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What is the True Cost of a Year-Round Hunting Lease?

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    What is the True Cost of a Year-Round Hunting Lease?

    I am considering getting one- can you guys give me an idea of what the true cost is, considering buying everything from scratch (food plot materials, feeders, stands, etc.)?

    It's a bunch!...but it's worth every penny just in stress relief!


      Don't ask questions like this...the answers may be recorded somewhere. Just find a place you like and make it work with YOUR budget. Everyone's is different. Get access to good hunting ground and then make improvements as you can. Just hunt.


        PM sent

        Gavin, I just sent you a PM. Please check it. Thanks.


          a lot of it depends on where you are wanting to get a lease at. some areas are more expensive than others.


            With the price of gasoline travel distance is a big factor.


              If you're talking about costs other than for the lease itself, I'm with Laguna - I make sure to stay "willfully ignorant" on this topic. I don't want to know how much I spend every year on corn, gasoline, improvements, etc.


                More than you want to spend, but worth every penny.


                  Spending time with mom and the kids in the woods......PRICELESS!


                    My wife figured how much I spent on hunting one year and you really do not want to know. She added everything gas, food, corn, lease fee, taxidermist fee, feeders, blinds and four wheeler. I am telling you I was suprised at how much research she did in order to put this total together.


                      Don't care.


                        It comes out to about $35 a pound for venison


                          I'll give you an idea!!

                          Lease $1500.00 - $2500.00
                          Feeder $250.00
                          Blind $150.00 - $400.00
                          Feed Bill $500.00+ (not including protein)
                          Per trip $100.00+ (gas, groceries, ect)
                          that is just for starters!!


                            There are a lot of things to consider and many have already been brought up. The location of your lease will determine a lot of things since the lease fee will be your biggest up front cost. Where it is located will also determine what it will cost to go to and from- an hour or so away not a big deal but five or six hours away will determine how often you can go, how big a feeder you will need, etc. If I was you I would start this year and start accumulating things like feeders and deer stands. Use make sure these type things are on your Christmas and birthday wish lists. If it is a year round lease that you get on you can use it as a weekend getaway to help "offset" the lease cost...that is what I do. Ther is a lot of advice on this site to help you with types of stands and feeders to get. If you throw a feeler out around February or March you can probably start hearing about lease openings. If I get the chance to take over the part of our lease that was offered to me a year ago I am sure I would have some openings. Work with the guys on whatever lease you get on and maybe they can either lend you some things until you get our own stuff and give you a hand getting foodplots going. I know I would. I didn't really have a lot of help when I got started 30 or so years ago and it took a lot of trial and error to find the stuff that works for me, so I feel almost an obligation to try to help others where I can getting going in hunting. There is a lot of help, advice, and support here so all you got to do is ask.


                              I just got a 130 acre lease this aug. it is close to home and small enough that I dont need a 4 wheeler
                              but this is what I have spent so far
                              500.00 for the lease
                              250.00 for two feeders, one bought out of the box and one I built
                              110.00 for one pop up blind, big enough for my wife and I to hunt in
                              .00 I was given three tripod stands
                              75.00 for a trail cam
                              150.00 for MISC. so far
                              60.00 for corn
                              160.00 for a used bow for my wife to keep her happy about the lease
                              75.00 for a set of arrows for my wifes bow
                              100.00 for two large feeder pin to keep the dawm cows away from the feeder
                              100.00 for new camo for my wife so that she can sit in a blind and watch
                              300.00 for camping stuff " tent, air matteress, chairs, cooler, lantern, sleeping bags, a stupid little thing to air the air matteress up with. and some other stupid things to make my wife happy to come with me.....

                              so total about 1900.00 for a 130 acre lease and I was given a lot of stuff to get my started
                              and I didn't even figure out gas and food. and Not to for get all the time spent working on the place..

                              But I will keep doing it because theres no felling like having you own lease and you make all the calls. I love it. and I know I will be out working even harder this spring to make it beter... to me its a pride thing, my lease might be small but I was seen some nice deer and I hop to see even more in the years to come.

                              I would do it again in a heart beat


