great picture!
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Such an awesome shot.
Not that I expected anything else when I saw who posted this, but I'm so jealous! My new place has a herd of turkeys out back, after I heard a few gobbling yesterday I went off to track them down with the camera. It was the first time I've ever tried to get close to a turkey, none the less photograph one, so you can all imagine how well that went. Every time I got a glimpse of them, they got a glimpse of me and took off to the next pasture. I must have followed them for about an hour. Though I got closer each time and even watched two toms squaring off, I never got close enough to actually get a decent shot with a 200mm. I'm gonna need to sit behind some trees and have Steve call a few in for me, but even with his help I doubt I'll get anything decent. It is so much easier taking pictures of the dog.
From above:
Originally posted by Russell Graves View PostThanks everyone.
I was at eye level, Shane. I was setting low and he was on a rise so it worked out nicely.
I spotted the rise when it was magically lit and kept hoping a turkey would walk up on it and gobble and he did.
As far as set-up, I was shooting from a pop-up blind with no decoys and I always use a diaphragm mouth call to get them to gobble on command.
I shot this image using a Canon 1D Mark III with a 500mm lens.
Manually focused and manually exposed at 1/250 @ f8 with an ISO of 640.
Russell Graves