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Macie :)

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    I sit here crying for y'all and prasing God for his strength and wisdom to help her. We will always be here Macie. Please just know that...


      Prayers are working! Everyone let's pray harder and more often for this baby girl! Come on Macie you can do this! Hang in there Dad!

      Sent from my HTC EVO using Tapatalk.


        Prayers sent


          My daughter and I just finished our prayers and Macie was #1 on the list like she is every other night. Praying for good news tomorrow. Stay strong girl!!!


            Originally posted by brianlg31 View Post
            Guys and gals I'm don't know what it means and I'm only going to post it here. We will ask the DRs tomorrow. Keili (wife) just called and said Macie really was uncomfortable. She even had two tears in one eye. I know I shouldn't be excited about my daughter crying but she hasn't had tears yet. So I'm taking it as a good sign. Keili was going to order some morphine for Macie to calm and relax her. So may be she is starting to have some feeling.

            Dang it, I went back to work and raising our other two kids, on Monday. These past two days have been rough, I hate not being there. Now tomorrow is going to be even worse. Thanks again for the prayers and support.

            Brian Gardner

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
            Praying right now!


              Sent one up for her.


                More prayers going up!


                  More prayers up!!



                    More prayers sent for you and your family Macie!!!!!



                      hoping for the best. Good luck stay strong


                        Wow, makes my eyes water too. Prayers for all of you!


                          I keep looking back here for updates, Brian I know the feeling of having one in the hospital and being away to take care of other kids, it sucks....but have faith and be strong, lean on the lord, he has shoulders big enough for all of us.

                          God bless and protect your family. Prayers continue.


                            Continue to pray for her recovery.


                              Lord, let the words I say glorify you. Our hearts ache for the pain this family is going through. We look to you for answers we cannot find elsewhere. We hurt for a child in need who you've been with every breath she has taken. You are never late nor early but on time with your plan. Thousands of prayers have been whispered, thought and even yelled for her recovery. With each passing moment, those prayers have brought this family hope. We draw towards you when shadows are casted. This child's illness is making our relationship with you Lord more and more strong. We ask forgiveness for those times that we do not cry out your Name. Everything is possible through you Lord...everything. As you continue holding this precious little girl and comforting us all, give us understanding. Thank you for your unconditional LOVE...even when we don't deserve it. Free this child from the illness so that she may see this world again.

                              In your Son's most precious name,

                              Sent via iPhone


                                You are my final prayer of the night, Macie. Stay strong little one. We are here for you.

