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    *shakes head and thinks about banging it against computer desk*

    Leasing some private land from a co-worker, 42 acres, and have posted pics of deer moving through the area, but not really 'living' Went and picked up my camerea yesterday and there was nothing on it so decided that due to the hunting lease behind this land the deer must be on high alert and not moving much. So i tell Ringsteel that I'm going to go and grab our stands on wednesday morning and get them ready for me to go and hunt NF on thursday. We'll at 12:00 last night i remember that I had left my safety strap up the tree. Whihc means I'm going to have to climb all the way up there to get it before I pull the stand. For a moment I think about just hunting. Then I think, 3 hours sleep, only about 3 hours to hunt, and then a 11 hour day at work on my feet. Which means getting up to hunt Thurs would be really tough. So I decided there is nothing there why would i waste the time.

    Wake up this morn around 8 and head out to the land, it's only a few miles from my house. I get there and about fifty yards from my stand I busted does. (Still legal in Angelina) ****** I saw the way they were moving and wondered about moving my stand to another tree that I liked about 100 yards down this little pinetree corridor. Start walking that way and discover a scrape that's been worked, fresh prints, and no corn. So though they haven't been doing much around my stand they are still in the area. Get up near the tree i want to move it to and BUST THE DOES AGAIN! Turned around and walked out. Figured that climbing the tree i'm in now, getting the strap, taking off the stand, then moving it to antoher tree would be unforgivable to them. So instead I left it and will try to hunt in the morning and hope they decide that the person in red sweats and a wrong side out pink shirt wasn't really a threat, just a lost idiot and will pass back through tommorow.

    make you a "decoy" out of red pants and pink shirt and it might scare 'em towards you!!lol good luck!!


      Originally posted by furhunter View Post
      make you a "decoy" out of red pants and pink shirt and it might scare 'em towards you!!lol good luck!!
      LMAO great idea..I'll put it out by Ringsteels stand.

