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LRGV Nilgai Hunt Sucess

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    LRGV Nilgai Hunt Sucess

    Was one of the few that got drawn for the rifle exotic hunt at Lower Rio Grande Valley Unit this past week. Having never hunted this far south and never for Nilgai I was in for a real challenge. First would like to say the knowledge and advice on this forum is one of the few that genuinely still exist. I reached out to a few folks on other posts from last hunts and years and the overall willingness to help and better the odds was great. The one thing about hunting is being able to adapt and adjust as needed until Sucess. With that mindset headed down on Wednesday am and got to the refuge around noon. In total walked about 10 miles that day scouting, marking trials, poop piles, or any sign we saw. There were a few people that had already set up from what I assume was days prior. Thursday morning got to the refuge early as the excitement from months of planning and anticipation was there. That morning hunt was pretty uneventful with only seeing a full whitetail does. Took a break for lunch and decided to try another spot for the evening. That sit i saw whitetail bucks and does, turkey, javelina, but no nilgai. As most of us do that night was wondering where do i sit tomorrow i decided to go back to the spot i sat the evening before. Friday morning was much cooler than the morning before and was primed for wildlife movement. The spot i was in must have been the whitetail hot spot since i saw 12 deer that morning with the biggest whitetail buck i had ever seen. He was the prime example of a true south Texas giant. A mainframe 10 with chocolate horns as i watched him through my scope at 60 yards wishing it was deer season. Other than whitetail once again no nilgai. There is sign everywhere down here which makes it even harder to make a decision. For the PM hunt on Friday i went to an area i hadn't scouted and or even planned to hunt but was away from where most of the folks were hunting. Got set up around noon and buckled down for the rest of the day. The spot was right in the sun at 85 degrees that day i was roasting. At around 2:30 i finally spot my first nilgai bull around 1000 yards out. Watched him for a few seconds and vanish. At this point i was now glued to my binos and glassing every inch of space. An hour goes by and out pops a bull about 500 yards out. I had practiced out to 400 yards at my local range so i got positioned to try and make a shot. Before i could get ready he disappeared never to be seen again. Having seen two bulls within a short period of time i was pumped. 4:45 rolls around and out of the corner of my eye i see movement. Get the binos on it and two bulls are nearly in the thick brush walking on trial. I range them at 305 yards and get the gun setup. By this time the first bull had disappeared and had seconds to make a shot on the second. I squeeze the trigger on my 7prc and see him knock over. In disbelief i forget to reload and he gets up once i get back on him he runs 10 yards and then falls over. I can't believe it as im shaking so much, i hear the last few moans and that's it. I wait what felt like 2 hours might have been 10 minutes to go look at him. As i walk up to him i didn't realize just how big they are. The real fun begins with processing and caping him out. As luck also seems to be i get an animal in the evening and have to work into the night. Took about 3 hours to get him all processed up as i wanted to get him mounted being my first Nilgai bull.

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    Exhausted from the pack out the morning came early Saturday. Plan was to do an all-day sit with my hunting partner in the same spot to try and get him on a bull and or mature cow. He had also shot a smaller cow the day before 10 minutes after i shot the bull. The day was super-hot with not much activity until 9:45 where we see the first bull at around 900 yards. Other than that no activity besides 10 coyotes for the next few hours. Approaching the end of the day i shift slightly and move about 10 yards away from my BIL. Not 15 minutes later out pops a mature cow in in a spot only i could see. I try to whisper over saying there's a cow at about 80 yards but he doesn't hear me. I drop my shooting sticks trying to get ready and she looks right at me. Ended up leaning on a tree and making the shot. Good hit and shes down within a few yards. Here comes the work again. We moved slightly quicker than the day before and were out within 1.5 hours. We decide with two coolers full of meat we were content and decided to come back home Sunday instead of hunting. What a great experience to hunt an area that many folks cant say they have and even fewer that have been successful. Thanks again for the tips and advice and looking forward to my next draw on public.

    Man, that is outstanding...congrats & nice write up.

    Welcome to the fire!!


      Very cool!!!!




        Congrats on drawing the hunt, and congrats on your bull !


          Good looking bull you got. Congrats on your hunt. I'll be there next week and hope to have the same results.


            Heck yea congrats on a fine bull!!!

            Which tract did y'all get to hunt?




                Congrats on a successful hunt!




                    Awesome! Congratulations!




                        Great post and great animal, congrats




                            Thanks Everyone! Mental note for anyone who plans to mount one of these make sure to go further back on the cape then you would think. Dropped it off at the taxidermist hoping for a wall pedestal but was unfortunately informed i didn't go back far enough. So a standard straight mount it is which im still stoked for now, the wait begins.

