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Shot a huge buck, but need help

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    Good luck brother!


      Good luck this morning, he's a nice one.


        I'll be watching this! Good luck on finding him.


          Originally posted by rubydog View Post
          Bump for getting Rod and Courtney on the deer...


          Don't hesitate to call, Rod and Courtney are great people ..

          That is a great deer, can't wait to see pics of him recovered.


            Your story sounds just like mine from last year, except mine was a cull deer. i hit a cull 6 in the shoulder and got about 3" on penitration. i found my arrow with 3" of the arrow missing and no blood on the shaft. The deer ran off as soon as he was hit and i found one drop of blood about 30yds from my feeder pen and the trail went cold so i backed out and waited till morrning. the next morning i went back with 4 other guys from my lease and started the search again. about every 20 to 30yds i would find a spec of blood. finally after about 3 hours of doing this i hear a buddy scream here he is and i looked up to see him run right past me nearly knocking me down. the deer didnt even have a limp but we found were he had bedded down and there was about 3 drops of blood there. the buddy who jumped the deer up said he could see where the deer was hit and it was a square shoulder shot. never seen the deer again. I really hope you had enough penatration to get a kill, wish you the best of luck


              Soda, based on your shot selection it doesn't sound good. Many on here are saying you'll find him, its my experience on those shots that you won't find him but will get him on trail cam later in the year.
              If I'm reading what you wrote correctly you shot too far forward and stuck in his shoulder. I've see deer hit hard in the shoulder and if hit square I've seen them drop like a ton of bricks only to get up and run off. That shot angle you took would have only gotten 1 lung too.
              I truly hope I'm wrong but with the way he reacted and the amount or arrow you got back couples with your penetration it doesn't give me a lot of hope.
              Good luck this morning I hope you find him.
              Last edited by keep; 10-22-2011, 06:18 AM.


                Waiting for it to get light outside to go look.


                  howd you sleep???


                    Not much at all


                      I hope you find him this morning. It'll be light enough to track in half an hour. I want to hang in to see LDPs but I have a golf tournament in a couple of hours. I'll be checking in later for the good news. Good luck bro. Go get him!


                        My guess is that is a dead deer... No shoulder hit, I've ever experienced, leaves that big of a puddle. Maybe so, but I'd say he's within 75 yards, if you didn't jump out of the stand before 30 minutes or so passed. You wouldnt have pushed him, he probably laid down. He'll tend to stay on the most accessible trail and may circle big on the wound side. Hands and knees brother! Good luck. We'll see pics soon!

                        I am here:,-98.995033
                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                          Good luck this morning sodapop!!!


                            Best of luck!


                              Hope you find him and be careful when cleaning him!
                              Don't forget about your BH in all the excitement and reach in there and cut yourself.

                              I've read all your post and never really got a good since of how much penitration you got. Are you saying that you hit his off side shoulder or his near side shoulder?


                                Good luck on the recovery.

