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How do we get interest in our range?

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    How do we get interest in our range?

    We have a range here in west Texas (south of Odessa).The range had been vacant for 3-4 years and we are trying to get it back up and running.We have alot of targets and have had some shoots but it isn't picking up as much as I figured it would.Part of the problem is location,in the desert,another is low interest in working on the thing,needs work with the rigors of time and the rains have made things grow,and majority of membership are shooters not workers and officers are becoming hard to find and keep interest in the place.I have ask about our monies to do work with rented equipment...cleanup and cut willows would improve looks alot!Range has cotton bails for stationary targets but they have seen better days so need some attention there so folks can sight bows prior to season.Can't even get help with hauling trash,much less move debris to central location out of site! Thinking of having some fliers made with my info and putting in local stores and maybe I could get a few more members to join and help with the work! I go to the range every weekend and sling arrows,try to pickup some stuff or just to check on things and can tell the most traffic the place gets is my visits.Guess this is the curse of being range officer! LOL Sure could use any ideas from clubs with success.

    work work and then some more work!!!!

    Get it in the papers, post flyers in any and all sporting good stores you can. Hell for that matter EVERY store you can. Figure out something you can pull off as far as something to make folks WANT to come by and see it.

    Good luck Rowel!


      I'm no puter wiz by any means(where's the teenage son when you need him?) but if I can get the funds for equipment I will do the work,tractor with bucket and brush hog with do major changes!I would get some before/after pictures and put on flier and stick them all over the place like you said,the local archery shops might even show some interest then! If I could get the cleanup done then maybe offer corperate sponsership to the pro shops for next to nothing! They sell bow let customer come down for free shoot/tour! But need to haul the trash,stack the old targets and cover,scrape the snake dens over,make it more pleasing to the eyes.I don't mind the work just wish folks would show up more I guess! Bring your bow next time you come through Forrest!


        I am planning on it!

        I may have to rent a storage space from one of ya over there though

        No way I want to leave my bow in a hot truck for days on end!


          You are right lots of work and never enough help. I have been rangecapt. for 4 or 5 clubs over the years and you just have to face it most people today are to busy in their on lives to take time and help for set-up and clean-up. MOst people do not realize how muck work goes it to a club. More monies will not reduce the work but like you said could make it easier. Was looking for a range a month or so back in you area have any more shots planned?


            That is what every club is suffering. In Ft.Worth there are about 10 dedicated and involved people keeping this thing going and I'm not sure if any are Ft. Worth residents. I am a multi-board member and it is very hard sometimes but I love archery and that is what keeps me going . Hang in there and I hope you get some help.


              well I wish i could help you but we have the same problem here.
              not enough workers, and when you do make changes man be ready.....
              now you got old members mad because they do not like change.

              If you have a local 4h group that does archery you might want to call on them, also I think you have to have a great archery pro shop pushing the range passing the word.

              word of mouth, fellowship, and a place for the hole family to enjoy the afternoon will help the club.
              as for as getting help I think that every club has the same problem some clubs has more help than others, but we all do not have enough help

              maybe sometime us west texas shooters can have a dust bowl shoot out , your place, abilene and whoever else, that might get some people comming to your club.
              good luck to you and your club


                If you build it...They will come!!!!!!

                Seriously, I wish it was that easy! As some of the guys mentioned it can difficult to get some real motivated people to help. We went through this very thing the last couple of years and got so bad that I and another guy said we weren't going to do it anymore. We have had about 7 or 8 step up and really commit to helping. We still have the same people who are very vocal about the fact that they just don't want to help. Unfortunately, those are the members we are doing this far???!!!

                Suggestions on growth is getting the word out. Flood every bow shop, feed store and sporting good store with flyers. Another suggestion is to keep your targets fresh!!! Nothing will turn people away faster than shot up targets. It doesn't take but a few people telling others about target quality and they will hinder those from coming out.

                Every club is struggling this year. I believe that people are just pinching more pennies these days and that is just one of the problems. We went from averaging over 100 the last two years down to 45 per shoot this year. They will come back.

                One reason I believe that we went over the 100 mark the last couple of years is due to the prizes we give away. We give Gist buckles to each class winner every year. Then after the last shoot we have a MASSIVE give away to our members. We give away bows, stands, binoculars, game cams and everything else we can buy or get donated.

                I dont' think our drawing will be as big this year, but I think people enjoy seeing they get something back from a club they have supported all year. This approach is not for every club, but it works for us and is fun to do.


                  We are also looking at giving away fewer prizes but larger ones.


                    All the sudden I don't feel so alone! Our McKenzie's are close to the life span but we're wanting(I) to make it a casual place where you can come hangout and the kids are safe and can learn if they take an interest! Our target placement looks different every week,thats due to stuff greening up and changing the looks of stuff naturally.40 targets and no biggie to move them!I hadn't thought about fliers at feed stores,or any place a person might by corn!We are supposed to have shoots every third Saturday of each month,that should change as of October but still ba able to go out and sling arrows any day of the year! Guess I will get with computer nerd at work about building a flier.Thanks for the words of wisdom guys! Forrest you welcome to store your bow anytime your in the country!


                      Originally posted by 979028359594976

                      It's stuff like this that can really rack up some serious post counts.


                        Hey Rowel..... I don't know if it would work or not, but maybe check into putting on an IBEP class out there as well.

                        Like I said I have no idea if it would work or not but might be worth checking into.


                          We have the same problem south of Houston. We have started paying a couple of guys to set out targets and clean up the range. We also have a website, which has made it easier for folks to find us. We also give away hog hunts every year and have come up with a couple of new twists that seem to be gaining a little momentum lately. It's mostly about letting folks know you are there. You may have to go up on your dues to be able to pay someone to help maintain the range, but if members aren't willing to step up with muscle, they need to be willing to step up with money.

