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I can't punch him in his face, but I should!

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    Schedule another meeting next week and pull a Costanza on him.


      Management by intimidation and insults. He will continue to treat you that way as long as you take it.

      I lived with that for years in a previous job then realized enough was enough. After that...about once a year my boss and I would go toe to toe in a shouting match.....sometimes with things thrown around the office. I am serious when I say he respected me more from then on and overall we had a better working relationship.



        If this had happened in the breakroom with a bunch of guys you're friends with, I'd say let it go. It happened in a business meeting with personnel outside of your company. I'd let HR hang him. I'd eventually whip his butt, but it'd be after I got his job. Those boots aren't funny to joke about when they are caving in your ribs, and he'll wish he had a hat to carry his teeth home in. I'd say the same thing to a preppy nerd that was publicly insulted by one of us don't have to tolerate it. The hardest time to let an insult go is the first time. After that it gets easier until you eventually no longer stand up for yourself.

        "I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it." Capt. Woodrow Call


          Easy solution. Grab his shirttail, pull it over his head and uppercut him repeatedly until he stops flapping that jaw.


            Originally posted by 2050z View Post
            That is a huge HR no no at our company. I would report him.

            I would not pass up the opportunity to report this guy to HR and cover you rear end. Politics don't work with knocking a guy out but rather costing him where it hurs, his pocketbook and security. I'm not a guy for revenge but I would say you can either put up with it until it gets worse or stop it now and secure your position. The guy would be a fool to harass you further after reporting him to HR.


              Here is what I am thinking, what would happen if one of the clients ended up being offend by what was said and ends up calling your HR and you have not reported it? You are then at least complacent and could probably be fired too.


                OK, it gets better. Today we are in the war room again and one of the vendors tosses a bottle of advil or something in his bag, he missed. One of his fellow vendors said "oops you missed" my boss replies with

                "Well your a short white guy, did you expect to make that?"

                I am getting my ducks in a row today and goin to HR in the morning.


                  political correctness has now contaminated the TBH brotherhood If your not secretly gay and ashamed how could you possibly get upset? you must not like the man to begin with. If you really do live by a "cowboy code" that requires the constant defending of your manhood..then kick your bosses gay or homophobe butt (he is one or the other..unless he is like 99 percent of us who messes with each other...but I work on a farm so I am backwards and use barnyard talk all day long)..If you have to report him to mess with him..youre gay...which wont bother me..ok..seriously..I wish you had not felt insulted and come right back at him with a comment about his wife..once I get offended no telling what I will say..but I wouldnt have EVER even considered hitting him or reporting him myself over that..when I question my sons about them being gay they laugh or at least smile..but they never get offended...this debate isnt like global warming and we can all have an opinion thats correct because it is ours


                    Originally posted by Kodiakk View Post
                    Was he joking? I know every place I've worked has a ton of joking around. I would of zinged him right back.


                      That guy will have his walking papers today. That BS does not fly now a days. It is best to let HR handle these issues when you work for a large company.


                        My wife just returned from "HELL" (Jamaica) and was getting back on the tour bus that I was already on and I says: "you look like you have been to "HELL" and back"
                        She says: "Yea and I met you there" they all laughed
                        So all I am saying is you needed to come back at that arse hole.


                          Buy him a ticket to the Rodeo


                            Originally posted by curtintex View Post
                            If this had happened in the breakroom with a bunch of guys you're friends with, I'd say let it go. It happened in a business meeting with personnel outside of your company. I'd let HR hang him. I'd eventually whip his butt, but it'd be after I got his job. Those boots aren't funny to joke about when they are caving in your ribs, and he'll wish he had a hat to carry his teeth home in. I'd say the same thing to a preppy nerd that was publicly insulted by one of us don't have to tolerate it. The hardest time to let an insult go is the first time. After that it gets easier until you eventually no longer stand up for yourself.

                            "I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it." Capt. Woodrow Call
                            Great Post Dont we all have someone in our lives that needs this.....Caving in his Ribs with these boots...I have got to remember that one..


                              Originally posted by Stan R View Post
                              I just do no think I could ignore that.... Report him.
                              this, he needs to be held accountable.


                                I would have stood up and sternly told him that his comment was inappropriate, and implored him to apologize to the vendors for his insulting remarks. He did nothing but make himself look like a total *** in front of those that were present. After the fact I would have documented the incident and handed it over to HR. Take the high road on this one, your career will thank you in the long run.

