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Macie :)

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    and the prayers go on, and the admiration for your courage and perseverance cannot be measured. Brian, you are a real man in my book. a man among men! may the Lord bless you and your family!


      Originally posted by brianlg31 View Post
      Made it home on Friday. Harley helped Keili gets Macie out of the car. I hear that Macie had a giant smile when Harley opened the car door. She's glad to be home.

      Good news! Home is where the heart is, for sure!


        Glad to hear you are back home. I have been enjoying hearing about all your progress. That's Great. I hope you had a great weekend.



          Brian - you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Hannah asked about Macie the other day and sends her love.


            Macie, glad you're home. We continue to pray for healing, swiftly.

            God Bless!


              Continued prayers going up. Glad MAcie is home. Do well with your shoot.

              Macie, we are getting rain!!!!!!! WoooooHooooo!!!!!


                Just want to drop in and say HELLO Macie! I will be sending more prayers up for you and your family. Have a good week and smile everyday!


                  Good afternoon Macie. Glad you are home. Prayers always


                    Howdy Macie girl. I just joined the GS a few months ago and this is the first time I ran across your thread. I've been siting here reading the posts that your family has put up for all of us to read and I can tell you that I ain't cried this much in I don't know when. I've never met you or your family but I feel like I know y'all personally. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your family. I consider you and your family to be a good friend of mine now and I will follow along with you on your road to recovery and ask God everyday to make it a quick one for you.

                    Brian you are right, these folks are some good people here on the GS and I'm glad to have found y'all. If I can help you with anything, and I do mean anything, just hit me up!!!

                    Macie we will talk to you tomorrow and keep everyone in line will ya!!!


                      Good morning beautiful Macie, are you glad to be home again? I imagine your weekend was full of fun with your family. Have a great day baby gal!


                        Good morning Macie. Hope y'all getting some of this much needed rain like we are. I talked about you for an hour to my wife last night. I told her I met this wonderful little girl who was stronger than any of us could ever imagine. She was so intrigued by your story that she read your whole story on the GS last night and cried throughout. She ain't a TBHr like we are yet but we won't hold that against her for now. Anyways I bet your glad to be home and we are still praying for you to hurry up and get better so we can have that pizza party your Dad is talking about. Stay strong and give us all a big smile


                          Macie is doing good, glad to be home. Found out yesterday that Ronna, the nurse that comes 4 days a week is quitting us 8/1. She realized how much better her 14yo son is when she is home more. We understand completely as now she drives 1.5 hours one way the works 10 hours then drives back. So she is gone most of the day. Just going to be hard to replace her.

                          We, Harley, Tyler and I have only been gone since Sunday and I already miss the heck out Macie.



                            Good afternoon Macie! Prayers always. Sending out a special prayer for a new nurse.


                              Hi, Macie! My husband sent me the link to your story on here & I decided to join TBH just so I could come talk to you! I've been praying for you since the day I started reading this thread & will continue to do so. My son is as well, he had me read some of your updates to him & now he asks me just about every day if there's any news from your dad. I'm sorry your losing your nurse & will say a special prayer that someone perfect for you comes along real quick. I hope you have a great night & I'll be back to talk to you soon! <3, Tina


                                Welcome to the fire Tina. Thanks for the prayers.

                                No real changes to talk about.


