Sitting on the back porch enjoying a Oliva, playing with Twerpy's iPad. The girls are all finally asleep, so I can have some peace...
Sit has been a stressful, drama filled day. My MIL is in town, and Twerpy had a little friend over for the day. I cut, mortised and re-fit doors this morning (house settling), and spent the afternoon trimming the trees. I made the fool mistake of letting water get in my chainsaw, and not running it, so I did all the cutting by hand. What a whipping. I need to tear down my saw and see if I can get it to rotate and check compression, or decide if I need a new long block.
Thinking about what all I need to pack for the Farm for this weekend, and enjoying a glass of raspberry tea with my cigar. It's breezy here, but really nice outside.
I need some help convincing Mrs Gummi that I need a new Festool circular saw and a guide so ripping panels and doors will be easier in the future. . Sadly, she was not nearly as enthusiastic as me when I was telling her all about it.
Brother, your day sounds like my last week! Only mine was spread out. If I can get an express to you I'll send you a chainsaw. Over the years some how I now have 3. I also have to do the same with 3 of our doors in our old home. I feel your pain! I use the table saw to cut them down but a good circular with a fence in many ways is better! Take care and if you need anything, give me a shout!