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Do you believe in ghost?

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    nope, aint skeered of the dark either.


      Originally posted by 150class View Post
      Like mentioned before I to believe in god and who knows possibly there is a "gray" area between us and him (also mentioned earlier in the thread) and my dad and uncles tell me of a pasture in Mexico they hunted that had a story of a general back in the 1800's that massacred a whole tribe where the camp house was located and they all swear that ghost lived in and around that house (im guessing the ghost of the indians). They all said that you could sit out side on the porch and fire and youd have that feeling that someone was watching you and they said you could feel someone breathing on the back of you next and promised it wasnt the wind and you would turn around and a face was there but when you blinked it disappered and also they said every night you could here the doors in the camp opening and closing and these doors when made of pure steel and scrapped on the ground. They said it took a grown man to open and close these things but some how they would open and close at night but some said it was just coons... Also this camp was 30 miles from the nearest city. But like i said maybe a gray area and they also say they would never hunt there again no matter how much they could be offered to hunt there
      This is the exact pasture I talked about in my post, me and 150class are basically family, and he has heard all the stories I've heard I will back him up on all of this!


        Originally posted by Hawkins View Post
        When I read stories like these, I think of this one that I read a while back.

        Not mine, I think it was on the topic about Bigfoot.
        Craziest thing ever.....


          Originally posted by Swampa View Post
          Yes, seriously Swampa

          Supposedly a child had been accidently killed on the property(never actually have seen or read proof of this).
          Other things before the first cleaning were: We saw out of the corner of our eyes a child walking around, heard children playing in the back of the house when my child was in my arms, All the trees on and in our fence line had NO leaves that spring, even trees on the fenceline, half of the tree on our side the leaves were gone, the other side were green. In the natural, worms were eating the trees, but it was quite blatant that our trees were the ones hit. Lights on and off, pull chains wildly flailing in the air. My dog was let in and out of the house, but the bolt lock was still locked...this happened several times...My daughter mysteriously started to scream bloody murder when we would take her outside.
          My daughter was from about 18 mo to 2.5 and she didnt talk much, hardly at all because she had 2 heart surgeries. That is what finally was the last straw. My husband walked into her room, and she was sitting on the edge of her bed talking to something, looking at it. She turned to look at her daddy, and then turned her head back to the something and it was not there,she started looking around for it, asking "where go?"After the cleaning, my daughter stopped screaming when we took her outside, and absolutely no more haunting behavior...all due to the Power of the Blood of Jesus! We anointed the fences and the whole property!


            Far be it for me to say Certainly evidence to the contrary.



              Crazy stories on here!

              For the record: No, I don't believe in ghosts. I do, however, believe in angels and demons and believe that they both interact with us.

              I suffer from sleep paralysis about 2-3 times a month and about every 5 time there is a dark, evil presence in the room with me. I say, in my head since I can't move or speak, "In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ be gone" and it leaves.


                I lived in a house in Alabama that you could hear people talking at night. Never could quit make out the words just talking and then sometimes music could be heard. Footsteps on the enclosed porach at night and doors would open on their own. My Mother told my Dad that she had had enough after 6 months and my Dad sold the house to his brother. He did tell then about the strange happening and his brother said bull. So his brother Pete brought the house and after 2 months his wife said no way and they sold and move out. I don't beleive ib ghost but I do beleive in bad spirits trying to make people beleive in the dead coming back and trying to talk to the dead.


                  Originally posted by Ruben Garza View Post
                  My ten year old daughter can see them. Has been able to since she was sleeping in a crib and giggling at two in the morning. She too was able to describe who she was talking to as she got older. My wife and I have video proof (ORBs only in her room)that they are real. My indoor dog used to growl at the same time. When we would check on her there were cold pockets in the hallway. We had our housed blessed. We still experienced things in our home that I do not wish to talk about and am happy to say that we moved into a new home.
                  Sure was glad to read that last part cuz i was going to say, GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!!!

                  I have spirits in my artifact room where I keep all of my ancient finds.


                    No !


                      Me and my dad used to chase Quail near Orogrande in the Jarilla mts. south of Alamogordo. The area is littered with old mine shafts that go straight down. We walked up on one and heard a noise. As we approached we could hear that the noise was a very rhythmic metal on metal sound. It would ring four or five times in a row then stop and start again in a new pattern. My dad yelled down in and no reply. Then he tapped two rocks in a pattern. Sure enough the clink in the mine repeated the pattern only slightly slower. After doing this several times and calling down into the shaft my dad got concerned that maybe someone was down there and hurt so we high tailed for the truck to go get help. As we were about to pull away here comes a border patrol jeep. We drove down and met them and we when told them what was up they laughed and informed us we were just played by the illegal ghost. Apparently years before this happened to some other hunters and a full on rescue ensued. They did find a skeleton in the bottom believed to be an illegal. The Agents said they liked to bring the new guys up there to freak them out.




                          Not me.

                          Despite many attempts by people in my life, no one or no event has ever convinced me that ghosts are real. I think it would be fun to belive in ghosts but something inside me just won't let me.


                            Yeah Toby from pa 3 lol


                              I don't believe in ghosts. I am a born again Christian and go to church regularly......but I have had some pretty creepy things happen around me. When my Granpa was alive he smoked Swisher Sweet cigars. I grew up around the smell. One night out of a sound sleep that smell hit me and I woke
                              and rolled straight out of bed with pistol in hand thinking that someone was in the house. That smell stayed there in the bedroom for a couple of minutes and just left.

                              At work it's a completly different story. Not just me, but all the people that I work with have seen and heard things through the years. One end of the wing is the only place that this has happened. I worked graveyard shift by myself for years and had the hair stand up on the back of my neck many times.

                              BUT.....I AIN'T AFRAID OF NO GHOSTS



                                My neighbor took some rolls of 35mm film in NYC. He had pictures prior to and after the visit to ground zero on the same roll. All of his pictures we clear as a bell but the 5 taken of his family around ground zero had little bright spots all over them.. The negatives (if anybody even remembers such) held up to a light looked to have many tiny lights on them. I'm no photo expert but he took them back to the photo lab to see what had happened and they were puzzled as well. I have not ever been to NYC but when I first saw the pictures they honestly looked very familiar to me, like I had been there before. Very upsetting to say the least.

