxide poisoning. Scary stuff to think you'd just fall asleep and never wake up.


                    Good on you! When we travel we take the plug in detectors with us, safe than sorry on that deal.

