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Duck ID

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    Pretty neat to get one off of Dagger. Not that they’re not common in the salt but the marshes are covered in them. I’ve only shot a few. Most decoy shy bird there is this time of year at least for me anyway.


      Originally posted by chrisk View Post
      That’s why I am afraid to duck hunt, I would end up arrested
      Same here. Explains the vague childhood memories I have watching them push the bills in the mud so they wouldn't float.


        Originally posted by glen View Post
        ChrisK- afraid to go by your house as it seems kinda sketchy as far as what is Public vs private. We were out on Dagger
        yeah seems like a lot of purple marked post in the water. North of there still seems to have a lot of ducks but I think it still goes in and out of private properties. I see guys pulled over just past the 136&188 4 way going towards Sinton. I am guessing that’s private property as well?

