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I can't punch him in his face, but I should!

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    I can't punch him in his face, but I should!

    OK This is a rant but I need to let it go. I wear my cowboy boots and hat almost everyday and people around these parts look at me like I am crazy, but who cares... I like to wear them and I am very comfortable with it. This is thoroughbred country, what the hell?! People should be use to it!

    Well today was the worse. I work for Humana and I have been in meetings all week with a group of vendors. Well today my boss walks into the meeting and my hat is sitting on the table behind me. Keep in mind we are in a conference room with everyone there, 4 vendors and a fellow team member, my boss picks up my hat, puts it on his head and says

    "So is this the hat you wear to the gay bars with your matching boots?"

    I am not gay by far...but I was stunned! The vendors looked at me with disbelief that he would say that and I sunk into my chair.

    I talked to my wife about it, since this is not the first time he has done something like this, and I told her I was going to HR. She said since I would most likely be out of there and moving to Mcallen by mid summer that I should ignore it.

    I swear, I wanted to punch his face in!!!

    Thanks for listening...

    I just do no think I could ignore that.... Report him.


      Was he joking? I know every place I've worked has a ton of joking around. I would of zinged him right back.


        DUST THAT SUCKER!!! I worked in the North East and I know you're not supposed to hate people but I HATE THOSE PEOPLE!!!! I know exactly what you feel like!


          I woulda said "No.........I wear it because your wife likes it." and that's the PG version of what I woulda said.That might not have been the best thing to do in your situation since you're married but still.You shoulda said somethin right back to him.
          What I would have said would have been alright for me to say but since you're married and that would have made you look kinda bad what you shoulda said was "Is this you're way of inviting me to go to the gay bar with you?"or somethin like that.

          Just because he's your boss doesn't mean you have to set and listen to that.If he's gonna talk trash to you he better not start cryin when you say somethin back to him.
          Last edited by okrattler; 02-03-2011, 01:15 AM.


            Originally posted by Kodiakk View Post
            Was he joking? I know every place I've worked has a ton of joking around. I would of zinged him right back.


              If I where you I'd go buy a rainbow bumper sticker and put it on his bumper.
              No one has to know you did it but you....
              Getting revenge is not always the right thing to do but it just makes you feel so much better.


                This fella has clearly not seen a copy of this...

                Texas Hat Etiquette:

                1. Never touch another mans hat

                2. Anything under the cowboy's hat belongs to the cowboy. (That's where that kissin' thing came from.) See Rule #1.

                3. Never hand a your hat to a woman.

                4. Never lay your hat on a bed.

                5. Never lay your hat brim down. (All the luck will fall out.)

                6. Never clean your hat (See Rule #5.)

                7. Never tip your hat to another man. That's insulting.

                8. It is permissible to water your horse (and yourself) from your hat.

                9. Never adorn your hat with feathers, flowers, pins or gee-gaws. (Other than leather/horsehair hatbands, chinches (wind strings) appropriate military insignia or arm of service acorn 'cords'.)

                10. Puppies and kittens may sleep in your hat. (Optional)

                11. Cowboy hats are: Black, Brown, Tan, Gray or White. Anything else is fair game for open ridicule.

                12. Those who do not normally wear cowboy hats shall have no say or opinion on how or where they are to be worn. Such utterances are to be ignored from whatever source.


                  Originally posted by Kodiakk View Post
                  Was he joking? I know every place I've worked has a ton of joking around. I would of zinged him right back.
                  I really do not know if it was a joke or a condescending remark to embarrass me in front of others. This dude has been on my A double S since I have been in his group for the last 4 years. I think he has black balled me as well. I have applied to move to other groups out of IT but once it gets to them talking to him the job always gets filled by some one else.

                  It's like I am the red headed stepchild in the group.

                  I work IT Acquisitions, I do all my work, work with all the acquired resources and I finish all my projects on time. I have never been written up or counseled either. I have kudos emails that he is copied on from department heads thanking me for doing a great job also.

                  This is just the icing on the cake for me.


                    Just me, but if he did it before I would have been prepared, and busted him in the mouth and then played ...Kiss my country a##.


                      most companies/corporations have a zero tolerance policy toward his type of behavior..I would have documented it and placed in on file, there is a very good chance if he talks that way toward you, he also talks in such a flippant fashion to females or any ethnic minorities within the company..the only way to stop a jerk like that is to report his butt, maybe someone else has also and yours will be the straw that breaks the camel's back....then when he is unemployed and out in public he is fair game for a man to man talk


                        Is was always told never to mess with another mans hat! Period!!! And nuff said!!!!!!
                        Turn him in, playing or not, he belittled you and that shouldn't be tolerated!


                          shoulda grabbed him and kissed him right on the lips!


                            Originally posted by RGVBowHunter View Post
                            I really do not know if it was a joke or a condescending remark to embarrass me in front of others. This dude has been on my A double S since I have been in his group for the last 4 years. I think he has black balled me as well. I have applied to move to other groups out of IT but once it gets to them talking to him the job always gets filled by some one else.

                            It's like I am the red headed stepchild in the group.

                            I work IT Acquisitions, I do all my work, work with all the acquired resources and I finish all my projects on time. I have never been written up or counseled either. I have kudos emails that he is copied on from department heads thanking me for doing a great job also.

                            This is just the icing on the cake for me.

                            sounds like he may be a lil jealous of you, maybe he does this to make himself feel better about himself and his boss type of position its defiantly wrong on any case, id of just shot one back at him an takin it head on. Maybe tell him that its not ok to say things stuff like that, especially in from of customers as its just not good business practices


                              lol... some people... I would of told him "No... this is the hat that I got out of your wifes closet... right after I ***** her...." just my opinion... No offense to anyone... its the late night... if this is to bad... please remove.

