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Strange Finds in the Woods?

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    Found an old musket ball when I was a kid.
    I find a lot of balloons too.....
    Found plenty of poaching evividence this year.
    A friend of mine found an old old old gun that was rusted solid. (don't know what kind)


      Originally posted by Silent Assassin View Post
      Looks to b alligator skeleton?
      That's what I thought. I was scouting for the up coming bow season 2 years ago over at Scott's ridge and I've never seen any gators but I'm sure they are there.
      Last edited by whitetail adict; 03-05-2012, 07:05 AM.


        Ttt for some more stories


          A US calvary brass coat button and a spur


            In the creek on my parent's place in Southern Maryland I have found megladon teeth along with a lot of other shark teeth, dolphin teeth and stingray mouth plates. I also found a stone that Indians used for grinding corn near the creek.


              My wife told me about a "ghost town" her family came up on in western
              Kansas while pheasant hunting.

              I think she said the name of it was "Strawberry" and there was at least
              one general store that still had stocked shelves.

              This was many years ago, when she was a girl. They were never able
              to find the place again.


                Found a duck call and wrist compass while hunting COE land on the Neches, looked like they fell out of a hunters pocket.....15 yards past them there was evidence that the duck hunter had chili the night before......

                Found an aluminum arrow with broadhead attached leaning up against a tree

                Stumbled upon an old cemetery while riding ATVs with a friend at his lease. Graves dated from early 1900s and back. Some of the headstones were illegible.


                  Originally posted by garfish View Post
                  My wife told me about a "ghost town" her family came up on in western
                  Kansas while pheasant hunting.

                  I think she said the name of it was "Strawberry" and there was at least
                  one general store that still had stocked shelves.

                  This was many years ago, when she was a girl. They were never able
                  to find the place again.
                  I cut wheat throughout central/western KS as a kid, and heard "Strawberry" mentioned. Your post prompted me to check and see if any info had hit the net...


                    Found a weather balloon on our place in Red River County, back in the early 70's. I find 4 or 5 helium birthday type balloons on our place every year. A few years ago, I found one that had a woman's name and address from Denton. It was her 97th birthday. We sent her a birthday card. That is about 150 miles away.


                      Originally posted by BigFoot View Post
                      Lets hear some of yalls strange finds while walking around in the woods.

                      I dont really have any besides random slabs or stuff that looks like graves.
                      I found bigfoot on the GS


                        One time I was walking across some farm fields with my dogs and found a $10 bill. You could tell it had been out in the weather a good while. Don't remember the date on it, but it wasn't one that had polyester in it, bcuz it was rotting badly. Took it to the bank and they exchanged it. The bank employee said she had never seen such a rotted bill before.

                        Another time I was out on one of the tractors brush-hogging and found three $5 bills, but in different places in that same field. Unfortunately, one wasn't found until after I shredded it with the brush hog.

                        There's an old farm place I used to walk across as a kid and I came across a large gear way out in the middle of a large wheat field. I'm guessing it to be a bull gear from a tractor tranny. Looks to be 50 years old or more. Still have it somewhere.

                        Years ago, my dad, brother, and I were fishing on a family friend's ranch and came across some old wagon trails from a long time ago. My dad said that he found those when he was a kid and wondered how old they might be. On that same property we found a Model T cab way way out on that same ranch. Looked odd being so far out and no house anywhere nearby.


                          Also, about three years ago, while out in the woods, I discovered a deflated balloon attached to a little booklet full of bible scriptures. I emailed the man who's email address was on the back, but never heard back from him.

                          I've found all kinds of animal skeletons.

                          Another time when I was a teenager, my brother, a friend, and myself decided to see how far we could walk down a well known creek in the area. A week or so before there had been a major flood, but the creek had already receaded back to normal water level. We knew that a family had been washed off the road during that flood one night, but had no idea just how close we had come to discovering their bodies in the car they were still in. It wasn't until a day or two later that the news showed the car and bodies were just a short distance around a bend in the creek from where we started our journey. I can't remember for sure, but there were like three or four people.


                            Originally posted by HillCountyDude View Post
                            One time I was walking across some farm fields with my dogs and found a $10 bill. You could tell it had been out in the weather a good while. Don't remember the date on it, but it wasn't one that had polyester in it, bcuz it was rotting badly. Took it to the bank and they exchanged it. The bank employee said she had never seen such a rotted bill before.

                            Another time I was out on one of the tractors brush-hogging and found three $5 bills, but in different places in that same field. Unfortunately, one wasn't found until after I shredded it with the brush hog.

                            There's an old farm place I used to walk across as a kid and I came across a large gear way out in the middle of a large wheat field. I'm guessing it to be a bull gear from a tractor tranny. Looks to be 50 years old or more. Still have it somewhere.

                            Years ago, my dad, brother, and I were fishing on a family friend's ranch and came across some old wagon trails from a long time ago. My dad said that he found those when he was a kid and wondered how old they might be. On that same property we found a Model T cab way way out on that same ranch. Looked odd being so far out and no house anywhere nearby.
                            Someone had buried a stash years ago. Might consider some metal detecting the area.


                              This was a pretty cool thread, with some awesome stories! Let's see if we cant stir up some more! ttt


                                While dove hunting in the desert in New Mexico we found a bomb from the WWII era. It looked like the bomb had accidently dropped or the releasse from the plane didn't function correctly, the bombs tail section was bent causing it to fall incorrectly and it did not detonate. We reported our findings and it was blown up the next day.

