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Who Has Your Vote For Governor?

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    Who Has Your Vote For Governor?

    Who Are You Not Going To Vote For And Why?

    wow politics??? Not Perry..Reason I will leave unsaid..Dont want a big fight about my views.


      This thread should be shut down soon enough. So no coment.


        I dont like any of the worthless candidates! They all suck!


          Tomkat, hate to say it, but political threads are not allowed. Micheal will eventually have to kill this thread as in the past political discussions always got too heated, especially when people don't agree on the poltician they support. Not sure what changed, but in the last 6 years or so in this country honest political debate has devolved into nothing but ugly name calling as people began to ,unfortunatly worship politicians as hero's, rather than hold them accountable for their actions. For some reason people would take honest criticism of a politician or their actions personally, rather than debate the facts. It has gotten very bad on this site from time to time, and Michael made a very tough but good decision to cut off political firsestorms before they started.


            Public political debates are not any different anymore than political races. Sad state of affairs.


              I have been debating whether or not to cast a vote, I really dont want any of them, perry has not done a good job IMHO, Strayhorns only plus is her school plan the rest of her is crazy, kinky is kinky and the other feller is a liar and a dem.


                Ohh. Ya'll come on now...let's have us a good knock down drag out.. There fun every once in a while..

                I VOTE FOR ME.......

                As Governor, I would have all Anti Hunters deported...May be to Green Land...

                Any Hunter caught talking trash about the way another hunter, Hunts. Would be Caned in public.....The First day off Both hunting seasons would be a off day for Kids in schoo; and workers of course.and then I would take on all the little problems.....LOL


                  I vote for Birddog!


                    Another vote for Bird dog


                      A bunch of my friends are starting a write in campaign for me....

                      They think I would the perfect choice for Governor of the "State of Confussion"


                        I Have Heard That Freeman And Bell Are Against Hunting And Was Wondering About Others Views On That Topic.


                          i vote for bird dog


                            I agree.......a good knock down drag out is good for the soul every now and then. It keeps the senses sharp and lets you know what the other folks are thinking.


                              I definitely wont be voting for Kinky. No Anti-Hunter sits well in my book.

