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Pond and Lake Management Thread

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  • Huntingfool
    Originally posted by GLM View Post
    What’s the best pellets to feed bream an red ear sunfish?
    Optimal is the best IMO - google their site - they send it to you - top end feed

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  • GLM
    What’s the best pellets to feed bream an red ear sunfish?

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  • Huntingfool
    Originally posted by Sippy View Post
    Flouridone will work great but comes at a higher cost, i would apply it in march to provide season long control.

    In the short term, endothall works well on hydrilla. How much of the pond is currently covered? If its a small percentage / patches on the shoreline i would say you can probably get away with treating all of it at once.
    Yes sir it is just around the edges in patches - one other questions.

    When I apply it with my sprayer can I just spray on top of the weed or do I need to submerge it under water with the spray head?

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  • Sippy
    Originally posted by Huntingfool View Post
    I have a 2 acres pond - currently have some hydrilla around the edges of the pond and I know that if left alone it will take over. I am currently doing a draw down on my pond level and then going to treat with Flouridone-Spritflo. Plan is to treat half the pond now and then the other half in a week or two and then refill the pond from my well. Any suggestions?
    Flouridone will work great but comes at a higher cost, i would apply it in march to provide season long control.

    In the short term, endothall works well on hydrilla. How much of the pond is currently covered? If its a small percentage / patches on the shoreline i would say you can probably get away with treating all of it at once.

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  • Huntingfool
    I have a 2 acres pond - currently have some hydrilla around the edges of the pond and I know that if left alone it will take over. I am currently doing a draw down on my pond level and then going to treat with Flouridone-Spritflo. Plan is to treat half the pond now and then the other half in a week or two and then refill the pond from my well. Any suggestions?

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  • .243 WSSM
    Do they have trout stocked in that?

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  • Sippy
    Those creek systems are beautiful!

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  • Heath
    I was at a pond management show in Pennsylvania this weekend one of my customers put on. They had some beautiful ponds they did.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • Sippy
    Originally posted by toledo View Post
    Thanks. Another question, do you have a source for gypsum rock? Supposedly it last a lot longer than the powder form but is hard to find? I have some ponds in an old caliche pit and every rain brings new cloudy water.
    I have only used the powder.

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  • toledo
    Originally posted by Sippy View Post
    Yes it is.

    Mapright and a laser still get used every day!
    Thanks. Another question, do you have a source for gypsum rock? Supposedly it last a lot longer than the powder form but is hard to find? I have some ponds in an old caliche pit and every rain brings new cloudy water.

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  • Sippy
    Originally posted by toledo View Post
    I assume that's a program you pay for? I've been building some ponds/ wetlands on my property and been winging it with Google earth and a laser.

    Any suggestion for online resources to get elevations?
    Yes it is.

    Mapright and a laser still get used every day!

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  • toledo
    Originally posted by Sippy View Post
    Does your lake builder check their work and set waterlines like this?
    I assume that's a program you pay for? I've been building some ponds/ wetlands on my property and been winging it with Google earth and a laser.

    Any suggestion for online resources to get elevations?

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  • Sippy
    Here is a duckweed treatment I did last Thursday. First 3 pictures are before, last picture is how it looks today. The rest will die and sink by the end of the week. Bright green and healthy to brown and sinking!
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  • Sippy
    Originally posted by RWB View Post
    Sippy, do you do work in the Woodlands / Conroe area? Our neighborhood has 2 large ski lakes and would like someone to look into clearing up the water in one of them.
    For a larger project we certainly would. PM me some information

    Originally posted by gtsticker View Post
    So I want to get more weeds established in my ponds for water fowl. We through some in from another pond but it did not seem to take. Do I need to stomp it in the mud. These are submerged type weeds

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Duckweed can be established by transporting, same with widgeon grass.

    Originally posted by Bucknaked View Post
    Property is 2.5 yo new to me. They built this 3/4 acre pond a long time ago but they didn’t install an overflow so when it has been wet I have lost several thousand small bluegill and bass. I built it up around the perimeter temporarily , attempting to hold me over until we got some dry weather ( now). It is full of bluegill and bass but they quite biting anything for about 9 months and I thought I may have had a kill off but recently they came back to life. The water was like chocolate milk but I tried The Block and it did clear up a little bit but it came to a halt. I’m going to get the water tested but I know it has high acidity as does my land around it ( sandy )!

    Does anyone know what these 2 weeds are? I know they are trash and I want them gone but I also would like to know what I can replace it with . The narrow end goes in about 100 yds from where pic was taken . I would love a clear beatiful, healthy pond for my grand babies could go fishing anytime and catch feesh. Any help would be appreciated.
    Feed those bluegill. That looks like water primrose. Most vegetation doesnt need to be "established". I would maintain what you have for fish cover and control it from taking over with approved products. The milky hue is likely suspended particles that could be managed with a gypsum treatment.

    Clear rarely means healthy from a fisheries standpoint. You need good plankton blooms which gives the water a green tint.

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  • Bucknaked
    Property is 2.5 yo new to me. They built this 3/4 acre pond a long time ago but they didn’t install an overflow so when it has been wet I have lost several thousand small bluegill and bass. I built it up around the perimeter temporarily , attempting to hold me over until we got some dry weather ( now). It is full of bluegill and bass but they quite biting anything for about 9 months and I thought I may have had a kill off but recently they came back to life. The water was like chocolate milk but I tried The Block and it did clear up a little bit but it came to a halt. I’m going to get the water tested but I know it has high acidity as does my land around it ( sandy )!

    Does anyone know what these 2 weeds are? I know they are trash and I want them gone but I also would like to know what I can replace it with . The narrow end goes in about 100 yds from where pic was taken . I would love a clear beatiful, healthy pond for my grand babies could go fishing anytime and catch feesh. Any help would be appreciated.
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