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Anyone Else Have a Lease in/around Llano?

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    Anyone Else Have a Lease in/around Llano?

    Been on a lease for the last 11 going on 12 years this year, for those of you in or around Llano, hows your deer population? Its been super slow recently with not a lot hitting feeders. Landowners have cleared some land for cows and we have also received a lot a rain on the place the last few months so its very green but just curious if others are seeing the same thing.

    Acorns haven't started dropping yet so thats not coming into play.

    How many acres are you on? I was on a place outside of Tow, high fence, but when the LO pushed over 100 acres of mesquite, the herd patterns shifted dramatically. Took a season to get the deer back on track.


      We are on about 2100 LF total, they cleared about 75 acres all together.


        I’m in Cherokee. Our LO cleared a lot of brush and it totally changed our hunting for the worse about 10 years ago but we’re on way less acreage. I don’t think clearing 75 acres would change a lot on 2k acres. Should see some more deer movement this weekend with the front coming in


          We are near Llano (2k acres) and have noticed a drastic decline since the big freeze. They just recently received rain the last month OR so , been very dry before that and all but 2 of our 10 ponds went dry. We have not seen signs of any die off but think the deer went in search of water and food supply.


            Originally posted by Big_gun View Post
            We are near Llano (2k acres) and have noticed a drastic decline since the big freeze. They just recently received rain the last month OR so , been very dry before that and all but 2 of our 10 ponds went dry. We have not seen signs of any die off but think the deer went in search of water and food supply.
            VERY big decline in deer numbers after the freeze for us too.


              We hunt 2,700 acres in Llano and it's been really slow the past few years. Same group has been hunting it over 60 years and I can remember a day when there seemed to be a deer under every tree. Now it's mostly hogs, turkey have also been awol.


                Acorns are starting to drop. Finally got some rain the last two weeks. Before that it's been bone dry and hot. Haven't noticed a population drop but they have moved to areas with water and browse during the dry hot weather.


                  There are plenty in my yard, with Axis ripping my trees and shrubs. Even some twin fawns.


                    I live in Cherokee and haven’t notice a decline in numbers. The neighbors behind us will come in on weekends and our deer numbers jump up. They have 300-400 acres behind us and when they come in the deer haul butt into our place. Lots of night time pics right know. Our older deer are only hitting the feeders after dark. Axis are starting to hit the feeders good again. They kinda disappeared for a couple weeks I figured they found a better food source down the creek.


                      Llano county off of 2323. Our deer population was hurt severely in the summer of 2022. Going in to the fall we had maybe one buck over 1.5. Fawn crop was around 10%. Our neighbors reported the same.
                      This summer was better for fawns (survey indicated 70%) but it’s going to be a few years before we have mature bucks again. We had about 2” of rain in September and it really greened up. Looks like springtime in the pasture and the deer are enjoying the greenery. Some are coming to corn at night but it’s going to be tough hunting for awhile. Need some cool weather.


                        20 miles SE of Llano here. Plenty of deer and fawns around, but the 1.5-2.5 y/o cohort is really short on #s.


                          I have a lease between Valley Springs and Cherokee. Everything seems about the same for this time of year.
                          everything was burned up over the summer. Lots of young deer at the feeders. Our good bucks show up late October


                            Between the acorns and persimmons not much moving on camera but water trough activity has been at all time highs. Bouncing back from '22 has been good for those mature that made it.

