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Do you believe in ghost?

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    i have experienced weird sightings, etc on many occasions pm me for details


      My sister was killed in a car wreck when she was 18 and my little cousin was in the car with her. my cousin was about 7 months old when it happened and up til she was about 7 she would see my sister all the time. especially above my parents house my cousin said she was always wearing a purple dress.(which was her favorite color) so I know I beleive in spirits. couple of houses around my home town that have spirits in them. And we are supposed to be closing on our house in next week which was built in 1940 and I know that one old man died in there so....


        Originally posted by lbbf View Post
        I'm glad to read that I'm not the only one who gets freaked out walking to the stand in the morning. Every sound I hear I just know that it is a rabid, carnivorous sasquatch.
        Dude I walk to the stand like an officer responding to a shots fired call


          Originally posted by jake5344 View Post
          What's the big deal with black panthers they are real they are in zoos you can even google image them.

          Anyways love the stories keep'em coming i've been checking this thread all night lol
          Jake5344....since you asked (black Panthers). It's a frequent thread here. You, being a new guy (Welcome!) must now devote yourself to taking a picture of a black panther, in the wild and posting it. So, this season give up bow hunting, grab your camera and get busy. It's a right of passage for all new guys.

          Remember, panther is a cougar and not a leopard or jaguar. I know you can do it! Many before you have.

          Again, welcome !

          Sorry to hi-jack this thread, but black panthers and ghost have a lot in common.


            A post without pics. is just a post!
            We want pics!!!


              Originally posted by lbbf View Post
              When we sold the pool table all the sounds from the basement stopped. Go figure.
              I would hope you would not hear the pool table sounds AFTER you sold the pool table

              ...Couldn't resist



                Man, I am glad I didn't see this post last night. I had enough trouble sleeping just thinking of the weekend.


                  Originally posted by TX_Kevin View Post
                  I believe nothing I can't prove by reading the bible. Another word for the Holy Spirit is the Holy Ghost. So to me, a ghost is simply a spirit. The bible teaches us that angels are spirit based entities as are demons. The bible teaches us that demons are fallen angels. There are examples in the bible of how these spirits can indwell other entities. Jesus cast out many demons and even told some they could enter a herd of pigs. I believe the Holy Spirit is in each of us believers. There are also examples in the bible of how spirits without form can take a form and appear to humans. The simplest example of this is how the angel appeared to the sheppards to announce the birth of Christ. There are also many examples of how these angels can cross over to us and go back. Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord (Genesis 32:21-32). A chariot of fire came down and took Elijah away (2 Kings 2:11).

                  To me an answer can be found in the bible to your question. Don't trust my words here, see for yourself. The good part, as you stated, is that you may very well have been visited by an angel. The bad part is it might not have been an angel, but a fallen angel. I do not think you were visited by a dead person.

                  i believe you got it covered.... i have not seen a ghost or spirit that i knew about, however i have had "visions" and "dreams" and spent some awesome time with the lord in spirit... and even blessed by God to actually hear his audible voice, and had a couple of conversations with him...... if theres ever doubt in a persons heart about the reality of God and a spirit world, i can assure you its all real

                  doctors told me i would be in a wheel chair about 1996, i am fact a visiting minister picked me out of 500 people while he was preaching and declared my back was healed and would never bother me again, the next day i picked up the end of an upright piano!!! i was in a very bad money bind several years ago, a stranger gave me a $1000. !!!
                  i gave a stranger some time later $40, and it was every penny i had at the moment, she told me thank you, God told me i had to be hear today for lunch, i told my grandbaby i would get the 40$ she needed for camp... i was given a business lock stock and barrel, no debt....

                  yes i believe in spirits and the reality of an almighty God, one who will send visitors, bringing good tidings and great cheer.... although satan and his minions can appear as angels of light, and be convincing in their words... the one thing i can tell you is that the bible is absolutly correct in every thing it says, and that their is GREAT JOY in the prescence of the Lord.... if the visitor does not bring peace, it probably was not from God,, even when the message i received was sad, their was peace, overwhelming! it might have made the heart sad but not disturbed neglected left out or fearful....
                  it helps to understand the gifts of the Holy Spirit, discernment is one we all need
                  Last edited by xman59; 10-01-2009, 07:58 AM.


                    Well being a funeral director for over 20 years, i've seen something and felt something 3 times that I remember. I've seen thousands of deceased individuals. I have NEVER saw one move, or sit up. Dead is dead. I always hear stories of people at funerals and the decedent sat up or moved his or her arms. Never have I seen this. I currently oversee a morgue with about 300 cadavers in it. Been working here for 15 years and have only saw one ghost. My area is very secure with badge access only. Back in 1999, here at the medical school, working in one of my labs, I had an elderly gentleman walk right pass a doorway in a secure area. He looked directly at me as he walked by. He had white hair, white t-shirt with blue jean overalls on. I immediately walked out to see where he went and the secure hallway was empty. My coworker at the time thought I was nuts. We recieve 250 to 300 donors a year here, and have only saw a ghost once. Back in high school, in Durant Oklahoma,(I lived there for 6 months) we lived in an old 2 story house with the second story was a full house, with a bathroom and kitchen, that was only 4 feet from floor to ceiling. We never went up there because you had to walk hunched over. We would always here knocking and footsteps up there. You could only enter the upstairs from inside the house. We had a german sheperd that was th e meanest dog in the world. One day we couldn't find her, then we heard some scratching from upstairs. We went upstairs and opened the door, and she was shivering and would not move. Till this day, we still couldn't explain what or how she got in there and what scared the crap out of her.

                    Then my oldest brother passed away 5 years ago. About a week after his funeral, I was laying with my son who was 2 at the time in his bed when something was playing with my foot. I was under the comforter, and it felt like a rat ran across my feet. Of course, I don't have vermin in my house. I would look down and nothing was there. I would move my foot over, then it would happen again. It happened 3 times even when I moved my foot around. My hair was standing up and it freaked my out. On the 4th time, I screamed my deceased brother's name to stop it, he was scaring me and my son. It stopped! Till this day, I still can't explain it. But yes, I do believe that they are among us.


                      Farmdog (my brother) has the gift.

                      he can tell you elaborate stories about the poeple who used to live where his house sits now.

                      Maybe he will see this and tell his own story but he has numerous encounters with people of the past. His most frequent are friends who visit him in a dream to say goodbye. When he wakes, he learns of news that they have died. He has quite a few examples of this.


                        Well I work at a long term care facility and have seen a lot of people come and go but a few years ago a lady passed away and on the 1 year anniversery of her death the call light in what was her room (empty at the time) went off at the same time the funeral home picked her up the previous year.




                            I guess since I started the thread I should tell my story.....

                            About 10 years ago we had an exchange student from Vietnam and my wife thought it would be a great idea to go to San Antonio during Christmas.

                            We stayed at the Emily Morgan Hotel.

                            After a night of dinning, seeing the city, we went back to the hotel. We went to bed about 1:00 AM. As I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep, I felt a feeling come over me as though the entire pressure of the universe was pressing down on me. I began to sweat and I could not get enough air.

                            I got up from bed and went to the window. Being winter the window was cold and I pressed my face to the window to feel the cold sensation on my face. As I did this, I could see the Alamo below me.

                            I started to pace the room like a back panther in a cage. After about 30 minutes of pacing, I decided to throw on some clothes and step out into the hallway. All I could see was the long narrow corridor of the hallway an the walls pressing inward. I made a dash for the elevator. As I entered the elevator, the feeling of this pressure would not go away.

                            As I made the lobby area, I waled through the lobby to the door. It was could and drizzling but I did not care, I needed some space. I stood outside for about another 30 minutes trying to cool down and relax.

                            The security guard came out to check on me and I told her that I was fine and that I just needed some fresh air. I told what had happened and she told me that the Emily Morgan used to be a hospital and that the hotel was haunted.

                            I know that what I felt that night has only happened one other time and it is not good. I do believe that there are spirits and some are bad!!!

                            I will never stay in that hotel again!!!
                            Last edited by gekko man; 10-01-2009, 08:31 AM.


                              Originally posted by gekko man View Post
                              I guess since I started the thread I should tell my story.....

                              About 10 years ago we had an exchange student from Vietnam and my wife thought it would be a great idea to go to San Antonio during Christmas.

                              We stayed at the Emily Morgan Hotel.

                              After a night of dinning, seeing the city, we went back to the hotel. We went to bed about 1:00 AM. As I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep, I felt a feeling come over me as though the entire pressure of the universe was pressing down on me. I began to sweat and I could not get enough air.

                              I got up from bed and went to the window. Being winter the window was cold and I pressed my face to the window to feel the cold sensation on my face. As I did this, I could see the Alamo below me.

                              I started to pace the room like a back panther in a cage. After about 30 minutes of pacing, I decided to throw on some clothes and step out into the hallway. All I could see was the long narrow corridor of the hallway an the walls pressing inward. I made a dash for the elevator. As I entered the elevator, the feeling of this pressure would not go away.

                              As I made the lobby area, I waled through the lobby to the door. It was could and drizzling but I did not care, I needed some space. I stood outside for about another 30 minutes trying to cool down and relax.

                              The security guard came out to check on me and I told her that I was fine and that I just needed some fresh air. I told what had happened and she told me that the Emily Morgan used to be a hospital and that the hotel was haunted.

                              I know that what I felt that night has only happened one other time and it is not good. I do believe that there are spirits and some are bad!!!

                              I will never stay in hotel again!!!
                              san antonio is a hot bed, i love staying at the menger its got tons of paranormal activity


                                The moral of the story is dont stay in an old house with black panthers that play pool at night. If that doesnt work I have a house for sale that you can buy that has never had anything die in it. Well maybe a dog, but he will just lick your toes at night. I learned to enjoy it!

