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Church, religion, denominations

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    God's Church began before the creation of the world and will be alive until Jesus returns. Churches that we attend are like hospitals, filled with people spiritually in need of continuous healing. The Living Word of the Bible is what helps in that healing. God sends us to share the Good News and make disciples. Every church should strive to make disciples a primary focus of their mission as Christ seeks to fill us with a Living Hope. Pray, read Scripture, be obedient to it and make disciples. Christ does not care about pews filled to bursting with numbers but a church filled with those that crave the Word of the Lord.


      Originally posted by Double C View Post
      People aren’t perfect, and neither are churches. We go because we are broken and seek relationship with the Lord. Find one that feels good, and give the people there some grace for their human failings too.
      Exactly! If all it takes to keep someone from going to church is some sinner sinning, then they will undoubtedly find a reason not to go. We’re all still sinners and churches are full of sinning hypocrites, I’m one of em but I’m pretty sure God can still hit a straight lick with a crooked stick.

