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Macie :)

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    Good morning Macie gal, stay warm this week cause it's about to get cold!


      I've never wanted to look at this thread for soooo many reasons. It's powerful and says so much of the people here.


        Good morning beautiful Macie, hope you got a great weekend lined up. Stay dry and warm, and have some fun.


          Man I'm so far behind.

          Keili had her surgery on Monday. They were able to do it Laparoscopic so she only spent one night. She's doing great for just have surgery. She was even able to go to my company Christmas Party last night. She's still sore but getting better each day. We are very hopeful that this will ease her cramps and pain.

          Macie is doing great. Had a cold a few days ago and just didn't feel good. But she's better now. Still battling seizures.

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


            My dear Lord, may the Gardners have a blessed and great weekend. AMEN.


              Gardner girls on an uptick. Hallalujah!


                Thanks for the update Brian. Y'all stay dry and warm. And Lord, we ask in the mighty name of your Son Jesus to take care of those seizures. Amen!


                  Prayers up for Macie and Kellie. This weather is perfect for hot chocolate and watching some Polar Express (or her favorite Christmas movie).


                    Good morning Macie gal, hope you're nice and warm this week. Have a great Tuesday.


                      Macie, HELLO!!!

                      We've been gone last couple of weeks and we're home.

                      Read up on the thread all that's going on with you and also wanted to tell you to get a BIG & THICK blanket. It's gonna get real cold the next 2 days. Stay cozy & wrapped up!

                      Brian good news about Keili and her results. Thanking God for answers to our prayers!

                      Will everyone be home for Christmas with y'all?

                      Praying for y'all!!!

                      God Bless the Gardners!!


                        Hey Macie gal, gonna be cold for a few days so stay bundled up.


                          Checking back in.... nice to hear positive things happening. Stay warm, Macie, I think there's going to be frost on the pumpkin tonight.


                            Sometimes you just have to climb up to get a better prospective.

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                              Nice camp Brian. Enjoy your weekend.


                                I sat up on that hill for 2 hours just watching God majic. What a wonderful experience

