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Longtime NRA chief Wayne LaPierre resigns after nearly 50 years with group

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    I am a Life member of both NRA and TSRA. I will have to think about giving more to the NRA now. Having worked in non-profits all my career I can say when leadership becomes a liability its's time to leave.


      Originally posted by Huntergirl723 View Post
      I just cannot believe those that side with the liberal New York Attorney General and believe her sh*t.

      "LaPierre and three other current and former NRA leaders are fending off a lawsuit brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James in 2020 that alleges they violated nonprofit laws and misused millions of dollars of NRA funds to finance lavish lifestyles for themselves."

      Are you kidding me?
      Can you explain to me why my Lifer dues need to fund Wayne’s $5000 suits to effectively defend the 2A?


        Originally posted by Drycreek3189 View Post
        I’m a lifer, so no rejoining for me, but I will give them no more money because there are other orgs that do more on less. GOA, 2nd Amendment Foundation, and TSRA will get my money.
        Yeah, right! The media is so scared about the GOA, 2A, and TSRA that they don't even mention those organizations. LOL. The only pro-gun the media and libtards mention is the NRA. The NRA is the most powerful pro-gun organization out there. You would not have the gun rights you now enjoy if the NRA didn't protect your constitutional rights for decades. Are they perfect, hell no. But, they are still the best. Just like the USA is not perfect, but it is the best country in the world. Undebatable.


          Originally posted by 100%TtId View Post

          Can you explain to me why my Lifer dues need to fund Wayne’s $5000 suits to effectively defend the 2A?

          How do you know that his suites cost $5k? Oh, that's right, you believe anything libtard AG Lateeesha James tells you to believe. Got ya now.


            Originally posted by Huntergirl723 View Post

            How do you know that his suites cost $5k? Oh, that's right, you believe anything libtard AG Lateeesha James tells you to believe. Got ya now.
            Go re-read the 2nd paragraph of post 14 on this thread.


              Originally posted by Huntergirl723 View Post
              I just cannot believe those that side with the liberal New York Attorney General and believe her sh*t.

              "LaPierre and three other current and former NRA leaders are fending off a lawsuit brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James in 2020 that alleges they violated nonprofit laws and misused millions of dollars of NRA funds to finance lavish lifestyles for themselves."

              Are you kidding me?
              First off the most of us are not siding with the broken AG! Lapeeuw has been doing this for a long time - everyone knows this unless they have had their heads buried in the sand….


                Originally posted by Huntergirl723 View Post

                Yeah, right! The media is so scared about the GOA, 2A, and TSRA that they don't even mention those organizations. LOL. The only pro-gun the media and libtards mention is the NRA. The NRA is the most powerful pro-gun organization out there. You would not have the gun rights you now enjoy if the NRA didn't protect your constitutional rights for decades. Are they perfect, hell no. But, they are still the best. Just like the USA is not perfect, but it is the best country in the world. Undebatable.
                What is the last major win for the NRA?

                Was it getting suppressors off of the registry? Oh. No. They wanted that to fail.

                Did they help legalize suppressors in most of the 50 states?

                oh no. That was the ASA.

                did they fight the magazine bans? The AR ban in the 90s? The bump stock ban? Go to war about the FRT and binary triggers?

                Did they fight to block 41F with the implementation of the BS pics and prints for all NFA purchases.

                And they dang sure haven’t tried to get rid of the NFA!

                NRA SUCKS! And WLP can go sit on a cactus. Many more need to join him. The NRA should be a power house as they once were. They have been irrelevant for a decade or better easily.


                  Still not joining.


                    The 2nd Amendment Foundation is sueing somebody all the time, and winning in the courts. NRA should have gotten rid of LaPierre long ago. The whole thing stinks !


                      Long over due. Now we will need to see who replaces him?


                        Originally posted by DUKFVR View Post
                        Nra bought him out. Too many members like me said no mo money till he gone! Lol
                        I suspect you’re right about this. Our family stopped supporting them and so have many other family members and friends. I’m afraid, however, that the NRA waited too long to address the situation and that it will take years for them to regain public trust. I have to wonder if they’re solvent enough to ride out the storm.


                          Originally posted by hopedale View Post
                          Long over due. Now we will need to see who replaces him?
                          Ollie North had his foot in the door but they ran him off.

